1742 in Canada

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Years in Canada: 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745
Centuries: 17th century · 18th century · 19th century
Decades: 1710s 1720s 1730s 1740s 1750s 1760s 1770s
Years: 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745

Events from the year 1742 in Canada.






Historical documents[edit]

Without Île-Royale "and other Indulgencies at the Treaty of Utrecht," France's fisheries would have "by this time been totally destroyed"[1]

"What humanity!" - French missionary surprised by Indigenous travel companions' generosity with game they hunt (Note: "savages" used)[2]

"Indefatigable, artful, insinuating" priests among Six Nations assert France's "Power and Grandeur" and "render the English[...]contemptible"[3]

Poor crop at Lorette means people must forage for food, "which is prejudicial[...]to their spiritual interests" (Note: "savages" used)[4]

Montreal renews law requiring ladders on roofs and by chimneys and attic battering rams, all in case of fire[5]

When Northwest Passage not found, Arthur Dobbs suggests locating trading posts up rivers that flow to Hudson Bay and James Bay[6]

Joseph La France canoes down Nelson River in warm, leafy spring and arrives at York Factory on June 29 to find ice and snow[7]

Nova Scotia Council president reminds Board of Trade that without their directives, he can maintain authority only through deputies[8]

Mascarene tells Bishop of Quebec that priests "who presume to exercise any ecclesiastical power" in Nova Scotia violate British law[9]

Rumours of war with France have not lessened Acadians' fidelity and obedience, except when growing families take "unappropriated lands"[10]

Unmistakable warning to Acadians: "By continuing in your disobedience, you will oblige us to make use of force to reduce you to your duty"[11]

Council hears first that ship's cables cut and ship robbed, then that cables and robbers found by Acadian deputies and "Indian Captains"[12]

"Offensive and unwholsome" - Heating Hudson's Bay Co. buildings includes capping chimneys when fires burn down to coals, causing headache[13]


  1. ^ An Inquiry into the Revenue, Credit, and Commerce of France (1742), pg. 37. Accessed 14 September 2021
  2. ^ Letter I Voyages of Rev. Father Emmanuel Crespel, in Canada, and His Shipwreck, While Returning to France (1742), pg. 142. (See priest's contrary feelings from witnessing torture and explanation from torturers) Accessed 13 September 2021
  3. ^ "The French are perpetually labouring to debauch their Faith to the English" "Preface," The Treaty Held with the Indians of the Six Nations at Philadelphia, in July 1742, pgs. x (bottom) - xi. Accessed 14 September 2021
  4. ^ Letter of Nicolas Degonnor (truncated; April 23, 1742), The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. LXIX. Accessed 16 September 2021 http://moses.creighton.edu/kripke/jesuitrelations/relations_69.html (scroll down to Page 59)
  5. ^ "Ordinance by Guiton Monrepos to improve fire prevention" (December 2, 1742), Archives nationales du Québec. Accessed 15 September 2021
  6. ^ Letter XV (December 14, 1742), A Vindication of the Conduct of Captain Christopher Middleton[....] (1743), pgs. 126-8. Accessed 14 September 2021
  7. ^ Arthur Dobbs, An Account of the Countries Adjoining to Hudson's Bay[...] (1744), pgs. 38-9. Accessed 15 September 2021
  8. ^ "Gov. Mascarene to Lords of Trade" (excerpt; September 24, 1742), Nova Scotia Documents; Acadian French, pgs. 123-4. Accessed 15 September 2021
  9. ^ Letter of Mascarene to Bishop of Quebec (translation; December 2, 1742), Nova Scotia Documents; Acadian French, pgs. 122-3. (See elaboration of dealings with bishop and priests) Accessed 15 September 2021
  10. ^ "Extracts from a Letter of Gov. Mascarene to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, dated 28th June, 1742" Nova Scotia Documents; Acadian French, pgs. 119-20. Accessed 15 September 2021
  11. ^ "Govr. Mascarene to Deputies of Chignecto" (January 11, 1742; Letter Book), Nova Scotia Documents; Acadian French, pgs. 115-6. Accessed 15 September 2021
  12. ^ "At a Council Held(...)The 9th April 1742" Nova Scotia Archives; Minutes of H.M. Council, 1736-1749, pgs. 37-8. Accessed 15 September 2021
  13. ^ Capt. Middleton's presentation to Royal Society (October 28, 1742), A Vindication of the Conduct of Captain Christopher Middleton[....] (1743), pg. 196. Accessed 15 September 2021