Kamala HarrisOvjeren akaunt


Fighting for the people. Wife, Momala, Auntie. She/her. Official account is .

Washington, DC
Vrijeme pridruživanja: travanj 2009.


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  1. prije 12 sati

    More than 193 million Americans are now fully vaccinated, children 5 and up are eligible to receive the vaccine, and the economy added more than half a million jobs in October. We are accelerating the path out of this pandemic.

  2. prije 15 sati

    The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will create millions of good jobs across the country. Jobs in red states, blue states, rural communities, small towns, and big cities. This is an investment in all of America.

  3. prije 17 sati

    The U.S. has added 5.6 million jobs since President took office. This recovery was sparked by the American Rescue Plan putting money directly in the hands of working families and launching one of the fastest mass vaccination campaigns ever.

  4. prije 18 sati

    The Build Back Better Better Framework will: — Create universal pre-K — Lower child care costs — Lower elder care costs — Bring down the costs of everyday essentials — Grow our economy And we’ll get it all done without adding a cent to the deficit.

  5. prije 22 sata

    So far, the Biden-Harris administration has: ✅ Passed the American Rescue Plan & the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal ✅ Increased vaccinations ✅ Helped Americans get back to work ✅ Safely reopened schools But there's still work ahead to keep delivering for all Americans.

  6. prije 24 sata

    A year ago, you chose hope and unity over fear and division. You chose as the next president of the United States of America and me as the next vice president. You believed in a better future, and ultimately, we won.

    Vice President Kamala Harris stands at a podium on Election Night, 2020. She wears a crisp white suit and is smiling at the crowd.
  7. 7. stu

    Our Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will lower costs for working families, modernize our ports, reduce supply chain bottlenecks, and ease inflationary pressures on the economy while creating millions of good jobs. America is getting back to work.

  8. 6. stu

    The pandemic is not yet behind us. But with this week’s announcement of vaccines for kids, 70% of American adults being vaccinated, and a growing economy, our plan to accelerate a path out of the pandemic is working.

  9. 6. stu

    This year, our economy has created 5.6 million jobs, unemployment is below 5%, we have a Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure, and the Build Back Better Framework is on the way. President is delivering for the American people.

  10. 6. stu

    Today’s students, parents, and workers rely on the internet to learn, grow, and get ahead. Our Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will make affordable high-speed internet available across the country.

  11. 6. stu

    The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will create millions of good jobs, help build our clean energy economy, and deliver clean water and high-speed broadband to communities across the country. It’s a win for all Americans.

  12. 6. stu

    Infrastructure Week. President delivers.

  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    6. stu

    I am urging all members to vote for both the rule for consideration of the Build Back Better Act and final passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill tonight. I am confident that during the week of November 15, the House will pass the Build Back Better Act.

  14. 5. stu

    Our economy created 531,000 jobs last month, exceeding expectations. We are making tremendous strides to build our country back better than before.

  15. 5. stu

    The Biden-Harris administration has secured enough vaccine supply for every child in America. Parents of children between the ages of 5-11 will be able to bring their child to one of tens of thousands of vaccine locations across the country.

  16. 5. stu

    The Biden-Harris administration will partner with the private sector to drive innovation in electric heat pumps and invest $127 million to speed up the development of large electric trucks.

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    5. stu

    Over 5.6 million jobs created. Under 5% unemployment. This is a significant improvement from when I took office, and a sign that we are on the right track.

  18. 4. stu

    The expanded Child Tax Credit is a real relief for so many working families and children. The Build Back Better Framework extends the expanded Child Tax Credit and ensures more than 35 million American families get the help they need.

  19. 4. stu

    Children between the ages of 5 and 11 are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. This is an enormous step forward in our fight to defeat this virus.

  20. 4. stu

    One of the most important issues before us now is voting rights. We must protect the right to vote at all costs.


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