The Powerful Customer Acquisition & Lead Generation Software ... Without the High Costs

Join 1,213,437+ who get more subscribers and customers with OptinMonster.
"Instant 12% lift in driving sales." - Neil Patel Neil Patel knows tools like OptinMonster work for increasing subscribers and sales!
normally $14/mo
(billed annually)
"Essential tools to get more leads from your existing traffic."
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normally $30/mo
(billed annually)
"Great for growing businesses who want to do more."
Get Started
normally $47/mo
(billed annually)
"Everything you need to get huge results, fast!"
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normally $80/mo
(billed annually)
"All the tools necessary to transform your conversions."
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  • + Unlimited Campaigns
  • + All Campaign Types…
  • + Page Level Targeting
  • + List Segmentation
  • + Subscriber Recognition
  • + Success Messages
  • + Basic Integrations…
  • + Simple Reporting
  • + OptinMonster University…
  • + 2,500 Pageviews
  • + 1 Site
Explore All Features
Everything in Basic, and:
  • + Integrated A/B Testing
  • + Full Reporting
  • + Attention Activation™
  • + Content Locking
  • + Advanced Integrations…
  • + Inactivity Sensor™
  • + MonsterEffects™
  • + MonsterSounds™
  • + Yes/No Forms
  • + 10,000 Pageviews
  • + 2 Sites
Explore All Features
Everything in Plus, and:
  • + Exit Intent® Technology
  • + Mobile-Specific Campaigns
  • + Pro Integrations…
  • + Zapier Integration
  • + MonsterLinks™
  • + Countdown Timers
  • + Campaign Scheduling
  • + UTM Targeting
  • + Referrer Detection
  • + Device Targeting
  • + Smart Tags™
  • + Cart & Form Abandonment
  • + 2 Sub-Accounts
  • + Remove Branding
  • + Priority Support
  • + 25,000 Pageviews
  • + 3 Sites
Explore All Features
Everything in Pro, and:
  • + OnSite Retargeting®
  • + Follow-up Campaigns®
  • + Real-Time Personalization
  • + Coupon Wheel Campaigns
  • + Geolocation Targeting
  • + Success Scripts
  • + ManyChat Integration
  • + Adblock Detection
  • + Behavior Automation
  • + Custom Branding
  • + Activity Logging
  • + Advanced Reporting
  • + Unlimited Sub-Accounts
  • + 100,000 Pageviews
  • + 5 Sites
Explore All Features

Need more pageviews, custom implementation and dedicated support?
Click here to contact us about our custom Enterprise plans

Included for FREE
OptinMonster University

OptinMonster University ($1,997 value)

Instant access to our library of expert courses, guides, video training and ebooks.

Included for FREE
Done-For-You Campaign Setup Service by OptinMonster

Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)

Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results.

My 100% No-Risk Double-Guarantee

If you don’t like OptinMonster over the next 14 days, I will happily refund 100% of your purchase. No questions asked.

Let me tell you why I offer this guarantee to you.

First – the power of OptinMonster just works. I use OptinMonster everywhere on this site because it works so well, and I am certain it will work the same for your website too.

Second – part of our core beliefs here at OptinMonster is that we put people first – ALWAYS – and we fight for your success.

I believe it, the team believes it, and I’m confident you will believe it too.

It’s simple: purchase OptinMonster, add it to your site, and if it doesn’t grow your leads, subscribers or sales, I’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

This guarantee covers a full 14 days, and during that time, the team and I will do everything possible to help you succeed.

Thanks, and I hope we get to be part of your growth story soon!


Thomas Griffin
Co-Founder and President, OptinMonster

All pricing is in USD. All renewals are at full price. You can change plans or cancel your account at any time.
OptinMonster Pricing Trust Seals

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should use OptinMonster?

OptinMonster is the most powerful lead generation software for marketing agencies, bloggers, eCommerce websites, and all small businesses. If you want to grow your email list, improve your website conversions, and reduce cart abandonment, then you need OptinMonster.

What's required to use OptinMonster?

OptinMonster can be installed on nearly every website platform on the internet, and we integrate with every major email marketing service. The only requirement is that you must have a website where you can add custom JavaScript in the body of your website’s pages.

Do I need to pay a year upfront for OptinMonster?

All new OptinMonster plans are billed annually by default. We’ve found over and over that customers who commit to a full year of using OptinMonster see far greater results in both the short and long term. Because we are committed to your success (it’s one of our five core values), we want to encourage practices that support our common goal.

What happens if I go over my pageview limit for my plan?

We will never punish you for doing well – in fact, we celebrate your success in getting more traffic to your site! We will never turn off your campaigns should you go over the amount of pageviews on your plan. When available, we will automatically upgrade you to the next tier should you exceed your pageview limits. If you have more pageviews than in our Growth plan, we will move you to a custom plan and reach out to you to discuss your future pageview needs.

Will OptinMonster slow down my website?

Absolutely not! OptinMonster is carefully built with performance in mind. Our embed code loads in a non-blocking, asynchronous way, ensuring that your website load time has no negative impact as a result of converting more visitors into subscribers and customers with OptinMonster.

Do I need to have coding skills to use OptinMonster?

Absolutely not. You can create and customize beautiful lead capture forms from our large template library without any coding knowledge. We made it extremely user friendly, so you can build and A/B test high-converting lead-capture forms without hiring a developer.

Can I upgrade to a different plan at a later time?

Certainly! You can quickly and easily upgrade at any time by clicking on the Upgrade link in your account menu, choosing your new plan and following the instructions on the screen.

Can I use OptinMonster on client sites?

Yes, you can most definitely use OptinMonster on your client websites. You can signup for our Growth Plan to get additional features such as Account Management, Sub-Accounts, Custom Branding, and everything you need to deliver a top-notch experience for your clients.

Do you offer Enterprise plans?

Yes, we offer all-inclusive Enterprise plans that are designed to scale with you and come with dedicated support. If you have a large website with a lot of pageviews and custom integration requirements, then you can get in touch with our sales team.

Do you have monthly plans available?

Yes, we do. Feel free to view Monthly Subscriptions but keep in mind that annual subscriptions are 50% less than monthly ones, so if you really want to save, we highly recommend choosing the annual subscription instead!

Honest Prices, No Surprises!

Don't leave profitable subscribers and customers on the table.
Experience the full power of OptinMonster on your website today!
normally $14/mo
(billed annually)
Get Started
normally $30/mo
(billed annually)
Get Started
normally $47/mo
(billed annually)
Get Started
normally $80/mo
(billed annually)
Get Started
Form Types
Lightbox Popups
Floating Bars
Floating bars attach themselves to the top or bottom of your user’s screen, and scroll along with them. Our users have reported significant boost in their email signups when using a floating bar forms.
Inline Forms
Inline forms are perfect for blog posts and content heavy pages. You can add them anywhere on your page, including in your sidebar. You can even automatically add your optin forms below your post or page content which allows you to capture the attention of your most engaged visitors without disturbing their reading experience.
Sidebar Forms
Take our inline forms and display them in the sidebar of your website.
Slide-In Scroll Boxes
Slide-ins appear on the bottom right hand corner as the user scrolls down on your website. This makes scroll boxes highly noticeable and effective.
Fullscreen Overlays
Turn any page on your website into the best converting page. Make full screen call to actions that instantly boost conversions on desktop, tablet and mobile devices alike.
Custom eCommerce Forms
Turn your visitors into customers by targeting them with a time sensitive offer. Showcase a coupon or sale and drive urgency by using a countdown timer.
Coupon Wheel Campaigns
Gamify your conversion strategy with interactive spin-a-wheel coupon campaigns to skyrocket your lead and sales growth.
ManyChat Integration
Connect OptinMonster to your ManyChat account and send leads to Facebook Messenger, email or both from the same campaign.
Design & Effects
Beautiful Template Library
Get instant access to 75+ beautiful, high-converting, professionally designed templates to accelerate your conversion growth.
Drag & Drop Builder
Make your forms your own. Customize every element, down to the finest detail, with our powerful drag and drop builder.
Custom Fonts
Stay on brand with our hand picked selection of the best most beautiful fonts from Google.
Custom CSS
Imagine it. Build it. There are no limits to what you can do with OptinMonster!
Custom Success Messages
Craft your own custom conversion success overlay whenever you convert a new visitor into a subscriber. You can even include HTML in this message to encourage people to take further action, such as Like your Facebook page or follow your Twitter profile.
Success Redirects
Send your visitors to a custom landing page or specific URL once they have successfully opted into your form.
MonsterEffects™ is a signature OptinMonster technology that helps you catch your visitor’s eye and boost conversion by adding custom display effects to your popup.
MonsterSounds™ immediately grabs your visitor's attention by playing an attention grabbing, pleasing sound when your campaign displays.
Yes/No Multi-Step Forms
Expand the versatility of your campaigns by adding customizable Yes / No Multi-Step forms to your campaigns.
Countdown Timers
Highlight urgency and drive sales by using our dynamic, versatile countdown timers in your campaigns.
Remove OptinMonster Badge
Make your OptinMonster campaigns look completely custom and tailored to your website by removing our badge.
SMART Controls
Timed-Display Control
Show a targeted campaign once the user has been on your site for a specified period of time with our timed-display controls.
Scroll Triggering
Our highly intelligent scroll triggering technology lets you display a campaign once the visitor has viewed a specific percentage of your page.
Subscriber Recognition
Keep your current newsletter subscribers happy by employing our smart subscriber recognition technology to prevent showing campaigns to those valuable customers.
InactivitySensor™ works by monitoring user behavior and detecting when a visitor stops all activity on your site for a certain period of time, allowing you to trigger a campaign at the exact moment they are no longer engaged with your content.
Content Locking
Restrict and unlock content to subscribers or members only.
Attention Activation™
Attention Activation™ turns your inline campaigns into lead generation powerhouses by forcing visitor attention on your offer when it scrolls into view.
Device Targeting
Target mobile, tablet or desktop visitors only - or a combination of them all.
MonsterLinks™ 2-Step Forms
MonsterLinks™ is our signature 2-step opt-in technology that is proven to increase conversion by enabling users to join your email list with a single-click.
Exit Intent® Technology
Display your forms at the precise moment your visitors are about to leave your site.
Cart & Form Abandonment
Recover more visitors and increase your customer acquisition rate with our reliable cart and form abandonment features.
Campaign Scheduling
Automate the display of campaigns based on the current date, time, day or even month of the year.
Smart Tags™
Smart Tags™ make personalization a breeze. Use smart tags to greet your visitors by name, instruct new subscribers to check the email address they just submitted for follow-up details, and even display the day of the week with a simple tag.
UTM Campaign Targeting
Target and show your campaigns based on specific UTM parameters or any other query parameter in your URL.
Referral Detection
Display campaigns based on the URLs where your visitors come from.
Cookie Retargeting
Display campaigns based on cookies that your visitors have stored in their browser.
Lead Sharing
Send your leads to multiple locations. Connect one or more integration providers to the same form to share your leads.
OnSite Retargeting®
Display a different form based on if the visitor is new or returning.
OnSite Follow-up Campaigns®
Personalize your campaigns based on the interactions your visitor has had with your site, including previous campaign interaction. Target if they have seen or even interacted with other OptinMonster campaigns on your site.
Geolocation Targeting
Display campaigns based on the location of your visitors. Use in conjunction with Smart Tags™ to personalize the location display in your campaigns.
Adblock Detection
Show campaigns to visitors who have Adblock enabled in their browser.
Success Scripts
Trigger custom scripts when a user completes a conversion action on your campaign. Fire a Facebook targeting pixel, Adwords Remarketing pixel, or any other type of custom script at the exact moment your visitor converts.
Behavior Automation
Instantly trigger follow-up campaigns or perform real-time onsite retargeting with our superior campaign interaction technology.
Account Features
Supported Sites
The number of sites allowed on your account. Need more sites? Reach out to us for a custom quote.
1 Site 2 Sites 3 Sites 5 Sites
The number of pageviews on a monthly basis. A pageview is counted any time an optin form is shown to a visitor. Need more pageviews? Reach out to us for a custom quote.
2,500 / mth 10,000 / mth 25,000 / mth 100,000 / mth
Supported Campaigns Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Provider Integrations

Basic Integrations: ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, Custom HTML, Feedblitz, iContact, Mad Mimi, MailChimp, MailPoet, MailerLite, SendinBlue, TotalSend

Advanced Integrations: AWeber, Conversio, ConvertKit,, Emma, GetResponse, Klaviyo, iPost, Drip, SendLoop, SendPulse, Email Octopus

Pro Integrations: Eloqua, HubSpot, Infusionsoft, Marketo, Ontraport, Pardot, SharpSpring, Webhook

Basic Advanced Pro All
Zapier Integration
Connect OptinMonster to all your existing marketing and automation workflows using Zapier
Allow team members and clients to securely access your account.
None None 2 Sub-Accounts Unlimited
Analytics & Reporting
Analyze clicks, views and overall conversion rates with our built-in analytics. See which page or campaign style is converting the best so you can improve your lead generation strategies. Simply put - get the stats that matter.
Simple Full Full Full
OptinMonster University
Get the expert training you need to grow your business with OptinMonster University. Access our exclusive library of courses, execution plans, cheatsheets, guides, video tutorials and more with the purchase of any OptinMonster plan. A $1,997 value that's 100% free with your purchase!
List Segmentation
Utilize our deep email provider integrations to hyper-segment your email lists to get the most out of your new email subscribers.
Page Level Targeting
Do you want to show a targeted message on a specific page or category? Well - you are in luck! Our page level targeting module allows you to target individual pages, so you can build a hyper targeted list.
Integrated A/B Testing
Our A/B split testing module allows you to take your conversion rates to the next level. No more guessing on what works. Test different themes, content, headlines, layouts and styles to see what converts the best. The more you test, the better your conversion rates will be.
Campaign Archives
Want to put away seasonal temporary campaigns without deleting them? Our campaign archive feature allows you to store campaigns that run infrequently.
Priority Support
Custom Branding
Make your branding stand out when using OptinMonster. Customize colors, images and more to make OptinMonster look like your own.
Activity Logging
Keep audit trails of all activity happening in your account. Never worry about who changed the wrong setting or pushed a campaign live without permission.
Client Logins
Give your clients access to your OptinMonster account for previewing campaigns, adding notes and more.
Ready to Get Started? Get Started Get Started Get Started Get Started

Need more pageviews, custom implementation and dedicated support?
Click here to contact us about our custom Enterprise plans

Included for FREE
OptinMonster University

OptinMonster University ($1,997 value)

Instant access to our library of expert courses, guides, video training and ebooks.

Included for FREE
Done-For-You Campaign Setup Service by OptinMonster

Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value)

Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results.

My 100% No-Risk Double-Guarantee

If you don’t like OptinMonster over the next 14 days, I will happily refund 100% of your purchase. No questions asked.

Let me tell you why I offer this guarantee to you.

First – the power of OptinMonster just works. I use OptinMonster everywhere on this site because it works so well, and I am certain it will work the same for your website too.

Second – part of our core beliefs here at OptinMonster is that we put people first – ALWAYS – and we fight for your success.

I believe it, the team believes it, and I’m confident you will believe it too.

It’s simple: purchase OptinMonster, add it to your site, and if it doesn’t grow your leads, subscribers or sales, I’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

This guarantee covers a full 14 days, and during that time, the team and I will do everything possible to help you succeed.

Thanks, and I hope we get to be part of your growth story soon!


Thomas Griffin
Co-Founder and President, OptinMonster

All pricing is in USD. All renewals are all full price. You can change plans or cancel your account at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should use OptinMonster?

OptinMonster is the most powerful lead generation software for marketing agencies, bloggers, eCommerce websites, and all small businesses. If you want to grow your email list, improve your website conversions, and reduce cart abandonment, then you need OptinMonster.

What's required to use OptinMonster?

OptinMonster can be installed on nearly every website platform on the internet, and we integrate with every major email marketing service. The only requirement is that you must have a website where you can add custom JavaScript in the body of your website’s pages.

Do I need to pay a year upfront for OptinMonster?

All new OptinMonster plans are billed annually by default. We’ve found over and over that customers who commit to a full year of using OptinMonster see far greater results in both the short and long term. Because we are committed to your success (it’s one of our five core values), we want to encourage practices that support our common goal.

What happens if I go over my pageview limit for my plan?

We will never punish you for doing well – in fact, we celebrate your success in getting more traffic to your site! We will never turn off your campaigns should you go over the amount of pageviews on your plan. When available, we will automatically upgrade you to the next tier should you exceed your pageview limits. If you have more pageviews than in our Growth plan, we will move you to a custom plan and reach out to you to discuss your future pageview needs.

Will OptinMonster slow down my website?

Absolutely not! OptinMonster is carefully built with performance in mind. Our embed code loads in a non-blocking, asynchronous way, ensuring that your website load time has no negative impact as a result of converting more visitors into subscribers and customers with OptinMonster.

Do I need to have coding skills to use OptinMonster?

Absolutely not. You can create and customize beautiful lead capture forms from our large template library without any coding knowledge. We made it extremely user friendly, so you can build and A/B test high-converting lead-capture forms without hiring a developer.

Can I upgrade to a different plan at a later time?

Certainly! You can quickly and easily upgrade at any time by clicking on the Upgrade link in your account menu, choosing your new plan and following the instructions on the screen.

Can I use OptinMonster on client sites?

Yes, you can most definitely use OptinMonster on your client websites. You can signup for our Growth Plan to get additional features such as Account Management, Sub-Accounts, Custom Branding, and everything you need to deliver a top-notch experience for your clients.

Do you offer Enterprise plans?

Yes, we offer all-inclusive Enterprise plans that are designed to scale with you and come with dedicated support. If you have a large website with a lot of pageviews and custom integration requirements, then you can get in touch with our sales team.

Do you have monthly plans available?

Yes, we do. Feel free to view Monthly Subscriptions but keep in mind that annual subscriptions are 50% less than monthly ones, so if you really want to save, we highly recommend choosing the annual subscription instead!

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