9 Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins to New Leads FASTER

Do you want to easily create a WordPress contact form to collect your site visitor’s information?

Adding a contact form to your website can be a great way to boost user experience (UX) and attract new leads to your business.

But creating a form can be tedious, time-consuming, and difficult to people who don’t know much about coding.

That’s where a WordPress contact form plugin comes in handy.

So, in this article, we’re going to share our picks for the best WordPress contact forms plugins on the market. That way, you can create awesome WordPress forms that improve engagement, lower bounce rate, and increase conversions on your site.

First, though, let’s get clear on why you should add a WordPress contact form to your site at all.

Why Use a WordPress Contact Form?

There are many benefits when you add a contact form to your WordPress site. In fact, there are advantages for both you and your potential customers.

Here are the top 3 advantages of using contact forms:

  • Improve UX: If customers have questions, they need a quick way to reach you. Contact forms provide them the simplest way of getting their questions answered.
  • Grow Your List: When a visitor uses your contact form, their email address can be properly added to your email service provider (ESP).
  • Boost Sales: As you grow your list, you can use some email marketing best practices to nurture the relationship. This turns your new lead into a lifelong (and paying) customer.

But you may be wondering, “Wouldn’t it be easier to just post my email address on my contact page? That way, users can email me from their email provider?”

That option may be easier, but it certainly wouldn’t be better. Why?

Because doing so will open up your inbox to SPAM.

Many spambots scrape websites for email addresses for various reasons. By posting your email address directly to your website, spambots will have access to your email inbox.

To avoid that headache, you can simply use a WordPress contact form plugin. Most of the options below have a filter to help protect your site (and inbox) against spambots.

So, now, let’s turn to our list of the best WordPress contact form plugins on the market.

Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins

Before we dive into our list, we need to quickly address another issue: getting more people to fill out your forms.

For that, you’ll need a tool like OptinMonster:

optinmonster homepage

OptinMonster is by far the best way to get more people to fill out your web forms. How?

By embedding forms in your optin campaigns (like popups, floating bars, fullscreen welcome mats, and more).

With any of the form building plugins listed below, you can embed your web forms into optin campaigns:

Custom HTML Popup with Google Forms

This helps you get more people to fill out your form. That’s because whenever you add a form to your WordPress website, you still have a BIG problem: how do you drive traffic to that form?

But by adding them to your OptinMonster campaigns, you can bring your forms directly to your site’s visitors (rather than the other way around).

You’d do this using OptinMonster’s advanced targeting rules. This allows you to show your forms to the right people, in the right places, and at just the right time in their customer journey.

Some popular targeting rules include:

  • Exit-Intent® Technology: Display campaigns as users are actively leaving your website.
  • OnSite Retargeting®: Show campaigns to returning users based on how they interacted with campaigns they saw before.
  • Referrer Detection: Present your forms to users who are coming from specific 3rd-party sites.
  • AdBlock Detection: Bypass AdBlock technology to show your web forms to even more users.

These are just a few examples, though there are many others.

The point is that you can use any of the targeting rules to present your web forms and get more users to engage with your forms.

And OptinMonster integrates with all popular email marketing services so you can automatically add subscribers to your email list.

Want to see it in action for yourself? Click below to start your 100% risk-free OptinMonster account today:

Get More Engagement From Your Forms Today!

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

Now, let’s dive into the best WordPress contact form plugins on the market.

1. WPForms

wpforms homepage

WPForms is the BEST  form builder for WordPress, designed to be both user-friendly and powerful.

You can create unlimited forms including contact, registration, login, order, and other custom forms. It’s easy to customize with a codeless drag and drop visual builder:

wpforms is the best of the best wordpress form builder plugins

And WPForms comes with a readymade widget to quickly add forms to pages, posts, and sidebars at the click of a button.

You can even export your form entries in CSV and Excel files to easily manage your leads and subscribers offline, or import your entire list on other apps.

The #1 goal of WPForms is to be user-friendly. It works with all popular WordPress themes and comes with powerful features and addons to extend its functionality to cater to all sites including eCommerce.

WPForms is backed by a reliable customer support team and has tons of documentation and step-by-step tutorials to help you make the most of the plugin.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Pre-built contact form templates to make it even easier to create basic and advanced contact forms
  • Easy drag and drop interface to customize your forms
  • Multi-page forms to improve user experience
  • Smart conditional logic lets you show or hide form fields or sections based on user behavior
  • Geolocation to display location information about users
  • Form abandonment so you can capture email address even if visitors don’t finish
  • Surveys and polls functionality makes it easy to create and analyze user response right from your WordPress dashboard
  • Create WordPress forms with AJAX so pages don’t reload on form submission
  • Payment integrations with PayPal, Authorize.Net, or Stripe
  • Zapier integration to connect to over 2000+ CRM, marketing, and web apps

WPForms has more than 2 million active installs and a fiercely loyal following.

If you’re looking for a free WordPress form plugin, WPForms Lite comes with all the basic contact form tools that you need to get started, like the simple contact form, basic form fields, email notifications, a thank you page for form confirmation, and even a captcha for spam protection.

With the premium version of this WordPress contact form plugin, you can unlock access to all types of forms including surveys, user registration, post submissions, order forms with payment, file upload forms, and much more.

2. Formidable Pro

Formidable Forms is one of the best form plugin wordpress

Formidable Forms is a versatile drag and drop contact form builder with great performance options.

You can use this WordPress contact form plugin to create complex forms like quizzes, surveys, payment forms, registration forms, profile forms, and more.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cascading lookup fields to display available options based on the selection from the previous form field
  • Calculated form fields make it easy to provide online estimates, calculate product options, or show interest/repayment calculators
  • Fill out forms automatically to save time and increase conversions
  • Use conditional logic to show or hide questions based on user behavior
  • Conditional redirection helps you route submission response notifications to the right people

Formidable Forms form builder focuses on advanced users and developers, so it isn’t as intuitive as WPForms.

However, it’s the most extendable WordPress form solution in the market. You can use it to create form-focused solutions like directories, job board listings, event calendars, management systems, star ratings and other rating systems, and more.

These features and more make Formidable Forms one of the best form builders for WordPress.

3. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms offers a super basic form builder that can be customized with exactly the features you want with the use of addons. The free contact form plugin is available in the WordPress plugin repository.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Easy-to-use WordPress form builder with basic features
  • Tons of addons to customize how the plugin works, which lets you get only the features you need
  • Easily connects with services like MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and AWeber to keep you on top of your marketing efforts

While the core plugin is free, the pricing of just two extensions makes Ninja Forms comparable to WPForms or Formidable Forms.

4. Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms field mapping

Gravity Forms is a visual form editor that is packed with features like multi-page forms, save and continue, and limited form entries. Its advanced features make it one of the best form builders for WordPress (specifically for developers).

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Visual form editor lets you build and design your WordPress forms in real-time
  • Use conditional logic to show or hide form fields, sections, pages, or the submit button based on user selections
  • Add file uploads fields to let users submit files or photos, avoiding back-and-forth to get needed files later
  • Allow users to save forms to continue at a later time
  • Create user-generated content with front-end forms that create WordPress posts

Gravity Forms doesn’t have a free WordPress contact form plugin, but if you’re going to be using it on multiple sites, cost shouldn’t be a factor.

5. Form Maker by 10Web

adding a field in form maker by 10web

Form Maker by 10Web is a drag and drop form builder plugin with a user-friendly interface. The core plugin is free but limits you to just 7 different form fields.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Unlimited field types make it easy to get exactly the data you need
  • 4 display options (embedded, pop-up, scrollbox, and top bar) to place the form where it works best for your WordPress website
  • Use the custom CSS editor to give additional styling features to WordPress forms and match them exactly to your brand
  • Register users on your website easily using the User Registration addon

Form Maker can be a bit much for beginners and those who don’t have HTML and CSS skills. So, this WordPress form plugin might be a better fit if you have some technical knowledge.

6. Caldera Forms

Caldera Forms

Caldera Forms is a drag and drop form builder that comes in a free plugin with many free user-friendly addons.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Incredibly feature-rich free plugin
  • Various field types including calculation, dropdown, radio buttons, and file upload to help you get the info you need
  • Create a custom WordPress search form to search posts, users, categories, tags, custom post types, and custom fields

Despite being a pretty widely used WordPress contact forms plugin, the free version doesn’t get great support. Plus, addons for Caldera Forms plugin are quite expensive.

7. Visual Form Builder

Visual Form Builder

Visual Form Builder lets you add form fields with a single click then drag and drop the fields to reorder them how you want.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Automatic updates keep your forms running through each WordPress upgrade
  • Form submissions are saved in your WordPress database which makes it easy to view, edit, export, search, or anything else you need to do
  • Redirect to a WordPress page or URL after form submission to keep visitors engaged and on your site
  • Duplicate forms with one click to save time

The free version of the WordPress form plugin comes with limited fields and you’ll need to upgrade for access to things like payment gateways and email capture.

8. weForms


weForms is an all-in-one form builder with a minimalistic design that makes it super user-friendly.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Single page operation means that everything happens quickly, without reloading the page
  • Build mobile-responsive forms that work on any portable device
  • Create exclusive campaigns by controlling user access, adding start and end dates, or limiting the number of entries

The downside to this plugin is its user interface isn’t the best making it difficult to edit and customize the form to your liking.

9. Contact Form 7

contact form 7 homepage

Contact Form 7 is a free WordPress form builder plugin.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Create simple WordPress forms with checkboxes and dropdown menus
  • Completely free WordPress contact form
  • Integrates with anti-spam tools

Unlike other WordPress form plugins, Contact Form 7 lacks a visual form builder.

There you have it! Our top picks for the best WordPress contact forms plugin.

Get More Engagement From Your Forms Today!

BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

As we mentioned, adding a WordPress contact form to your site is a great way to increase engagement.

For your next step, we recommend ensuring your WordPress site has the correct email system set up. The default WordPress setup can sometimes lead to your email address being flagged as spam.

This means you won’t receive important emails and notifications when users submit your form and that can pose big problems especially for WooCommerce stores.

Luckily, there’s a quick fix for this. Check out our guide: How to Set Up SMTP in WordPress (The Easy Way).

And if you’re interested in more lead generation ideas and tools, then you will find these resources useful:

These resources will have everything you need to optimize your site, boost engagement, and generate more leads today!

Jacinda Santora
Jacinda Santora is a writer specializing in eCommerce and growth marketing. She prides herself on her ability to make complicated things easier. When she isn't writing you can find her daydreaming about campervans, drinking coffee, and listening to podcasts.


  1. Thomas Griffin July 30, 2018 at 8:00 am

    Thanks for reading this article – I hope you found it helpful.

    I wanted to let you know about our powerful Exit Intent® technology that converts abandoning website visitors into email subscribers and customers. Typically 70% of the people who visit your website will leave and never return, meaning all those marketing efforts to reach them have gone to waste.

    OptinMonster’s Exit Intent® technology detects user behavior and prompts them with a targeted campaign at the precise moment they are about to leave.

    You can unlock this powerful technology 100% free when you purchase our OptinMonster Pro plan.

    Get started with OptinMonster today and see why 1,000,000+ choose OptinMonster to get more subscribers and customers.

    Thomas Griffin
    President of OptinMonster

  2. Great article! Add to my bookmarks. I tried many different plugins to create forms. I still use Contact Form 7 for many years. And the uCalc plugin, which is also very simple and with many useful features.

    1. Did you get Contact Form 7 to work in an Optinmonster Popup? I’m having trouble.. using custom html with shortcode feature for my CF7 form and the form is not sending not is it redirecting to my thank you page.

      1. Nathan Thompson
        Nathan Thompson May 27, 2020 at 9:17 am

        Hey Beth, Nathan here from OptinMonster stepping in. I’m not sure if this would help with Contact Form 7 (I’ve never tried it with Contact Form, personally), but you may find this guide helpful: How to Easily Create a WordPress Popup Form. It uses WPForms which I’ve found much easier, but could potentially carry over to Contact Form. Hope this helps and if you still have trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to our amazing support team!

  3. Frances Hurley March 7, 2019 at 8:34 pm

    Can you recommend any form builders that allow you to edit entries and display them on your site ?
    I am currently using WP Forms but it doesn’t seem to have this functionality.

    1. Jacinda Santora
      Jacinda Santora March 16, 2019 at 7:52 am

      Hmmmm. The only one I can think of that might do that is Caldera. Check into them! And good luck. 🙂

  4. Hi, Jacinda!
    I currently use Typeform for my WordPress site but their “number answer” doesn’t allow for responders to input
    1) 11 digits numbers (Typeform’s maximum is 9 digits)
    2) Numbers with a leading “zero”.
    Can you you recommend a form builder that will either allow for these or can at least be customized with little a bit of code to allow for it?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Jacinda Santora
      Jacinda Santora October 22, 2019 at 7:20 am

      You can easily do what you’re trying to do with WPForms! I just tested it myself and was able to add a VERY long string of numbers with a leading zero. 🙂

      I hope this helps!

      1. Veronique Forat October 22, 2019 at 9:22 am

        Wow, thank you SO much!
        Both for your super prompt reply and for the tip! <3
        All the best.

  5. Veronique Forat October 22, 2019 at 9:43 am

    Wow, thank you SO much!
    Both for your super prompt reply and for the tip! <3
    All the best.

  6. Muhannad Mami April 7, 2020 at 9:32 am

    Thank you, very beneficial article

    But which one is the best and the easiest to integrate with third party through REST APIs?

    1. Nathan Thompson
      Nathan Thompson April 14, 2020 at 5:42 am

      Hey, great question! For that, Formidable Forms would be your best bet 🙂

  7. Tara Bigusiak July 25, 2020 at 1:28 am

    Terrific article

  8. Terrific article

  9. What About ARForms! Why ARForms Is not on the list!. ARForms has 7000+ Happy customers and I am using their product for the last 3 years. Please Add Value here.

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