Iodine Global Network (IGN)

Latest Blog Editions

Stories from the frontline of our work araound the world to eliminate iodine deficiency and achive optimal iodine nutrition.

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Latest Blog Posts

20. October 2021
October 2021 Today is Global IDD Prevention Day, celebrated each year to raise...
30. August 2021
August 2021 The fight to protect children’s brains by adding iodine to...
03. June 2021
June 2021 Estimates suggest that up to 50% of infants in Europe are at risk of being...

Global iodine status

About IGN

Annual Report
New IGN leaflet

The IDD Newsletter

The IDD Newsletter is distributed to e-mail subscribers and published on this website. The IDD Newsletter is published quarterly by the Iodine Global Network.

Do you want to work with IGN?

We are hiring a Regional Coordinator for South East Asia and Pacific. Read the terms of reference hereAchtung Link öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster and contact us at

New: Program guidance

The use of iodized salt in processed foods is becoming increasingly important as diets change and people consume less household salt. The guidance helps countries to assess the contribution of iodized salt in processed foods to population iodine status, and whether action is needed to achieve or sustain this.

Latest News

16. June 2021

Bangladesh parliament passes new legislation on salt iodization

Under the proposed law, a 14-member national salt committee -- with the industries secretary as its chairman -- will be...

15. February 2021

Journal of Nutrition supplement released

The Double-Fortified Salt (Iodized Salt with Iron) Consultation: A Process for Developing Evidence-Based Consideration...


Estimating the Impact of USI Programs on Clinical IDD
Push to increase the supply and availability of iodized salt in the UK. A joint initiative of British Salt, British Thyroid Foundation, UK Iodine Group and the Iodine Global Network.
Guidance on the Monitoring of Salt Iodization Programmes and Determination of Population Iodine Status.