Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice

Follow KQED's reporting on criminal justice issues.

A large stone building with a police car in front.

SF DA Charges Officer With Manslaughter in 2017 On-Duty Shooting of Sean Moore

The Supreme Court building, modeled on a classical Roman temple made of white marble with massive pillars and steps all around, is empty outside, with some cones blocking off the main entrance.

What the Recent Supreme Court Ruling in Favor of Police Officers Means for Qualified Immunity

A police officer in a black face covering leans against his car door as a man with two small kids stands on the other side of the car.

'Don't Take Our Kindness for Weakness': SFPD Unveils Strategy to Reduce Retail Shoplifting

The female sheriff, in a light brown uniform and wearing a mask, flanked by many staff members in the same outfit, stands at a podium inside.

Oversight Agency Probes Santa Clara County Sheriff Over an Internal Investigation That Was Shut Down

Some Santa Clara County Leaders Want the Sheriff Out

In the photo, Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith speaks during a press briefing.

'Horrific' Incidents in Jails Prompt Santa Clara County Supervisors' Call for Investigations of Sheriff

New State Funding Boosts Prosecutor-Led Resentencing Efforts in California

?On Our Watch’ Podcast Examines Shadow World of Police Misconduct

San Francisco's Hall of Justice, photographed in 2019. Sheriff Paul Miyamoto released a plan on March 10 to keep COVID-19 out of the city’s jails. Details include triage measures to assess arrestees for signs of infection and contingency plans should a positive case be detected.

San Francisco Jails Offer Small Monthly Allowance to Incarcerated People Who Don't Have Financial Support
