November 3, 2021

Volume XI, Number 307


Casey Lide

Casey Lide represents clients on a broad range of communications matters including telecommunications, cable television, broadband Internet access service, wireless communications, right-of-way management, pole and conduit attachments, and barriers to community broadband initiatives.

Casey counsels public- and private-sector clients on contract drafting and negotiation matters, including fiber optic IRUs and leases, easements, franchises, attachment agreements, ISP service agreements, interconnection and collocation agreements, strategic MoUs and others.   

He collaborates with multi-disciplinary teams of legal, financial, engineering, and other technical experts, assisting government entity and utility clients in making comprehensive telecommunications and cable plans, developing state-of-the-art communications systems, and complying with state and federal communications regulations and entry requirements.

Prior to joining Keller and Heckman, Casey was in private practice at a boutique Washington, DC telecommunications law firm and held policy-oriented positions with communications and internet research organizations and non-profits, as well as with an internet security and identity management company.

Representative Matters

  • Successfully negotiated and drafted contracts for a landmark fiber development partnership involving a fiber overbuilder and a medium-sized city.
  • Assisted a southeastern U.S. electric cooperative with various compliance matters involving its fiber broadband service, including complex questions relating to the federal universal service program.
  • Developed small cell wireless siting ordinances and related agreements for multiple local governments nationwide.
  • Advised a fiber broadband service provider as to federal compliance issues relating to its acquisition of an existing CLEC in multiple states.
  • Prepared a new telecommunications franchising ordinance for a large southern U.S. city, and advised the city during negotiations with various service providers.

Articles in the National Law Review database by Casey Lide
