Reference Resources iconWWC Study Review Guides

Underlying all What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) products are WWC Study Review Guides, which are intended for use by WWC certified reviewers to assess studies against the WWC evidence standards.

As part of an ongoing effort to increase transparency, promote collaboration, and encourage widespread use of the WWC standards, the Institute of Education Sciences provides external users with access to the WWC Study Review Guides for conducting reviews of group design studies and single-case design (SCD) studies. Reviewers use the Study Review Guide to document the characteristics of studies, including features that pertain to a study's eligibility under a WWC protocol. The Study Review Guide assists the reviewer in assessing the study design and implementation against the WWC standards, and coding the study findings in a systematic manner consistent with WWC reporting guidelines.

The WWC Study Review Guide is intended to be used by individuals trained and certified in WWC review policies and procedures, in conjunction with WWC review protocols and the WWC Procedures and Standards Handbooks.

Study Review Guide for group design studies
The Study Review Guide for group design studies—randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental designs (QEDs)—is a web-based tool and supports reviews against the Version 3.0 and Version 4.0 group design standards. Users of this Study Review Guide may print their completed reviews, and retrieve or revise existing reviews using a PIN access system. Reviewers are encouraged to view the online training video module on using the web-based Study Review Guide prior to accessing the Study Review Guide.

Video Tutorial on Using the Web-Based Study Review Guide
Study Review Guide for RCTs and QEDs
Study Review Guide Instructions for RCTs and QEDs (612 KB)

Study Review Guide for Single-Case Designs
The Study Review Guide for Single-Case Designs is an Excel spreadsheet. The Study Review Guide for Single-Case Designs Version S4 V2 (updated March 1, 2021) supports reviews against the Version 4.1 single-case design standards.

Study Review Guide for Single-Case Designs (194 KB)
Study Review Guide Instructions for Single-Case Designs (648 KB)

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