COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation. When working in different community settings, follow CDC guidance External Web Site Icon to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Visit External Web Site Icon for the latest public health information.

A woman sits on a doctor's exam table.A woman gets a mammogram.A flowchart.
A woman sits on a doctor's exam table.

What Works to Increase Cancer Screenings

Printer-friendly and easy-to read, this summary of CPSTF findings is now available and ready to for you to use and share. Read more >>

A woman gets a mammogram.

Publication Features Cost-Effective Approach to Cancer Screening

An economic review published in JAMA Oncology shows interventions that leverage social determinants of health to increase breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screenings are cost-effective. Read more >>

A flowchart.

Community Guide Methods Manual Now Available

A new methods manual provides an overview of Community Guide systematic review methods for assessing the effectiveness and economic evidence that serves as the basis for CPSTF findings. Read more >>

Explore Popular Features of The Community Guide

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Is Your Community Up to Date on Vaccinations?

Check out the CPSTF recommendations to increase vaccination coverage using different intervention approaches.

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The Community Guide in Action: Stories from the Field

Learn about people from across the country who have used The Community Guide to make communities safer and healthier.

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CDC Director Supports Work of CPSTF

Watch Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s pre-recorded address from the June CPSTF meeting.

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A person looks at a smartphone.
vaccination vials lined up in a carrier
A female healthcare provider giving a shot to a little girl sitting on her mother's lap

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