January 6 Commission Subpoenas Are Meaningless Without Enforcement

The January 6 Select Committee announced on Wednesday that it had issued a subpoena for former Trump Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark. That followed news in the days before that other Trump-era officials, like Steve Bannon, have been called to appear. That’s great, but until the Democratic-led House decides to actually enforce the summons, … Read more

Republican Connections To QAnon: Evidence

AZ Governor Candidate Kari Lake Had Dinner With QAnon Leader Ron Watkins. “But on Tuesday night, the man many believe to be Q took time out of his busy schedule to have dinner with Kari Lake, the Trump-endorsed candidate and front-runner to become Arizona’s next governor.” [Vice]

Evidence Of Republican Corruption

Rep. Claudia Tenney Used Campaign Money To Pay Off Her Own Firms. “According to a Daily Beast review of Federal Election Commission records, the congresswoman from upstate New York—who scratched out a 109-vote recount win earlier this year in one of the tightest House races in the nation—has spent tens of thousands of campaign dollars … Read more

What Conspiracies Are Republicans Promoting?

Election Conspiracies House Whip Steve Scalise Pushed The Conspiracy That Biden Didn’t Win The Election. “Asked three times by Fox News host Chris Wallace whether the election was “stolen,” Scalise refused each time to offer the only correct answer: no. Instead, Scalise danced around a direct answer — claiming that states had not followed their … Read more

What Is The Evidence Of Climate Change In America?

Weather Disasters Caused $1 Billion In Damage In 2021. “Through the first nine months of 2021, the U.S. has endured 18 separate weather and climate disasters that have cost at least $1 billion, according to the latest report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Environmental Information. These 18 events put 2021 … Read more