New! We're extending Cloud Storage dual-region buckets: read more in this article, and dive deeper in this 90-min webinar on Oct 6th.

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Cloud Storage

Object storage for companies of all sizes. Store any amount of data. Retrieve it as often as you’d like.

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    Start using Cloud Storage now with this Quickstart guide

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    Learn how customers are building global businesses on Cloud Storage

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    Explore the latest news, articles, and videos for Cloud Storage

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    Understand what it means to have 99.999999999% annual storage durability in this article

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    Take a peek into Google's own scalable storage system, built to power Google's products

Key features

Reliable and secure object storage

Transition to lower-cost classes easily

Configure your data with Object Lifecycle Management (OLM) to automatically transition to lower-cost storage classes when it meets the criteria you specify, such as when it reaches a certain age or when you’ve stored a newer version of the data.

Multiple redundancy options

Cloud Storage has an ever-growing list of storage bucket locations where you can store your data with multiple automatic redundancy options. Whether you are optimizing for split-second response time, or creating a robust disaster recovery plan, customize where and how you store your data.

Easily transfer data to Cloud Storage

Storage Transfer Service and Transfer Service for on-premises data offer two highly performant, online pathways to Cloud Storage—both with the scalability and speed you need to simplify the data transfer process. For offline data transfer our Transfer Appliance is a shippable storage server that sits in your datacenter and then ships to an ingest location where the data is uploaded to Cloud Storage. 

Storage classes for any workload

Save costs without sacrificing performance by storing data across different storage classes. You can start with a class that matches your current use, then reconfigure for cost savings.

Standard Storage: Good for “hot” data that’s accessed frequently, including websites, streaming videos, and mobile apps.

Nearline Storage: Low cost. Good for data that can be stored for at least 30 days, including data backup and long-tail multimedia content.

Coldline Storage: Very low cost. Good for data that can be stored for at least 90 days, including disaster recovery.

Archive Storage: Lowest cost. Good for data that can be stored for at least 365 days, including regulatory archives.

View all features



Storage Quickstart

In this console-based tutorial, we'll show you how easy it is to start storing objects in Cloud Storage. 

Using the Console

Learn the fundamentals of buckets and storing your data and interact with Cloud Storage through the Google Cloud Console.

Using the gsutil tool

Learn the fundamentals of buckets and storing your data and interact with Cloud Storage through the command-line tool, gsutil.

Baseline: Infrastructure

Get hands-on experience with Cloud Storage and other key application services with this Qwiklabs Quest.

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

A one-day instructor-led Qwiklabs class providing an overview of Google Cloud products and services.

APIs & Libraries
Cloud Storage client libraries

Client libraries enable you to interact with Cloud Storage using popular programming languages.

APIs & Libraries
Cloud Storage resources

Find information on pricing, public datasets, third-party software, and more.

APIs & Libraries
Explore what you can build on Google Cloud

Find Google Cloud technical resource guides on how to use Cloud Storage for developers and enterprises.

Use cases

Use cases

Use case
Integrated repository for analytics and ML

The highest level of availability and performance within a single region is ideal for compute, analytics, and machine learning workloads in a particular region. Cloud Storage is also strongly consistent, giving you confidence and accuracy in analytics workloads.

Reference architecture showing stages of Ingest, Analyze, and Serve with workflows for Real time and Batch
Use case
Media content storage and delivery

Geo-redundant storage with the highest level of availability and performance is ideal for low-latency, high-QPS content serving to users distributed across geographic regions. Cloud Storage provides the availability and throughput needed to stream audio or video directly to apps or websites.

Reference architecture. Application transcoding with Compute Engine with double-headed arrow to Media files. Ingest bulk batch load also points to Media files with Cloud Storage. These split to Delivery network Cloud CDN and Delivery Network CDN partners Fastly and Highwinds media streaming.
Use case
Backups and archives

Cloud Storage provides fast, low-cost, highly durable storage for data accessed less than once a month. Perfect for reducing the cost of backups and archives while still retaining immediate access. Backup data in Cloud Storage can be used for more than just recovery because all storage classes have ms latency and are accessed through a single API.

Reference architecture. Three stacked boxes point to a box labeled Archive, Backup, Disaster Recovery with Cloud Storage. The top box is labeled On-premises data sources, ingest data to cloud with partner logos Aspera and Iron Mountain. The middle box is labeled On-premises cold storage, backup and disaster recovery with partner logos Veeam, Veritas, Infrascale, Cohesity, Sureline, Actifio, StorReduce, Unitrends, Mirantis, CloudEndure, Retrospect, and MSP360. The bottom box is labeled On-premises data sources, archive data to cloud with partner logos NetApp, Synology, EMC squared, Komprise, Panzura, Cloudian, Verily, and SwiftStack.

All features

All features

Turbo Replication An industry-leading premium feature that delivers a 15-min Replication Point Objective (RPO) for customers using dual-region storage. When enabled, 100% of writes are replicated to another region within 15 minutes. Learn more.
Object Lifecycle Management Define conditions that trigger data deletion or transition to a cheaper storage class.
Object Versioning Continue to store old copies of objects when they are deleted or overwritten.
Retention policies Define minimum retention periods that objects must be stored for before they’re deletable.
Object holds Place a hold on an object to prevent its deletion.
Customer-managed encryption keys Encrypt object data with encryption keys stored by the Cloud Key Management Service and managed by you.
Customer-supplied encryption keys Encrypt object data with encryption keys created and managed by you.
Uniform bucket-level access Uniformly control access to your Cloud Storage resources by disabling object ACLs.
Requester Pays Require accessors of your data to include a project ID to bill for network charges, operation charges, and retrieval fees.
Bucket Lock Bucket Lock allows you to configure a data retention policy for a Cloud Storage bucket that governs how long objects in the bucket must be retained.
Pub/Sub notifications for Cloud Storage Send notifications to Pub/Sub when objects are created, updated, or deleted.
Cloud Audit Logs with Cloud Storage Maintain admin activity logs and data access logs for your Cloud Storage resources.
Object- and bucket-level permissions Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to control who has access to your buckets and objects.


Cloud Storage pricing

Pricing for Cloud Storage services is based on what you use, including the amount of data you store, the duration for which you store it, the number of operations you perform on your data, and the network resources used when moving or accessing your data. For “cold” storage classes meant to store long-term, infrequently accessed data, there are also charges for retrieving data and early deletion of data.

To get a custom pricing quote, connect with a sales representative.

Standard Storage Nearline Storage Coldline Storage Archive Storage
starting at $.02 per GB per month starting at $.01 per GB per month starting at $.004 per GB per month starting at $.0012 per GB per month

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Google Cloud SKUs apply.



Google Cloud partners integrate their industry-leading tools with Cloud Storage for enhanced support with everything from security and data transfer, to data backup and archive.