How to Create a Campaign Monitor Popup to Grow Your List

Do you want to create a Campaign Monitor popup, but you’re not sure how to get started? Campaign Monitor is a popular email service provider (ESP) on the market. It comes with all the tools you need to create an automated email marketing campaign FAST. And while it’s a great tool for sending your emails, ... Continue Reading →

How to Make Popup Coupon Promotions That Really Drive Sales

Are you looking to boost sales by adding a coupon promotion popup to your site? Coupon popups are one of the most effective ways of converting website visitors but only when done correctly. In fact, there are tons of ways to display these popups. However, showing the right coupon to the right people and at the most appropriate ... Continue Reading →

How to Connect Klaviyo to WooCommerce (the Easy Way)

Are you looking for an easy way to connect Klaviyo to your WooCommerce site? Klaviyo is an advanced marketing automation platform powered by intelligent segmentation that combines behavioral and transactional data of customers. This helps you to send personalized emails or SMS to your customers. In this article, we’re going to show how you can ... Continue Reading →

How to Create a QR Code Popup for Higher Conversions

Do you want to make a QR code popup to improve the user experience (UX) across your site? A QR code popup lets you condense or hide information that customers can easily access by scanning the code. You can use it for an unbelievably wide range of purposes like securing payments, file downloads, coupon codes, ... Continue Reading →

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