The Wayback Machine -

Facebook Pay is an easy, secure way to pay in more places than ever

Image of racers in wheelchairs

Help Build Our Skatepark

Fundraiser by Eleanora


raised of


Progress bar


Image of a girl with a skateboard

Send money, shop or donate on the apps you already use.

Now check out quickly when shopping online.

Now available in the US

Speed through checkout with the Facebook Pay button.

Facebook Pay button

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Easy Checkout

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Facebook Pay button

When you tap the Facebook Pay button, it loads your saved payment, shipping, and contact information automatically, so you can check out quickly.

New to Facebook Pay? Add a payment method without leaving the checkout experience.

Facebook Pay on Facebook

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See it, buy it

Make purchases from your favorite brands available on Facebook Shops or buy unique items from the people in your community on Marketplace.

Show you care

When a fundraiser captures your attention, contribute to its success with Facebook Pay.

Share experiences

Purchase games and tickets to live events, and get access to entertainment on Facebook Watch.

Use Facebook Pay seamlessly between Facebook and Instagram

Add your preferred payment method just once on Facebook, then connect Facebook Pay to other apps you love.

Facebook Pay on Instagram

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Shop the latest

When a brand or creator posts something you love, buy it without leaving the Instagram app.

Show you care

Donation stickers can be used for fundraising within Instagram Stories. If you see a cause that speaks to you, contribute using Facebook Pay.

Facebook Pay on Messenger

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An example of a user's avatar. A woman smiling.

The beach trip was fun!

How much do I owe you for gas?

Hi! How about $15?

Cool, I can pay you here.




Send money while you chat

Transfer money to friends and family as easily as sending a message, with no fees and without interrupting your conversation.

Facebook Pay on Portal

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Purchase Portal products

Portal’s family of smart video calling devices can be purchased using Facebook Pay. Use Facebook Pay for a seamless checkout when you purchase Portal’s family of smart video calling devices.

Facebook Pay can help your business grow

Accept payments easily and quickly with Facebook Pay. Whether you're a global brand, a small business or an individual seller, Facebook Pay can help support your business.

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Couple standing in front of wardrobe.
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Image of a button up shirt