Seeing Red: Now is the Time for Retention Incentives Not Retirement Incentives

by Joseph P. Masgai, Ed.D. 

Of all the topics of conversation taking place in preparation for in-person learning none is more important than the topic of teacher and principal retention.  Throughout the month of June, I experienced what I can only call a “retirement party circuit” as I bid yet another colleague farewell after a multi-decade career in education.  These veteran teachers and administrators expressed a level of disdain for remote learning stating such an approach to teaching wasn’t what they were trained to do, nor did it satisfy their need to be in the classroom with students feeling the synergy that characterizes engaging learning.  I cannot fault these educators for their decision to retire and many self-described themselves as having “done their duty” throughout the pandemic but could no longer maintain the stamina to meet the challenges the post-COVID-19 classroom will present.  They were simply burned-out. 

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Build Back Better for Latino Americans

Blog by Eloy Oakley, Senior Advisor 

President Biden has a bold vision for the future of country in his Build Back Better agenda, and critical education investments like the free community college and advancing affordability proposals are about opening opportunity for all Americans. As we close out National Hispanic Heritage Month, it’s also a time to celebrate what these proposals would mean for Latino students trying to pursue a postsecondary degree or certificate. 

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U.S. Department of Education Awards $17 Million in Arts Education Projects

By Ruth Ryder, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Today, the U.S. Department of Education awarded $17 million to 27 grants representing 15 states through the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program. These grants were made to national nonprofit organizations, local school districts, colleges and universities, and other arts organizations to enrich the academic experience of and promote arts education for students, including disadvantaged students and students who are children with disabilities. The Arts play critical role in a child’s education. They allow students to become creative thinkers, to connect, design and apply their learnings which in turn prepares our children for the future workforce with the skills and capacity to think outside the box with creative solutions.  

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New Grant Awards for American History and Civics Education

Today, the U.S. Department of Education awarded three new grants under the American History and Civics Education’s Academies and National Activities programs to provide students greater opportunity to learn about the rich history of our nation and build the skills needed to fully participate in civic life. The American History and Civics programs enable institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, and other interested applicants to explore innovative and creative ways to support educators and the teaching of American history and civics to students. This program aims to develop more active and engaged citizens, but does not dictate or recommend specific curriculum, as these decisions are – and will continue to be – made at the local level. 

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Celebrating School Sustainability Achievements and Announcing the Green Strides Tour

Celebrating school sustainability achievements and announcing the green strides tour

By Andrea Suarez Falken, Director of U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools program, ED’s Facilities, Health, and Environment liaison, and Director of the Recognizing Inspiring School Employees Award program

Responding to feedback from the 2020 ED-GRS cohort that a recognition award—without a recognition ceremony—doesn’t feel the same, we offered as much in-person recognition as we could for this year’s ED Green Ribbon Schools honorees. On Sept. 28, we recognized 27 schools, three early learning centers, five school districts, five postsecondary institutions, as well as three state education agency officials at a Washington, D.C., ceremony for their efforts to cultivate sustainable, healthy facilities, wellness practices, and authentic place-based learning. Prioritizing climate and sustainability in schools and school systems is central to President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda, which includes a $100 billion investment in rebuilding our nation’s public schools to create safe and healthy learning environments for all students.  

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American Rescue Plan Funding Supports Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Students: $186 Million in New Projects Announced

By Patrick Carr

Today, the U.S. Department of Education awarded 68 new grants totaling $185,511,391 million through the Alaska Native Education (ANE) and Native Hawaiian Education (NHE) programs. ANE grants were made to Alaska Native Organizations and entities located in Alaska that are governed predominately by Alaska Natives and support innovative projects that recognize and address the unique educational needs of Alaska Native children and adults. Similarly, NHE grants were made to Native Hawaiian educational organizations; Native Hawaiian community-based organizations; and public and private nonprofit organizations, agencies, and institutions with experience in developing or operating Native Hawaiian programs or programs of instruction in the Native Hawaiian language address a significant need to assist Native Hawaiians and to supplement and expand educational programs. The American Rescue Plan made available an additional $170 million to support these programs.

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More Than A Climate Adaptation Plan…

In 2011, we launched the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) recognition award and began honoring schools, districts, and postsecondary institutions for their work to: 1) reduce environmental impacts and save money; 2) improve health and wellness; and 3) teach effective environmental and sustainability education.  

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Open Letter Sessions – Jonnai

To the educators who are preparing for this upcoming school year or those who have
already begun,

After a school year of uncertainty, this is a reminder that you are valid in your feelings
about this school year. Whether you are eager to begin or are still recovering from the
previous year, I want to encourage you to think back to your “why”. In the midst of it all,
it is easy to forget what brought us to this profession. We all have different stories that
led us to become educators. So throughout this school year, I challenge you to take a
moment and reflect back to the beginning of your story.

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Recognizing Inspiring School Employees for a Second Year

Even a pandemic cannot stop the arrival of year two of the newest recognition award at the U.S. Department of Education (ED).  Designed to shine a spotlight on good work and ignite more positive contributions, while engaging state and local stakeholders, the Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) Award is kicking off its second award cycle, with nominations due to ED this fall. ED is also seeking peer reviewers to help select the single national honoree this winter. 

This award was inaugurated back in April 2019, when Congress passed the Recognizing Achievement in Classified School Employees Act, enabling ED to begin honoring one extraordinary education support professional annually.  The subsequent fall, ED officially launched the first award cycle.   

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Update on the Free Inquiry Rule

By Michelle Asha Cooper, Ph.D., Acting Assistant Secretary for Office of Postsecondary Education, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Education Programs 

Protecting First Amendment freedoms on public university and college campuses is essential. Whether it is having the freedom to debate the issues of the day, to gather for expressive purposes, or to engage in protected religious practices, safeguarding First Amendment liberties for students, faculty and administrators serves us all. 

For some, expressing their faith is an important aspect of their identity as well as their college experience.  The United States Constitution provides strong protections for students to express and practice their faith on public college and university campuses.  In particular, the First Amendment requires that public colleges and universities not infringe upon students’ rights to engage in protected free speech and religious exercise, such as associating with fellow members of their religious communities and sharing the tenets of their faith with others.  

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Meeting the President’s Call to Support the Safe and Sustained Reopening of Schools

Meeting the president's call to support the safe and sustained reopening of schools

By the end of this week, more than 62 percent of students across the country will complete their first day of school. 

As a teacher, a principal, and a parent, I always loved those first few days – students seeing each other for the first time after summer break, getting to know their teachers, reading a book or participating in a club or a sport that sparked a new passion. 

But this year, the joy that students and educators are feeling as they return to in-person learning is mixed with uncertainty and a sense of urgency as a result of the pandemic. As educators, we know in our hearts how important in-person learning is for student success—even before the data emerged on the devastating impact of school building closures during the past 18 months.   

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Cumpliremos con el deseo del presidente de apoyar la reapertura segura y sostenida de las escuelas

Para fines de esta semana, más del 62 por ciento de los estudiantes de todo el país completarán su primer día de clases.

Como maestro, director de escuela y padre, siempre me han gustado los primeros días de clase, porque es cuando los estudiantes se ven por primera vez después de las vacaciones de verano, conocen a sus nuevos maestros, leen sus libros, y se unen a un nuevo club escolar o equipo deportivo.

Pero este año la alegría que normalmente sienten los estudiantes y educadores cuando regresan al aula está ensombrecida por las preocupaciones de la pandemia. Como educadores, entendemos muy bien lo importante que es el aprendizaje en el aula para el éxito de los estudiantes, incluso antes de tener los datos que demuestran el impacto devastador que ha tenido el cierre de las escuelas sobre los estudiantes en los últimos 18 meses.

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