
When we nurture mothers, we nurture the whole family…


Pacific Post Partum Support Society has been supporting mothers and their families experiencing postpartum distress, depression and anxiety since 1971. Developed as a grass roots initiative, a small group of women began meeting at the Vancouver Crisis Line office to share their experiences and support each other around postpartum issues. This established the pattern for our treatment model: mothers supporting mothers. This was a new approach to addressing the issues of postpartum depression and one that has since influenced changes in postpartum support.

As a non-profit, charitable organization, Pacific Post Partum Support Society provides a variety of free or low-cost programs for mothers experiencing a difficult pregnancy or postpartum adjustment, including postpartum depression and anxiety (PPD/A). We offer a range of services, depending upon individual’s needs.

“I credit the PPPSS with saving my life, a bit of a dramatic claim, but true.”

Telephone Support

Experienced postpartum counsellors offer telephone counselling, postpartum support information and referrals to mothers and their families. Women may self-refer but many referrals also come from physicians and public health nurses. An initial intake call is a way for the client to connect with the counsellor and assess if our services are a fit for them. This might result in follow-up support based on the client’s needs. Our Society handles approximately 4,000 telephone calls annually. Our telephone support line for Metro Vancouver (Lower Mainland) is 604.255.7999 and our toll free for outside the Lower Mainland is 1.855.255.7999. Click here for current phone support hours.


Weekly Support Groups

We hold ongoing weekly mother’s support groups across the Lower Mainland.  We also have a pilot project offering an online support group for mothers who are unable to attend our in-person groups (next group’s dates to be announced).

Our support groups are led by trained facilitators and provide a safe place for mothers to connect with other mothers in a similar situation and receive valuable information and emotional support. The support groups are available during the day or in the evening, depending on the location. We offer free on-site childcare at our daytime groups. Our groups have a maximum capacity of eight mothers. Please contact us for more information regarding our group schedule and availability at 1.855.255.7999.

“During a phone call from PPPSS I began to feel that I could be myself without worrying that people might think I was crazy or weird. It was after that phone call that I started remembering that I could be myself.”

Support for Partners

Dads and same-sex partners experience a huge adjustment during pregnancy and the postpartum transition as well. We provide services to partners to assist them in dealing with these adjustments. We offer telephone and text message support as well as and Partner and Couple Information Sessions.

We have found that by supporting partners, the partner not only receives support for his/her postpartum adjustment, but that this also affects the mother’s recovery, as the partner’s understanding and support are paramount to her ability to get well.

For more information and support, please call our telephone support line at 604.255.7999 or toll-free at 1.855.255.7999. You can also visit our pages for dads and for supporters.  Click here for current phone support hours.

Publications and Resource Materials

You will find many helpful resources on this website.  The Journey is an enlightening and resourceful story of one woman’s experience with postpartum depression. The Journey includes links to videos of other mothers and fathers talking about their experiences with PPD/A and many helpful resources. You can also access all of the videos of parents sharing their stories here.

Over the past 40 years, our Society has developed its own print publications on postpartum support.

  • Postpartum Depression & Anxiety—A Self-Help Guide for Mothers
  • Group Facilitator Manual
  • Telephone Support Training Manual

For additional information and resources please click on Publications & Resources