17 Clever FOMO Marketing Examples to Boost Your Sales

Are you looking for FOMO marketing examples you can use to drive more sales? FOMO marketing is a great technique to make your visitors eager to buy from you. However, if you’re not implementing it correctly, it can appear to be manipulative and might even alienate your more savvy shoppers.

“FOMO” stands for the fear of missing out, a psychological trigger humans can’t help responding to. According to a study of the phenomenon published in Computers in Human Behavior, FOMO is “a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent.”

Let’s face it; nobody likes feeling they’ve been left behind.

So what about using FOMO in marketing? FOMO marketing is messaging that triggers your audience’s innate fear of missing out in order to make them more likely to take action.

In this guide, we’re going to share some effective FOMO marketing examples that’ll help you to use this important marketing strategy the RIGHT way.

Why Use FOMO in Marketing?

Let’s take a look at some FOMO statistics, as that’ll help you understand why FOMO marketing campaigns are so effective, especially with certain demographics.

A lot of data suggests that FOMO is most prevalent among millennials. Around 69% of millennials experience the phenomenon, and according to Strategy Online, 60% of millennials make reactive purchases because of FOMO. In other words, they’ll buy something just because they feel they might miss out.

However, it’s not just millennials who suffer from FOMO. According to other data, more than half of people using social networks suffer from FOMO.

why fomo marketing works

With more than 3 billion active social media users worldwide, according to We are Social, that’s a huge potential audience.

The bottom line: it’s essential to learn how to use FOMO in marketing, no matter what age group or location you’re targeting. So now, let’s look at some FOMO marketing examples and tactics.

Here’s a table of contents for easy navigation:

  1. Show That People are Buying
  2. Display Best Selling or Top Rated Items
  3. Highlight Missed Opportunities in your Messaging
  4. Show Stock Levels
  5. Make Your Visitors Watch the Clock
  6. Stir Their Competitive Spirit
  7. Offer a One-Shot Deal with Exit-Intent®
  8. Limit Free Shipping
  9. Be Explicit about FOMO
  10. Let Your Content Expire
  11. Use a Content Upgrade
  12. Trigger FOMO with Images
  13. Make Your Offer Exclusive
  14. Show Social Proof
  15. Promote Experiences
  16. Offer Rewards for Early Decisions
  17. Boost FOMO Marketing with Email

1. Show That People are Buying

Some of the most effective examples of FOMO trigger the feeling without even making a sales pitch.

These days, it’s not unusual to see live information on sales when you visit a website, as in this example from SeedProd:

This shows the first name and location of a recent purchaser, so it’s clear it’s a real person. If visitors to your site know other people are buying, then they’ll want to buy, too.

SeedProd is using TrustPulse social proof notifications to create these popups.

trustpulse homepage

Be sure to check out our guides on the best WooCommerce plugins and best Shopify apps for more useful tools like this.

Related Content: How to Use a Recent Sales Popup to Boost Your Revenue

2. Display Best Selling or Top Rated Items

When website visitors are able to see what your best selling or top rated products are, it will give them a healthy dose of FOMO too. After all, when you see a cool product that other people are buying, you’ll want it for yourself.

So, be sure to display best selling or top rated items prominently on your website. Here’s how the cosmetics company ColorPop does it:

display best selling products

You can easily display your best selling or top rated products in the same way with SeedProd.

SeedProd landing page creation tool homepage-min

SeedProd is the best drag and drop page builder for WordPress and it comes with custom WooCommerce blocks. You can choose from a standard products grid, best selling products, top rated products, sale products, and more. Simply drag the product block and drop it onto your page.

You can even create a custom WooCommerce checkout page with a best selling products showcase on it. This is a great way to increase your average order value.

3. Highlight Missed Opportunities in your Messaging

One site that’s great at using these tactics is Booking.com, which has multiple examples of FOMO on every page. In this tip, we’re focusing on ramping up FOMO by showing that visitors have actually missed out on a great deal.

Booking.com shows this with messaging showing when the property you’re looking at is sold out in big red letters:

FOMO marketing examples - bookingcom sold out

As you’ll see, Booking.com also uses some of the other FOMO marketing examples we’ll share in this article.

4. Show Stock Levels

Scarcity is a big component of FOMO marketing because if something’s about to run out, there’s a huge incentive to get it now. There are many ways to highlight scarcity.

For example, if you’re running an online store, you can show stock levels, as Amazon does:

fomo marketing examples - amazon stock levels

Or, if you’re in the travel business, you could show the number of spaces left, as Booking.com does:

fomo marketing examples- booking 2 rooms left

And you can ramp up the FOMO advertising with “while stocks last” messaging, that suggests that your product or service is about to run out or disappear:

fomo - while stocks last

For more inspiration, check out our article on scarcity examples.

5. Make Your Visitors Watch the Clock

When thinking about how to create FOMO, you can also look into urgency in marketing. It’s another tactic that triggers loss aversion—a fancy term for FOMO. If your visitors think they’ll miss out by running out of time, they’re more likely to reach for their virtual wallets and commit to a purchase.

You can do this with messaging about when deals end, like in this FOMO marketing example on Amazon:

amazon lightning deals are a good fomo marketing example

Or by offering different discount levels on different days, like the Chemical Guys:


Or by creating a countdown popup like this one:


Read How to Create Urgency in Marketing for more help with implementing this tactic.

6. Stir Their Competitive Spirit

Not only do we not like missing out, but we hate the thought that others might get something great before we do. That’s why good FOMO campaigns play on this feeling to inspire action. Here are a couple of examples.

Booking.com shows how many people are viewing a property. The underlying message is that if you don’t move fast, you’ll end up missing out:


Or you could show the number of people who’ve already taken a deal, as Amazon does:

fomo amazon deal claimed

If you’re in the software business, you could even show the number of users. Software companies often use FOMO with beta trials, where accepting limited numbers makes those few spaces seem very desirable.

7. Offer a One-Shot Deal with Exit-Intent®

OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent Technology® is a great way to deliver FOMO marketing campaigns. This powerful feature detects when people are about to leave your site, and triggers a campaign just before they do.

It’s proven to work:

  • Rich Page used exit-intent to boost conversions by 316%
  • Ryan Robinson engineered a 500% increase in subscribers with exit-intent
  • Podcast Insights combined exit-intent with our onsite retargeting feature to get a 1099% boost in conversions

To use exit-intent for FOMO marketing, follow our instructions for creating your first campaign, and create your discount offer. Enable exit-intent in the display rules section of the OptinMonster campaign builder:

Enable an additional display rule to specify which visitors should see the campaign. For example, you can show the campaign only to visitors on certain pages with page-level targeting.

currently url path exactly matches display rule

8. Limit Free Shipping

Did you know that around 90% of shoppers list free shipping as their prime incentive for buying online? That’s one reason why FOMO marketing campaigns that limit free shipping can be really effective.

C’mon, we’ve all bought something extra on Amazon so we can get free delivery, haven’t we? If people feel they’ll miss out on free shipping by not making a purchase, they’ll likely make it, especially if the additional expenditure is relatively small.

Let your customers know how much more they have to spend to get free shipping, or simply place a banner at the top of your page, showing what the threshold is for obtaining that benefit. You can easily do this with one of OptinMonster’s floating bar campaigns.


Pro Tip: Did you know you can use the same floating bar campaigns to create custom alerts for your customers? Learn why you to create a website alert banner to keep your customers well-informed.

9. Be Explicit about FOMO

You don’t have to hide the fact that you’re using FOMO marketing. You can come right out and say it, as Rue La La does in this campaign:

ruelala fomo marketing examples

Image Source

This works because the explicit FOMO messaging resonates with the brand’s key audience of millennials.

10. Let Your Content Expire

As a business, a lot of your content marketing strategy is about creating content that’ll stick around so you can use it to build authority, get inbound links, improve your search ranking, and win customers.

But there’s another way to pique visitors’ interest by using a FOMO marketing tactic: expiring content. Expiring content mixes urgency, scarcity, and exclusivity to ramp up that FOMO vibe.

Snapchat is the ultimate example of expiring content. One of the reasons Snapchat is so successful – and why teenagers can never leave their phones – is because if you don’t see the content while it’s there, you’ll lose your chance forever.

And here’s a thought: those early Snapchat users (the site launched in 2011) will soon be in their 20s and they’ve grown up with this FOMO mindset.

Software companies use this same principle when they’re about to change their pricing plans, giving users an option to lock in the old price before it’s too late. Here’s an example from Iconica:

fomo beta testing

11. Use a Content Upgrade

While we’re on the subject of content, an opt-in content upgrade is a great FOMO marketing content. That’s because gating content means there’s scarcity, in our minds at least, and scarcity triggers FOMO.

You can use OptinMonster to gate content with our Content Lock feature, so you can make visitors want your content upgrades.

OptinMonster customers have used content upgrades to boost conversions by 150% and increase customer retention 72%.


To put this into practice, use your blog posts as content upgrades or try one of these content upgrade ideas.

12. Trigger FOMO with Images

People respond to visuals, so when creating FOMO marketing campaigns, it’s essential to get the images right. A good example of this comes from Express, which is offering a rewards program.

As Stephan Brady points out, along with the “don’t miss out” messaging, the background image suggests that opting in will ensure you have a great time, which means you’re missing the party if you don’t opt-in.


To find the right images for your FOMO marketing campaigns, check out our guide to finding free images online.

13. Make Your Offer Exclusive

There’s nothing to trigger FOMO like exclusivity. As human beings, we love the thought of getting our hands on an opportunity very few people have. Don’t believe us? Check out any airport boarding gate and see how happy the people with priority access are.

Or think about how many people have signed up for Amazon Prime (more than 100 million!) so they can get deals other Amazon shoppers can’t get.

While those are great FOMO marketing examples, you can also use exclusivity by creating a limited edition product or service. In the example below, Heinz combines this with time-based scarcity to make a compelling FOMO marketing offer:

heniz fomo

14. Show Social Proof

Social proof is an extremely effective marketing tactic, and not just for FOMO marketing campaigns. That’s because, in addition to the FOMO factor, social proof ties into our need to be part of a group.

If other people like us are sharing, engaging, or buying, we want to do it too, so we’ll feel a sense of belonging and won’t miss out.

The best way to leverage the power of social proof is by using TrustPulse. TrustPulse is a social proof software that can instantly increase site conversions by up to 15% by showing off real-time, verified customer activity right on your page in a little popup bubble:

trustpulse homepage showing notification

TrustPulse also lets you show “On Fire” notifications that are great for leveraging FOMO on landing pages and checkouts:

trustpulse on fire notifications

Get Started for FREE: You can get started with TrustPulse for free!

You can also use social proof by showing the number of reviews a product has:

fomo bestbuy review numbers

Or by showing huge numbers of people you’ve helped, as we do on our own site:

om by the numbers - fomo

To use social proof as a FOMO marketing tactic, check out these social proof tips and examples.

15. Promote Experiences

Another way to use FOMO tactics is to let your users help. Using user-generated content (UGC) lets visitors and potential customers vicariously share in the experience of using your products and services, so they want to do it too. After all, real proof from real people is going to be much more compelling than any of your FOMO advertising campaigns.

Here’s an example of UGC from Wayfair, under the #wayfairathome social media hashtag.

wayfair is a good fomo marketing example

And instead of leaving all of your UGC on social media, you can seamlessly integrate it into your website using a plugin like Smash Balloon.

instagram feed pro

With Smash Balloon’s Instagram Feed Pro, you can easily embed an Instagram hashtag feed anywhere on your site to showcase UGC.

It’s super simple to set up and you can completely customize your feed. You can choose from different layouts, design the feed to match your brand, hide or show likes and comments, highlight specific posts, and more.

Check out this guide on how to add an Instagram hashtag feed to WordPress for more details.

16. Offer Rewards for Early Decisions

Giving a freebie is a good way to attract customers. However, you can make it even more effective by limiting that freebie. Offline, you see this tactic when stores offer a gift or special discount to the first 100 customers, and that usually makes hundreds of people line up.

Online, you can follow the example of Huawei, and offer a gift for the first 100 purchasers:

fomo ecommerce example

Source: CoreDNA

17. Boost FOMO Marketing with Email

Email marketing remains a great way to reach your customers. Our email marketing statistics roundup shows around 90% of people use it. So it’s a great tool for FOMO marketing campaigns.

You can use email marketing effectively with any of the other FOMO marketing examples we’ve listed here. For example, you can send emails to:

  • Let subscribers know about exclusive deals or rewards
  • Tell them when items they’ve saved are about to run out
  • Remind them about items in their shopping cart with cart abandonment messages

You can also combine FOMO email messaging with onsite retargeting, to offer subscribers who follow a link a special deal via a popup marketing campaign.

Here’s how you can enable onsite behavioral retargeting with OptinMonster.

That’s it! Now you can use these easy-to-implement FOMO marketing examples to get more sales from visitors and customers. Next, see how to boost sales on Shopify, and to increase average order value with upselling examples.

And follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter for more marketing tips and tricks and in-depth guides.

Sharon Hurley Hall has been a professional writer for more than 25 years, and is certified in content marketing and email marketing. Her career has included stints as a journalist, blogger, university lecturer, and ghost writer.

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