Imperial College London


Faculty of MedicineDepartment of Infectious Disease

Visiting Reader



+44 (0)20 7594 2080v.pelicic Website




3.20Flowers buildingSouth Kensington Campus





Vladimir graduated from the University Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris (France) in 1992 and completed his PhD in Microbiology at the Institut Pasteur in Paris (France) in 1996. After a post-doctoral experience at the University of Padova (Italy), he secured in 1998 a tenured position from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). In 2006, he joined the College and currently leads a research group within the MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Berry J-L, Gurung I, Anonsen JH, et al., 2019, Global biochemical and structural analysis of the type IV pilus from the Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus sanguinis., J Biol Chem, Vol:294, Pages:6796-6808

Goosens VJ, Busch A, Georgiadou M, et al., 2017, Reconstitution of a minimal machinery capable of assembling periplasmic type IV pili., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Vol:114, Pages:E4978-E4986

Berry J-L, Xu Y, Ward PN, et al., 2016, A Comparative Structure/Function Analysis of Two Type IV Pilin DNA Receptors Defines a Novel Mode of DNA Binding., Structure, Vol:24, Pages:926-934

Gurung I, Spielman I, Davies MR, et al., 2016, Functional analysis of an unusual type IV pilus in the Gram-positive Streptococcus sanguinis., Mol Microbiol, Vol:99, Pages:380-392

Berry J-L, Pelicic V, 2015, Exceptionally widespread nanomachines composed of type IV pilins: the prokaryotic Swiss Army knives., Fems Microbiol Rev, Vol:39, Pages:134-154

Cehovin A, Simpson PJ, McDowell MA, et al., 2013, Specific DNA recognition mediated by a type IV pilin., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Vol:110, Pages:3065-3070

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