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The Mackrell International ‘Connect the World Challenge’

The Mackrell International global, legal ‘family’ is coming together in 2021 to do something no legal network has done before – our lawyers from more than 100 law firms are going to ‘connect the world’, or at least, the two furthest points in our network, Vancouver and Auckland, to help look after the world’s children, in a small way.

Many of us can’t travel very far at the moment, but through a series of sponsored activities – run, bike, walk, bake, knit, paraglide, unicycle, space-hopper, keepie-uppies, singathons, we are going to connect our law firms, amass the many miles between the two points and raise money for charity.

Along the way, we will capture people’s unique stories, photos, videos and connecting efforts - highlighting a ‘connector’ of the week, spotlighting creativity, endurance and endeavour.

Our lawyers already do pro-bono work and our law firms have their own community CSR programmes, but this will show how united, connected and strong we are as a global network, the power of the collective to make a difference. As we always say around MI, we are stronger together.

Click here to find out more, get involved, create your own Connect the World story and make that difference…

Why Mackrell International?

A city skyline with a boat in the foreground

Our event schedule

The pandemic does not and cannot stop the Mackrell International ‘family’ from connecting.

The bonds that unite us personally, professionally and legally are strong – and we are resourceful, open-minded and flexible (the hallmark of mid-sized, independent law firms staffed with smart, vibrant people).

So for the time being, we’ve moved our meetings online and looked to connect more deeply and more broadly across the world and across the network than ever before.

Whether it’s through our blossoming Next Generation lawyer groups, our increasingly dynamic Practice Groups, our Managing Partner Forums, our collaborations with MGI Worldwide accountants or our vibrant Women’s Group we have something for you…

Our meetings, virtual or face to face, help our MI family to develop connections and friendships that will last, to build insight and mutual support (personally as well as professionally), to share ideas, discuss legal topics, constructively challenge each other and to find international business opportunities.

So keep an eye on our Event schedule page for a meeting you can participate in and engage with.

Why join Mackrell International - A Global Legal Network?

What’s the value and what do I really gain by joining a legal network like Mackrell International?

Hear it straight from MI member Maggie Baingana from Shield Associates in Rwanda below.

It’s the 21st Century, so if you had to sum it up in a #, it would probably be #strongertogether or #wearefamily