Literacy Training
CALI Reads supports literacy training through E-learning modules, CALI Reads coaching, digiCOACH walkthroughs and project funds for teacher release time. Each school site identifies a cadre of teachers to participate in Literacy Training (we strongly encourage Sites to include a site administrator to support their role as an Instructional Leader). Participant time commitment is estimated to total 10 hours a semester.
Cycle of Literacy Training
Literacy training involves a cycle of activities across a semester to best support teacher learning and implementation.
Month one (~2-3 hours)
Complete the E-learning module
Attend a training by a CALI Reads Site Coach
Coaching and Planning
Month two and three (~3-4 hours)
Work with a CALI Reads Site Coach and your colleagues to:
- Develop lessons
- Implement the strategy
- Refine instruction
Classroom Walkthroughs
Month three and four (~2-3 hrs.)
- Use the Walkthrough Tool to plan and self-rate a lesson (~30 mins).
- Collaborate with a colleague to conduct a Peer-Walkthrough (~1-2-hour total).
- Schedule a Walkthrough by a Coach or Instructional Leader (~1-hour total).