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2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Sunsar Maya Inc

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Education, Elementary & Secondary Schools, Literacy, Philanthropy, Public Foundations

Mission: Sunsar Maya's mission is to help vulnerable women and children in Nepal build pathways out of poverty through holistic, community-based programs that promote education, mental health, and physical wellbeing. We do this through a multi-pronged approach that addresses both the short- and long-term needs of a population that suffers from severe social and economic barriers. We work alongside a strong network of collaborators, service providers, and local stakeholders to provide programs that educate and empower communities.

Community Stories

13 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

Lisa E.7 Board Member

Rating: 5


It has been so rewarding being a supporter of Sunsar Maya over the past 8 years. The organization has grown to add new programs that provide benefits to women and children on so many levels. The staff is dedicated to its mission and they send out wonderful updates with stories and photos. It's a great organization to get involved with!

Alissa_May Donor

Rating: 5


Long time supporter and doing incredible ground breaking work in Nepal with education and wellbeing.

zanzibarmike Donor

Rating: 5


Sunsar Maya is a small non-profit that makes a big non-profit difference. Their programs are one of a kind in the communities they serve, helping women and children develop valuable life skills and become self-sufficient and independent. They’ve also stepped up in a massive way during the pandemic. Sunsar Maya altered its in-person teaching methods and introduced both wireless methods of teaching and take-home packets for students to learn on their own, and also provided vital meals and household necessities to families which otherwise could not afford them. I continue to be impressed with Sunsar Maya every time I hear about their new campaigns and activities, and I am confident we will see more of the same in the future. I love being a part of the Sunsar Maya family!

shcolton21yahoo.com Donor

Rating: 5


Everyone and everything about Sunsar Maya shows what can be done to make the lives better for the children and women in Nepal. Proud to support because they are making a difference.

SMEC90 Volunteer

Rating: 5


Sunsar Maya is an organization that creates opportunities for women and children through education and creative engagement. It is an organization that demonstrates as much care for its volunteers, as it does for the communities they serve in Nepal. It is a vibrant organization that is consistent in its dedication to a more equitable here and now.


kuntalj Board Member

Rating: 5


"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." Since escaping a near death during the Nepal earthquake of 2015, one of the big missions of my life has been to contribute (in whatever small way possible for me) towards rebuilding Nepal. And it's during this time that I came across the amazing work that Sunsar Maya had been doing of educating the young minds in Nepal and helping them build pathways out of poverty–to better their lives and, in the long-term, their communities as well. A great way to build a nation!

I've known about Sunsar Maya (SuMa) since 2016, and finally in October 2017 - I had an opportunity to visit the after school program that they run in Kathmandu, and it was a life-changing experience for me. I spent the entire day at the center, and the kids there have an opportunity to explore their own ideas, create through art, connect through music, dance, and play games, and most importantly be with people and educators who treat the children as special, unique, and of tremendous worth. However, the biggest takeaway for me was that these kids were learning some amazing life skills, and are on a path to become better versions of themselves! And so when I got an opportunity to get closely involved with SuMa as a board member, I had absolutely no hesitation in doing so. At the program, I saw the engagement, the joy, the spark in the eyes of these underprivileged kids and our hope at SuMa is to replicate this work across Nepal and the world and create an environment of inclusivity and consequently a better world.

Here’s what we achieved in 2020 since the pandemic hit. We provided over 900+ at home learning packets, 1800+ hours of digital learning, 350+ hours of mental health support, 72,000+ lbs of food distributed, 1700 people provided with meals, and all of this has helped make a tangible difference to the lives of hundreds of kids and their families at our centers! A first of a kind program in Nepal, and possibly only one at the moment, Sunsar Maya’s mission is to help transform the lives of these young minds, and we hope to continue working towards this goal during these difficult times.

mshadfor General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


The work of Sunsar Maya is critical to the health, wellbeing, and education of women and children in Nepal. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to support Sunsar Maya's work through fundraising in Hong Kong and Australia. I highly recommend further investment of time and funds into this wonderful organisation!

acdenmark Donor

Rating: 5


I have surported Sunsar Maya for years and eventually helped fundraise as well. I feel you know for certain that the money is going to the right place and the organisation is very transparent. Keep up the great work!

ktrouville Board Member

Rating: 5


“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”

Sunsar Maya is providing young children and women in Nepal the safe environment and resources to learn and grow.

It has been an immense honor to serve this incredible organization. Seeing the impact Sunsar Maya makes on individual lives and communities, as a whole, is astounding.

Sunsar Maya is a true humanitarian organization and relies on the support of donors who understand the value of providing opportunity to those who want and appreciate it!

bdudman Board Member

Rating: 5


The pandemic has had devastating effects in Nepal, and it is still seriously struggling under the weight of this crisis. Throughout these unprecedented times Sunsar Maya has continued to provide critical food / nutritional support, mental health care and educational tools to the women and children in our centres.
We are committed to ensuring our students and staff have everything they need to navigate their way through this ongoing shutdown.

AMS911 Donor

Rating: 5


Sunsar Maya is a great organization. They’re an open for in terms of transparency and always show results. I’m glad to know my donations go to the children and women in need, not operational expenses. Over the years, I’ve seen the children grow in to adults, happily and healthy.

gingercolton Board Member

Rating: 5


I've had the pleasure of watching Sunsar Maya grow over the years. Working with the Sunsar Maya's team, it is clear that the mission runs deep in all they set out to do as make well informed, cultural fitting, and efficient decisions for the organization. The program for both the children and women of Nepal offers not only educational support, but medical and emotional support as well to ensure a well-rounded outcome. Sunsar Maya has been helping the Kathmandu community for over 10 years now and has proven to be a loving and caring environment to all.

sstudebaker Donor

Rating: 5


The absolute best. Honest, hardworking and transparent. Doing the work with great love and great results.