Für Schüler*innen, welche einen PC/Laptop benötigen, sowie Spender*innen von HW
Per gli alunni che hanno bisogno di un proprio pc/laptop e coloro che sono disposti a donare hw

Info: https://schoolswap.bz.it

Für Unterstützung bei Fragen zu GNU/Linux und Freier Software
Il nostro supporto sull’impiego di GNU/Linux e software libero

Mail an schoolswap@lugbz.org

SFSCon 2021 with the LUG’s 20th Anniversary Track

SFSCon logo

Please have a particular look at the LUG BZ’s 20th Anniversary side track on https://www.sfscon.it/programs/2021/ (just set the second filter to “LUGBZ track”) which takes place on Saturday, 13th November 2021.

For the mandatory registration process please consult: https://www.sfscon.it/ (pay attention, due to the pandemic situation physical places are strongly limited).