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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A181822 a(n) = member of A025487 whose prime signature is conjugate to the prime signature of A025487(n). 16
1, 2, 6, 4, 30, 12, 210, 60, 8, 2310, 36, 420, 24, 30030, 180, 4620, 120, 510510, 1260, 72, 60060, 16, 900, 840, 9699690, 13860, 360, 1021020, 48, 6300, 9240, 223092870, 180180, 2520, 19399380, 240, 69300, 216, 120120, 6469693230, 1800, 3063060, 144, 44100, 27720, 446185740, 1680, 900900, 1080, 2042040, 200560490130, 12600, 58198140, 32, 720 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)



A permutation of the members of A025487.

If integers m and n have conjugate prime signatures, then A001222(m) = A001222(n), A071625(m) = A071625(n), A085082(m) = A085082(n), and A181796(m) = A181796(n).


Charles R Greathouse IV, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000

Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Conjugate Partition


If A025487(n) = Product p(i)^e(i), then a(n) = Product A002110(e(i)). I.e., a(n) = A108951(A181819(A025487(n))). a(n) also equals A108951(A181820(n)).


A025487(5) = 8 = 2^3 has a prime signature of (3). The partition that is conjugate to (3) is (1,1,1), and the member of A025487 with that prime signature is 30 = 2*3*5 (or 2^1*3^1*5^1).  Therefore, a(5) = 30.


f[n_] := Block[{ww, dec}, dec[x_] := Apply[Times, MapIndexed[Prime[First@ #2]^#1 &, x]]; ww = NestList[Append[#, 1] &, {1}, # - 1] &[-2 + Length@ NestWhileList[NextPrime@ # &, 1, Times @@ {##} <= n &, All] ]; {{{0}}}~Join~Map[Block[{w = #, k = 1}, Sort@ Apply[Join, {{ConstantArray[1, Length@ w]}, If[Length@ # == 0, #, #[[1]]] }] &@ Reap[Do[If[# <= n, Sow[w]; k = 1, If[k >= Length@ w, Break[], k++]] &@ dec@ Set[w, If[k == 1, MapAt[# + 1 &, w, k], PadLeft[#, Length@ w, First@ #] &@ Drop[MapAt[# + Boole[i > 1] &, w, k], k - 1] ]], {i, Infinity}] ][[-1]] ] &, ww]]; Sort[Map[{Times @@ MapIndexed[Prime[First@ #2]^#1 &, #], Times @@ MapIndexed[Prime[First@ #2]^#1 &, Table[LengthWhile[#1, # >= j &], {j, #2}]] & @@ {#, Max[#]}} &, Join @@ f[2310]]][[All, -1]] (* Michael De Vlieger, Oct 16 2018 *)


(PARI) partitionConj(v)=vector(v[1], i, sum(j=1, #v, v[j]>=i))

primeSignature(n)=vecsort(factor(n)[, 2]~, , 4)

f(n)=if(n==1, return(1)); my(e=partitionConj(primeSignature(n))~); factorback(concat(Mat(primes(#e)~), e))

A025487=[2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 30, 32, 36, 48, 60, 64, 72, 96, 120, 128, 144, 180, 192, 210, 216, 240, 256, 288, 360, 384, 420, 432, 480, 512, 576, 720, 768];

concat(1, apply(f, A025487)) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Jun 02 2016


Other rearrangements of A025487 include A036035, A059901, A063008, A077569, A085988, A086141, A087443, A108951, A181821.

A181825 lists members of A025487 with self-conjugate prime signatures.  See also A181823-A181824, A181826-A181827.

Sequence in context: A064538 A002790 A108951 * A346107 A174940 A293011

Adjacent sequences:  A181819 A181820 A181821 * A181823 A181824 A181825




Matthew Vandermast, Dec 07 2010



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Last modified October 19 11:21 EDT 2021. Contains 348088 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)