October 18, 2021

Volume XI, Number 291


October 18, 2021

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FTC Chair Appoints Senior Advisor

On October 7, 2021, Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan appointed Olivier Sylvain as a senior advisor on rulemaking and emerging technology. As announced by Fordham University School of Law, where Sylvain serves as a professor of communications, information and administrative law, Sylvain is an expert in the Communications Decency Act and also has focused his work on artificial intelligence and community-owned networked computing.

On his appointment, Olivier Sylvain said, “I’m thrilled that Chair Khan and the FTC leadership has asked me to join them to think through some of the most vexing problems in our networked information economy today. My work at Fordham and elsewhere has prepared me for much of this, but I never imagined I’d work in a federal agency – let alone in this way. I just hope that I am up to the task.”

Read Fordham Law’s announcement.

Copyright © 2021, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP. All Rights Reserved.National Law Review, Volume XI, Number 291

About this Author

In today’s digital economy, companies face unprecedented challenges in managing privacy and cybersecurity risks associated with the collection, use and disclosure of personal information about their customers and employees. The complex framework of global legal requirements impacting the collection, use and disclosure of personal information makes it imperative that modern businesses have a sophisticated understanding of the issues if they want to effectively compete in today’s economy.

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