White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity through Historically Black Colleges and Universities

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The Initiative is dedicated to a Government-wide policymaking effort to eliminate barriers HBCUs face in providing the highest-quality education to a growing number of students.


Fact Sheet: The Biden-Harris Administration’s Historic Investments and Support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities



3 Primary Areas of Focus

3 Buckets of Work

The Initiative’s work is organized into 3 primary areas of focus:

  • Programs are embedded, ongoing and longer-term activities singularly owned by the Initiative that are generally singularly delivered by the Initiative, but can be collaboratively delivered with others.
  • Projects are finite-duration, discretionary actions, often outside the Initiative’s, federal agencies’ or private sector actors’ day-to-day organizational activities; they are designed to accelerate the desired performance in a targeted area. These short-term efforts are generally jointly owned and delivered by the Initiative with others and act as boosters to accelerate HBCU competitiveness.
  • Policies are influential actors’ written or oral expressions of important public objectives and priorities. These actors can be public sector (e.g., local, state and federal executive/ legislative/agency) or private sector (e.g., industry/philanthropy/education/advocacy).