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The Community Guide's Search API

The Community Guide's powerful search experience offers easy access to a wealth of carefully tagged and categorized information, findings, resources and tools to improve health and prevent disease in your state, community, community organization, business, healthcare organization, or school. With our Search API, you can integrate results directly from The Community Guide into your website or mobile application.

How does the Search API work?

The API allows you to generate keyword and filter-based calls to The Community Guide’s content database to pull relevant results into an existing or dedicated 3rd-party search engine or application. Results are returned in a raw JSON format for easy, customized integration with the look and feel of your existing application.

What are some sample use cases for the Search API?

  • Incorporate targeted search results from The Community Guide into your own websites search results
  • Showcase the latest CPSTF Findings on a given topic or interest area
  • Integrate relevant Community Guide content into specific pages on your website
  • Automatically syndicate the latest finds, news, and resources from The Community Guide

Who can leverage The Community Guide’s Search API?

The Community Guide’s Search API is open to any organization or person interested in leveraging our powerful search and filtering capabilities to deliver rich health-related content to users of their website or application. 

Where can I find API documentation and guides?

You can download an API guide here. We’ve also developed a sample application leveraging the search API to help get you started.