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Paper doll cut-outs on a table to represent Violence Prevention in communities and schools


Violence is a serious public health problem that affects people in all stages of life. Many who survive violence suffer physical, mental, and or emotional health problems throughout the rest of their lives. The CPSTF recommends intervention approaches to prevent violence and reduce harms associated with violence.

Summary Table

This summary of CPSTF findings to reduce violence can be used as a reference, included in presentations, or shared with colleagues.

Implementation Resources

Implementation Products

Dating Matters®: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships External Web Site Icon
CDC developed this comprehensive teen dating violence prevention model to stop teen dating violence before it starts. Dating Matters is an evidence-based teen dating violence prevention model that includes prevention strategies for individuals, peers, families, schools, and neighborhoods. It focuses on teaching 11-14 year olds healthy relationship skills before they start dating and reducing behaviors that increase the risk for dating violence, like substance abuse and sexual risk-taking.

CDC’s Health Impact in 5 Years (HI-5) Initiative External Web Site Icon
HI-5 highlights non-clinical, community-wide approaches that have evidence reporting 1) positive health impacts, 2) results within five years, and 3) cost effectiveness and/or cost savings over the lifetime of the population or earlier. The website features links to implementation resources and success stories that can help communities get started.

School-Based Violence Prevention External Web Site Icon


Interventions That Work: Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Among Youth (October 24, 2018)
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health with support from The Community Guide and CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention

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