Da das Internet zu einem Katalysator für Betrüger geworden ist, die ihre Opfer mit dem Vorteil der Anonymität ausnutzen, müssen die Menschen extrem vorsichtig sein, um den Fallen dieser Cyberkriminellen zu entgehen. Wir wissen, dass Sie alle darüber nachdenken, ob das Internet und der Online-Finanzmarkt zu einer gefährlichen Bedrohung für die Gesellschaft geworden sind. Die Antwort darauf ist – NEIN, es gibt zwar eine Bedrohung durch Betrüger, aber diese sind mit Hilfe einiger Tipps vermeidbar. Es gibt nur zwei Gründe, warum Sie diesen Crypto Bank-Betrugsbericht lesen. Entweder sind Sie von diesem Unternehmen betrogen worden oder Sie freuen sich auf eine Investition, haben aber von diesem Crypto Bank-Betrug gehört. Bei der Anmeldung für ein Konto bei einer Handelsplattform investieren die Kunden ihr gesamtes Geld und ihr Vertrauen in die Brokerfirma. Daher ist es für einen Händler wirklich wichtig, gründliche Nachforschungen anzustellen, bevor er sich bei einer Maklerfirma anmeldet.

Mit Hilfe unserer Gruppe von erfahrenen Händlern und Forschungsspezialisten bei ReportScam haben wir eine vollständige Recherche über Crypto Bank durchgeführt. Wir haben nicht nur verschiedenen Opfern des Crypto Bank-Betrugs geholfen, indem wir ihnen eine praktikable Lösung angeboten haben, um ihr Geld zurückzubekommen, sondern haben auch viele unserer Leser davon abgehalten, in Crypto Bank zu investieren. Lesen Sie weiter, um zu erfahren, wie der Crypto Bank-Betrug funktioniert und wie Sie ihn vermeiden können.

Über Crypto Bank Betrug:

Da es verschiedene problematische Themen über Crypto Bank gibt, werden wir in dieser Überprüfung jedes der Probleme besuchen, die dieser Betrugsmakler haben kann. Einige der wichtigsten Dinge, auf die Sie achten sollten, während Sie sich darauf freuen, in eine Brokerfirma zu investieren, sind, dass

Das Unternehmen muss über eine von einer Aufsichtsbehörde ausgestellte Lizenz verfügen,

das Unternehmen muss einen niedrigeren Hebelsatz und Spread anbieten,

das Unternehmen muss sich an die Regeln der Aufsichtsbehörde halten, unter der es tätig ist, usw.

Einige der roten Fahnen, die Crypto Bank haben kann:

Crypto Bank Regulierung und Besitz einer Lizenz:
Die meisten Länder ernennen eine Regulierungsbehörde, die sich um die Sicherheit ihrer Bürger vor Broker-Betrug kümmert. Diese Aufsichtsbehörden führen eine Reihe von Tests durch, die jedes in ihrem Land tätige Maklerunternehmen durchlaufen muss. Auf der Grundlage dieser Tests erhalten diese Maklerfirmen dann von den Aufsichtsbehörden eine Lizenz, die ihnen die rechtliche Erlaubnis gibt, in diesem Land tätig zu sein. Der Grund, warum wir die Brokerfirmen mit einer Lizenz hervorheben, ist, dass die Lizenz das Unternehmen an bestimmte Regeln im Interesse des Händlers bindet, wie z. B. eine sehr niedrige oder gar keine Mindesteinlage, eine niedrige Hebelwirkung, wodurch die Chance, dass der Händler verliert, verringert wird, eine Entschädigungsregelung im Falle eines Streits oder eines großen Verlusts usw. Wenn Ihr Broker keine Lizenz hat, ist es fast so, als würden Sie Ihr hart verdientes Geld einem Räuber überlassen.

Um eine Lizenz zu erhalten, gehen diese Betrugsmakler bis an die Grenzen ihrer Möglichkeiten. Das Hauptbeispiel für diesen Fall ist, wenn sich die Betrugsmakler für eine Lizenz in einer Offshore-Zone anmelden. Die Orte, die unter die Kategorie der Offshore-Zonen fallen, haben keine Regulierungsbehörde, die die dort registrierten Maklerfirmen überwacht. Daher ist es für einen Betrugsmakler so einfach, eine Lizenz in einer Offshore-Zone zu beantragen, wie ein Omelett zum Frühstück zu machen. Wenn Crypto Bank also keine gültige, von einer der großen Aufsichtsbehörden ausgestellte Lizenz besitzt, ist es klar, dass es sich bei dem Unternehmen um Betrug handelt.


01. März 2021 · Kommentieren · Kategorien: Bitcoin

La BlockDown Conference è pronta per celebrare il suo primo anniversario con il suo evento più ambizioso fino ad oggi, dal 15 al 16 aprile. BlockDown 4.0 sarà un raduno delle più grandi menti nel campo delle criptovalute, che celebrerà il mercato rialzista del 2021 con keynote, panel e molto altro.

I partecipanti sperimenteranno nuovi modi interattivi e innovativi per ottenere NFT esclusivi, accedere a domande e risposte private nel backstage e discussioni e unirsi virtualmente ai nomi più importanti del settore mentre discutono i loro ultimi pensieri e previsioni sull’ecosistema crittografico:

Akon – Fondatore di Akoin
Francis Xavier Suarez – Sindaco di Miami
Sergey Nazarov – Co-fondatore di Chainlink

Ulteriori relatori saranno annunciati nelle prossime settimane

Durante l’evento saranno in palio NFT in edizione speciale, con gli utenti che interagiscono maggiormente sulla piattaforma di streaming Theta.TV selezionati per premi entusiasmanti. I lanci di NFT dai progetti dei partner si svolgeranno a intervalli casuali durante la conferenza di due giorni, consentendo al pubblico di godere di token limitati disponibili solo su Crypto Engine.

Gli organizzatori di eventi EAK Digital, un’agenzia di marketing blockchain , utilizzeranno l’ultima piattaforma di social media per conquistare il mondo: Clubhouse. Questa piattaforma audio solo su invito ospiterà un’agenda segreta di due giorni con relatori ospiti ed esperti di crittografia che intervengono per discutere i loro pensieri e condividere discussioni in un informale „BlockDown Backstage“.

Ci saranno anche esclusivi eventi collaterali a tavole rotonde, ospitati da progetti che cercano di condividere di più sui loro sviluppi con una comunità impegnata

E quale modo migliore per abbracciare il mercato rialzista e aggiungere un tocco di umorismo durante questi tempi difficili, se non presentando la nuovissima mascotte di BlockDown: Brian The BlockDown Bull? Durante la fase di preparazione dell’evento, Brian sarà al timone della promozione sui social media, mentre viaggia nell’universo crittografico, condividendo le sue parole di saggezza, intuizioni e pensieri con la comunità di BlockDown.

Come parte delle celebrazioni del primo compleanno della conferenza; BlockDown 4.0 vedrà il ritorno delle bellissime illustrazioni dal vivo che sono state un momento clou della prima edizione. Verrà creata un’illustrazione dal vivo per ogni oratore principale mentre salgono sul palco virtuale, garantendo un bello e condivisibile asporto per i partecipanti.

I primi quattro eventi virtuali di BlockDown, inclusa un’edizione incentrata su LATAM, sono stati seguiti da un pubblico globale di oltre 30.000 persone; con un’altra forte affluenza prevista per questa incredibile schiera di ospiti.

Gli organizzatori EAK Digital hanno messo in fila rappresentanti dei media di alcune delle pubblicazioni più famose del mondo blockchain, business e fintech, tra cui Bloomberg e Forbes, per aiutare a moderare e partecipare ai dibattiti. L’intero evento sarà anche trasmesso in live streaming sui principali siti di notizie crittografiche, tra cui: Cryptoslate, NewsBTC, Bitcoinist, CriptoNoticias, THETA.tv e Cryptonews.

Erhan Korhaliller, fondatore e CEO di EAK Digital, ha lanciato la BlockDown Conference nell’aprile 2020 in seguito al rinvio di un altro degli eventi dell’agenzia di marketing blockchain, Istanbul Blockchain Week, a causa della crisi internazionale del Covid-19.

La monnaie de Binance ne figurait pas parmi les dix premières cryptocurrences au début de 2021. Mais après quelques coups de pompe, le jeton qui soutient l’une des plus grandes bourses de cryptologie du monde, la Binance, est maintenant la troisième plus importante, ne se classant qu’après Bitcoin Circuit et Ethereum avec une capitalisation boursière de 41,89 milliards de dollars.

Dans la semaine qui s’est terminée le 21 février, le taux de change BNB/USD a déjà fait un bond de 100 %. Vendredi, la paire a établi un nouveau record à 283,39 dollars, dans un rallye des prix qui rappelle quelque peu la manie d’achat d’actions GameStop soutenue par Redditor en janvier 2021.

Mais contrairement à l’action des jeux vidéo, qui a été menée par la mafia et qui voulait nuire aux fonds spéculatifs, le rallye de Binance Coin a fait suite à une poignée de nouvelles optimistes. Au début, son rôle croissant en tant que jeton de service – une sorte de monnaie privée interne – dans la bourse de Binance et dans nombre de ses entreprises semblait avoir attiré les traders en masse.

Rétrospectivement, les utilisateurs peuvent payer BNB comme frais de transaction sur le Binance Exchange. Ils peuvent également utiliser le jeton pour participer à la vente de jetons hébergés par le Binance Launchpad. Et surtout, BNB alimente également la nouvelle bourse décentralisée de Binance, une plateforme qui ne nécessite pas d’autorité centrale pour mener des opérations liées au commerce, y compris la garde des titres.


Un rapport de l’Université de Cambridge publié l’année dernière a montré une croissance de 200 % des utilisateurs de la cryptographie depuis 2018.

Il a noté que plus de 101 millions d’utilisateurs se sont inscrits auprès de fournisseurs de services de cryptologie monétaire, comme Binance, au cours du troisième trimestre 2020. Compte tenu du récent boom institutionnel, mené par MicroStrategy et l’investissement de plusieurs milliards de dollars de Tesla dans le marché des bitcoins, les analystes s’attendent à ce que la courbe d’adoption de la cryptographie ne fasse que croître dans les prochains jours.

„Tesla acceptera également Bitcoin comme paiement, et l’engagement audacieux d’Elon à accélérer l’adoption de Bitcoin va probablement générer encore plus d’adeptes“, ont noté les analystes de Weiss Crypto Ratings. „L’aval de l’homme le plus riche du monde devrait se révéler extrêmement percutant pour l’avenir“.

Avec l’adoption croissante, des bourses comme Binance s’attendent à attirer plus d’utilisateurs, ce qui, à son tour, pourrait augmenter la demande pour ses jetons BNB. En attendant, une forte évolution vers la finance décentralisée et la présence de Binance dans ledit secteur signifierait une croissance supplémentaire pour son jeton natif.

Jusqu’à présent, les commerçants parient énormément sur un tel résultat.


Les pièces de monnaie de Binance se négocient sous le risque de corrections massives des prix, selon les lectures de son indicateur de force relative sur les graphiques à plus grande échelle de temps. Un coup d’œil dans l’indicateur de momentum montre que la BNB/USD est un instrument suracheté, ce qui signifie qu’elle devra tôt ou tard être neutralisée par les baissiers.

Néanmoins, l’euphorie qui règne dans l’ensemble du secteur des cryptocurrences, avec en tête l’adoption croissante de Bitcoin à Wall Street, ne se soucie guère de ce que dit un indicateur technique. La seule question qui se pose est de savoir si la monnaie phare de la cryptologie pourrait se maintenir à de nouveaux sommets. Si ce n’est pas le cas, sa correction de prix pourrait entraîner des problèmes pour le reste du marché de la cryptographie, tout comme elle l’a fait en 2018.

Un gestor de activos de 8 billones de dólares se fija en el Bitcoin

Parece que todas las grandes empresas están interesadas en el bitcoin en este momento. PayPal se unió a CashApp para abrazar las transacciones de criptomonedas allá por 2020 y Mastercard recientemente hizo el anuncio de que permitiría las transacciones de Bitcoin Storm activos digitales utilizando su plataforma. Incluso Tesla entró en acción invirtiendo 1.500 millones de dólares en bitcoin y se predijo que ese movimiento provocaría aún más inversiones en bitcoin por parte de otras empresas y particulares.

Ahora, el director de inversiones de BlackRock, Rick Rieder, ha confirmado que la empresa, que es la mayor gestora de activos del mundo, está incursionando en las inversiones en bitcoin.

BlackRock se interesa por el Bitcoin

Según el relato de Rieder, esta incursión en el bitcoin se debe a que el mercado está preparado para la introducción de nuevos actores.

„Hemos empezado a incursionar un poco en él. Mi sensación es que la tecnología ha evolucionado y la normativa ha evolucionado hasta el punto de que varias personas consideran que debe formar parte de la cartera“, dijo. Cabe destacar que cada vez más países han puesto en marcha normativas relativas a los impuestos sobre las criptomonedas, la prevención de delitos y la regularización del sector. Naturalmente, esto ha contribuido en gran medida a fomentar nuevas inversiones en criptografía.

Rieder también señaló que invertir en criptoactivos es muy sensato en este momento porque muchos activos tradicionales ya no son tan atractivos para los inversores. Aunque no dijo en qué criptoactivo concreto se debería invertir, el bitcoin, en particular, ha tenido una impresionante remontada en el último año.


Después de deslizarse a alrededor de 3.000 dólares cuando la pandemia estalló por primera vez en 2020, el precio ha superado los 50.000 dólares a partir de febrero de 2021. Rieder, sin embargo, recomienda invertir en función de cómo sea la cartera actual de cada uno.

Sin embargo, esta noticia se ha hecho esperar. En su presentación ante la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores a principios de este año, se dio a entender que los derivados de bitcoin se añadirían a dos fondos bajo la gestión de BlackRock: BlackRock Global Allcoation Fund, Inc. y BlackRock Funds V.

Destacados miembros de la dirección de BlackRock también han hablado positivamente sobre el bitcoin en el pasado y Rieder también ha elogiado el activo digital, dando a entender que podría superar al oro.

„¿Creo que es un mecanismo duradero que, ya sabes, que creo que podría tomar el lugar del oro en gran medida? Sí, lo creo, porque es mucho más funcional que pasar un lingote de oro“, dijo en noviembre de 2020.

A new lawsuit has just been added to the three that have already been brought against the Ripple company. Communications from the company remain largely positive, however, and the watchword is trust. Will this be enough?

Ripple facing a new trial

Ripple’s new trial is from Florida. Investor Tyler Toomey is seeking justice for reasons similar to those put forward by other plaintiffs who accuse Ripple at this time. The official document explains as follows:

„[Ripple] has sold millions of dollars (or more) of XRP tokens, which are securities according to the laws of Florida , from Florida investors, without saving as such s the authorities. “

The man accuses Ripple of having sold XRP in a massive way to continue to be profitable:

“The majority of Ripple’s revenue comes from XRP sales (over $ 1 billion) and Ripple has relied on those sales to fund its operations. “

In addition, Brad Garlinghouse is appointed directly. He is also accused of having encouraged investors to buy XRP, while he himself was making a fortune by selling his assets . According to the prosecution, he would have deliberately manipulated the price on several occasions:

“Between April 2017 and December 2019, Brad Garlinghouse also paused his sales of XRP because the price was dropping, trying not to push the market price down further. “

In the west, nothing is new

Nothing new therefore for this trial, which is in line with the other accusations against Ripple. Bradley Sostack sued the company for similar reasons in 2018. Since then, the SEC has dealt the biggest blow to the company , last December. It had triggered a wave of delisting for XRP. More recently, Tetragon had also attacked Ripple , wanting to buy back its shares in the company.

Brad Garlinghouse was however reassuring in an official communication published in recent days. Drawing a generally positive result for the year 2020, he recalls that the company has landed 15 new clients since the SEC trial , a sign that Ripple continues to be attractive:

“Client interest around the world remains very high – the team continues to get 2 new clients per week, in over 40 countries. “

XRP that does not rise

It is true that the strength of Ripple, whose XRP has long been the third most important cryptocurrency in terms of capitalization, prevents it from diving too deep. But will it last?

Since the announcement of the SEC, the active Ripple has lost – 50% of its value . XRP is worth $ 0.26 this morning, and the cryptocurrency’s market cap, at $ 12 billion, is now more widely surpassed than Polkadot’s DOT, at $ 15 billion. The coming months are therefore going to be particularly crucial for Ripple and XRP.

Nu Bitcoin een nieuwe recordhoogte van meer dan $28.500 bereikt, verwachten analisten dat het begin 2021 zijn hoogtepunt zal bereiken en dat de retailspelers dus de kans krijgen om op een lager niveau te kopen.

Bitcoin (BTC) vertoont op dit moment geen tekenen van rust en blijft elke dag nieuwe mijlpalen bereiken naarmate we dichter bij 2021 komen. De Bitcoin-prijs (BTC) is net voorbij de $28.500 gekomen en raakt zijn nieuwe recordhoogte. Met deze stap voegde BTC bijna $2000 toe aan zijn prijs in slechts 24 uur.

De laatste Bitcoin (BTC) prijsrally komt op de achtergrond van de stijgende institutionele deelname aan de markt. Echter, Bitcoin (BTC) heeft zich snel teruggetrokken van de hoogtepunten, en op het moment van schrijven handelt het op $27.763 met een marktkapitalisatie van $515 miljard.

Hiermee heeft BTC de langste winning streak van de maand in meer dan een jaar tijd geregistreerd. Maar na een tot nu toe ongekende rally in december 2020 kan Bitcoin mogelijk een piek bereiken in het begin van 2021. Sprekend met CNBC’s Trading Nation op maandag, zei Mark Newton, oprichter en voorzitter van Newton Advisors:

„Het is nog steeds behoorlijk bullish op middellange termijn, gezien het feit dat het net is uitgebroken tot nieuwe hoogtepunten. Ik denk dat we een manier hebben om te gaan. Op korte termijn, laat mijn fietscompositie ons een piek zien in het begin van januari.“

Newton voegt daar nog aan toe dat BTC’s RSI-niveau’s en de wekelijkse grafiek een stijgende institutionele interesse in de cryptocrisis laten zien. Hoewel de Google-zoekopdrachten naar Bitcoin 750% jaar na jaar zijn gestegen, zijn ze „nergens“ in de buurt van 2017.

De analisten merkten ook op:

Met SPAC’s op dit moment, kun je geld verdienen met 10, 15, 20% per dag. Ik denk gewoon niet dat beleggers heel erg trek hebben in crypto, terwijl de instellingen zeker heel erg die kant op gaan“.

Bitcoin (BTC) Prijsbeweging Nu en in 2021 Gebaseerd op historische trends

Om de verdere prijsactie van BTC te bepalen, verwijst Newton naar verschillende Bitcoin-cycli op basis van historische patronen. Hij wijst op mogelijke dips in het vooruitzicht, wat de retailspelers de mogelijkheid biedt om op een lager niveau te kopen.

„Al die jaren waarin we een stellaire Q4 hadden, hebben we eind december, begin januari de trend omgedraaid en zijn we zelfs lager gegaan“, zei hij. „Dus, ik denk dat er enige gelegenheid zal zijn [voor] beleggers om dips te kunnen kopen in crypto en bitcoin in het bijzonder.“

Hoewel hij al lang op BTC, ETH en LTC zit, zei Newton dat hij zijn positie in de komende twee weken zou kunnen uitverkopen. Newton voegde er echter ook aan toe dat wanneer men in Bitcoin handelt, men voorbereid moet zijn op een enorme volatiliteit. Er is dus alle kans dat het zelfs tot 50.000 dollar niveau’s kan gaan.

Veel analisten hebben voorspeld dat de Bitcoin (BTC) rally de komende dagen zal afkoelen. Sommige analisten hebben echter ook opgemerkt dat als er geld uit de Bitcoin (BTC) komt, Ethereum (ETH) er het meest van zal profiteren. Sommige analisten hebben ook gezegd dat 2021 bullish zal blijven voor ETH omdat het het komende jaar een grote institutionele instroom zal aantrekken.

Strange things often happen in the crypto world: here are the most incredible episodes that happened during 2020!

Every self-respecting industry, group and clique has its weird characters, and cryptocurrencies are no exception.

Considering that cryptos are the so-called „native“ currency of the internet, the repository of the sum of human knowledge and eccentricities contained therein, the sector has always by Bitcoin Formula welcomed initiatives and personalities that are perhaps even stranger than the more established and traditional businesses.

Outside of the inherently bizarre nature of cryptography, 2020 has been a decidedly offbeat year. Existing socio-economic problems in countries around the world have been exacerbated by the emergence of the new coronavirus and the subsequent reactions of governments.

Bolivia and Kyrgyzstan were subject to political upheaval, while the US presidential election raised more doubts about the country’s future than certainties about a peaceful transition of power.

Kanye West’s fashion brand received $5 million in coronavirus aid that was meant for small businesses. Hackers hacked into calls on Zoom. For a brief period, Tiger King was an obsession. A group of out-of-tune celebrities sang „Imagine“ and it was absolutely horrible.

The list of weird and bad things goes on

The 2020 crypto world has been no exception, with its fair share of eccentric billionaires, foul-ups, power grabs and borderline attitudes. So as we say sayonara to 2020, let’s take a look at some of the industry’s strangest moments that happened this year.

Over the past year, there have been major strides in cryptocurrency adoption. Large financial companies have entered Bitcoin (BTC), with substantial allocations and investments from banks and mutual funds as well.

As cryptos are becoming an increasingly popular financial instrument, they have attracted the admiration and ire of those in the halls of power. Supporters have achieved regulatory approval, while suspicious politicians around the world have tried to suppress the phenomenon.

It should therefore come as no surprise that many well-known members of the community have tried to influence the formation of new legislation on digital currencies. Only a few, however, have tried to do so in their capacity as President of the United States of America.

American computer scientist and well-known eccentric John McAfee announced in 2018 that he was running for the White House as a ‚crypto candidate‘. However, things got even more interesting when he started running his campaign from abroad, as he supposedly escaped capture by US authorities, who were pursuing him due to tax issues:

„I have finally chosen my Libertarian campaign manager for 2020: @Loggiaonfire, Intelligence Coordinator of my 2016 race, had already been instrumental four years ago. Rob is a loyal friend, an appreciator of truth and a true warrior.“

I have finally chosen a campaign manager for my 2020 Libertarian Presidential run:

@Loggiaonfire – the Intelligence Co-ordinator for my 2016 POTUS run, was instrumental in placing me on the 2016 National Stage. Rob is a loyal friend, a seeker of truth, and a constant warrior. pic.twitter.com/LmV9l3uMQu
– John McAfee (@officialmcafee) October 3, 2018

McAfee has often stated that he only ran for president to raise awareness about cryptocurrency, and did not expect to win.

In May 2020, McAfee threw in the towel, instead running for vice president, as the Libertarian Party allows the vice president to run separately.

Brock Pierce, a former child actor and crypto venture capitalist, jumped into the presidential race relatively late in the summer of 2020.

Co-founder of Block.one, the organisation that created EOS, Pierce was featured on Last Week Tonight, a programme hosted by British comedian John Oliver, who poked fun at his eccentric spiritual vision for EOS and his unicorn-themed wedding, held during the legendary US festival Burning Man.

This prominent author reasons why Bitcoin will soon be heading toward the $50,000 range

American businessman and best-selling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki, took to Twitter today to state that the oldest and leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin as well as precious metals a Crypto Bank such as gold and silver, had a “bright future.” He also explained why he thought Bitcoin will soon be heading toward the $50,000 range in the next year.

According to Robert Kiyosaki, a “wall of institutional money” is coming to Bitcoin in 2021, which could cause another major surge in Bitcoin prices. Admitting that he owned an undisclosed amount of Bitcoin, Robert Kiyosaki said in a tweet:

Glad I bought Bitcoin. Next stop $50 k. Wall of institutional money coming 2021.

Besides investing in Bitcoin, Robert Kiyosaki operates other external business ventures and investments. He also founded the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education firm. He has invested in real estate as well as precious metals and has thought them to be stores of value.

If you missed Bitcoin, buy silver. Silver set to move due to AOC’s Green New Deal. America in trouble.

Future bright for gold, silver, Bitcoin, and entrepreneurs

Robert Kiyosaki further noted that users could invest in Bitcoin, while BTC prices were below $20,000, as $50,000 is the next target and said:

As Asian and US markets retreated this year, Bitcoin continued to rally, as one market analyst at Welt, Holger Zschaepitz, said:

Asian stock retreated w/European and US Futures after a mixed Wall St session, amid caution over econ risks from virus-related curbs and ongoing US fiscal stimulus talks. Bonds gain w/US 10y yields [are less than] 0.9%. Dollar steady w/Euro at $1.2153. Gold rises to $1839. Bitcoin at $19.1k.

Recently, American politician, Cynthia Lummis noted that Bitcoin was vital in the event when the US authorities begin printing more cash to overcome the pandemic-related crisis. Gemini’s co-founders, Winklevoss twins think Bitcoin will gain 25 times its current value as more global investors adopt the leading crypto especially as a hedge against inflation.

In a Bitcoin bull rally, you should not pay attention to alternative coins. This was stated by Andrei Veliky, Director of Business Development at paytomat.com during the online conference „Bitcoin 2020: New Horizons“ on YouTube channel ForkLog.

Buying altokoin only makes sense during the sideways movement of the first cryptovolta, he believes:

„If Bitcoin is walking in a corridor, then altokhoins make it possible to multiply the amount of bitcoin,“ the expert said.

The great defines the role of altokhoins categorically: they are needed so that their holder does not become rich.

„Alternative coins give big and fast icks. Bitcoin will not shoot 10 times a day. That’s why altocoins are needed for quick earning or for a quick loss of money – it’s lucky to have them here“.

Before investing in any coin, the expert advises to assess what is going on in her team. Bitcoin is as decentralised as possible, it has communities, developers, holders and miners, each of which has its own interests. And the less decentralised it is, the more problems it faces:

„I once got interested in a seemingly promising coin. However, at one of the crypt-currency conferences, I met a fundraiser for this project and it was stoned. I lost 99.99% of my investment on this coin,“ the Great shared the story.

Before investing in altocoin, the user has to figure out which exchange will add the coin to the listing and for what money, and what happens if the coin is drained.

„If the exchange goes down, it’s a big bargaining chip in favour of Bitcoin, you won’t go out with altskoins. The alts won’t grow back and could be rolled to zero, Bitcoin is not likely to do so,“ says the Great.

According to the expert, alto coins are needed because from time to time they bring in new technologies and come up with consensus algorithms. Each of them has its own vector of industry development, which can potentially be used by the bitcoin development team:

„That’s why we have alts in cryptographic software so that the bitcoin doesn’t take a nap“.

Andrei the Great advises beginners not to pry into margin trading and the obvious benches and not to buy coins that are not in the top CoinMarketCap:

„Invest in altocoins dosed against the total portfolio. If you see the alto team as living adequate people who can tell you about their business model, that is an absolute plus.

Earlier, independent analyst Maxim Onegin stated that walking through all the forks of the bitcoin would counter the threat of a quantum computer.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Bitcoin’s uninterrupted rally has increased the likelihood of a major pullback, according to independent analyst Vince Prince.

The TradingView.com author writes that there is a 35 percent probability that the Bitcoin price will fall soon. He cites a textbook technical indicator that predicts downward reversal patterns.

The pattern known as „head and shoulder“ appears during the upward trend of an asset. Traders confirm it when they see three highs forming on a support-like baseline.

The middle peak is higher than the other two, making it look like a head hanging over two shoulders on each side – hence „Head and Shoulder“.

The H&S patterns typically end in a breakout below the baseline, with a downward target well below the maximum height of the structure. Prince comments that Bitcoin hero forms a similar technical structure, with the left shoulder and head fully confirmed and the right shoulder partially fixed.

„Bitcoin is already being traded in overbought zones,“ he adds. „This does not mean that it can move higher and create new highs. However, the bearish perspective should not be underestimated in any case. Bitcoin is moving into zones where a quick reversal and change of direction can more easily establish itself“.

If the H&S pattern is valid, there is a risk that Bitcoin will be about $1,600 below its baseline (the level between the peak and the support). The yellow area in the graph above shows the ideal target area for the H&S breakout.

What risks Bitcoin is exposed to

Prince’s bearish outlook for Bitcoin received involuntary support from the crypto-currency futures market. According to Glassnode, the average „funding rate“ across all Bitcoin exchanges has risen to levels indicating that traders may have been over-leveraged through open-ended contracts.

Measured every eight hours, the funding rate indicates the cost of holding a bullish contract, i.e. a long position. A positive value indicates that bulls pay bears.

This increases the value of the perpetual contract above the spot price of Bitcoin. Therefore, a very high refinancing rate signals that the leverage is unduly distorted in favour of bulls. This is an overbought situation.

An event of a pullback in the spot market can lead to massive long liquidations, which may result in more price declines and higher volatility.

The optimistic outlook

However, Prince also believes in a limited corrective downward trend. He writes that Bitcoin could find support at the H&S neckline to rise higher again – and this could invalidate the whole trend reversal theory altogether.

The conclusion of Vince:

„Since Bitcoin still has solid supports [near] the 65-EMA and the blue horizontal support, the bullish breakout has a higher probability of 65%“.

Bitcoin sees its upward outlook at over $19,000.