Meet Our Ambassadors

Yehutsyawístotha Levinson

Yehutsyawístotha , (Oneida Nation) , believes in passion.

"One thing I am passionate about is language preservation. I work very closely to learn and continue teaching the Oneida Language here in Wisconsin. Considering we are an endangered language, it is very important for me to continue learning so I can pass our culture down to younger kids in our community."

Virginia Lambeth
Cherokee. Apache.

Virginia, (Cherokee/Apache), believes in loyalty and honor.

"One thing I am passionate about is God and my family. I love God, my husband, my children, and my church. I love my Native heritage, as I am a fancy shawl dancer."

Tigh Livermont
Oglala Lakota

Tigh, (Oglala Lakota), believes in compassion & leadership.

"One thing I am passionate about is helping others. I am the current Miss Oglala Nation Rodeo Queen, and my platform is empowering Indigenous youth to achieve anything they put their minds to. I enjoy student government and hope to run for a tribal council position someday because I want to help better the communities on my reservation."

Tisimpsha Kee

Tisimpsha, (Navajo), believes in positivity and optimism.

"One thing I am passionate about is holistic health. I love to read and spend time outdoors."

Trenton Old Horse
Oglala Sioux Tribe

Trenton, (Oglala Lakota), believes in not being afraid to bring the most important issues to discussion.

"One thing I am passionate about is bettering my tribe and reservation for the livelihood of everyone. I really enjoy taking on leadership roles in my community because helping others makes me happy."

Tayton Leyva
Walker River Paiute Tribe

Tayton, (Walker River Paiute Tribe), believes in positivity.

"One thing I am passionate about is being Native, and being a positive person who loves to spread the positivity. My life goal is working at Nike Headquarters designing shoes. I'm a college student currently majoring in Culinary Arts."

Taneesha Marquard

Taneesha , (Muckleshoot), believes in communication.

"One thing I am passionate about is family. I'm interested in learning more about our people and our history."

Taryn Williams
Lac du Flambeau Ojibwe

Taryn, (Lac du Flambeau Ojibwe), believes in caring and being friendly .

"One thing I am passionate about is my family. I am a 3 sport athlete, I graduated from John Casablancas modeling school, and I am in the ITA technology program."

Summer Kirk
Klamath Tribes

Summer, (Klamath Tribes), believes in being organized .

"One thing I am passionate about is academics!. I love to swim, spend time with family, and volunteer!"

Sarah Stedtler

Sarah, (Nipmuck), is very passionate about Native issues and spreading awareness and information about heritage.

"One thing I am passionate about is my tribe, my culture, and my family. I love to fancy shawl dance for my tribe and I admire the messages We R Native shares, I would love to be a part of this organization and be able to represent it!."

Ryheim Baker

Ryheim, (Haliwa-Saponi), believes in having a postie image of herself and her people.

"One thing I am passionate about is my Native American culture and education.I am very deep within my culture. I bead, dance, sing, drum, and many other crafts. I have a very strong belief in the old way of things. I also love telling people about my people because not much isn't known about us."

Sade Cortes
Stockbridge munsee

Sade, (Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohican Indians) , believes in keeping the traditions of her people going through dancing.

"One thing I am passionate about is art and love. Mainly dancing, stepping out there when the sun is low and my heart goes with the rhythm of the drums and my feet lift off the soft grass. I start to dance like art and my imprints are the painting of my picture. I'm a hard worker and will like to explore more tribes. Currently I am smoke dancing for Oneida and traveling with the group."

Salena Phair-Gomez
Lummi Nation

Salena , (Lummi Nation) , believes in being ambitious.

"One thing I am passionate about is clean homelands. I have been part of the Lummi youth canoe family for about 6 years, and I have gotten the chance to travel the world to make a change and share a little about our culture as a Lummi youth. I have also been a canoe puller with Autumn Rose canoe club for almost 10 years. I grew up on the waters and if I wasn't on a canoe, I was on a boat with my parents while they were fishing. My connection with the water is very deep. I have always wanted to help make a change for my people and the people around me. Keeping care of the earth for the generations after me is one of my passions.I just want the best for the future generations and I feel as though I would be a great asset to the We R Native Team."

Samarah LaFountaine

Samarah, (Colville), believes in helping her community .

"One thing I am passionate about is Family . I have represented many powwows as royalty and by doing that I had to travel and speak in front of people and get to know more things about other communities and people. I am a member of the Omak tribal youth council. I work a lot with elders and children and I help my youth council by setting up events for the community. I would love to see a big change in my community as well as others."

Roy Nicol

Roy, (Nooksack), is a very determined person who can also speak in public. Being very charismatic and a team player, Roy can resolve conflicts in a calm and respectful manner.

"One thing I am passionate about is music and staying involved in tribal activities.(pow wows, youth conferences, teen summits, and canoe paddling). I also like to play the ukulele."

Ryan Stanley

Ryan, (Lumbee), believes in educating/speaking about his Native heritage.

"One thing I am passionate about is Native people . All my life I have been dedicated to making the world a better place for Indian people in hope that one day my children will not have to endure the same ignorance I have faced everyday."

Patricia Christensen
Salish Qlispe

Patricia , (Salish Qlispe), believes in community involvement .

"One thing I am passionate about is Native culture. I’ve been drug and alcohol free all 16 years of my life. I sing. I teach Salish to elementary kids once a week. I have 6 siblings. I care about influencing Native youth to live healthy lifestyles and keep in touch with their culture. Our culture is dying out and it’s the youth’s job to learn it, then teach it that’s the only way it will survive. That’s why I want to be an ambassador, so I can help keep our people strong."

Raeanna Connor
MCT White Earth enrollee

Raeanna, (MCT White Earth Nation), believes in determination and passion.

"One thing I am very passionate about is culture and education. I am currently learning the language and traditional ways of our people. In addition to passion and determination, I am also very involved in my school and community."

Noah Barraza

Noah, (Yaqui), believes in film as an expression of art.

"One thing I am passionate about is film making. I have a 3 year background working with media in my Native community."

Nataylia Richardson

Nataylia, (Barona Band of Mission Indians), believes in hope.

"One thing I am passionate about is mental health / elders. I just want to help our Native people. I know I was born to do this as dramatic as that sounds."

Montana Littlehead
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma

Montana, (Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma) , believes in respect and culture .

"One thing I am passionate about is my culture and family . I'm very respectful and caring about my traditions."

MyKennah Lott
Northern Arapaho

MyKennah, (Northern Arapaho) , believes in resilience .

"One thing I am passionate about is clean water. I'm committed to ensuring the healthy development and well-being of our youth and elders."

Miranda Matt
Colville confederated tribes

Miranda, (Confederated Tribes of Colville) , wants to make an impact in her community.

"I’m Miranda, and I’m passionate about being apart of my tribal youth council where I serve as our president.I come from a small town in Washington state where our people are labeled as “ drug addicts, drunks, and gangsters”. I want to show the people how it is wrong to label us Native Americans, as those negative terms. We’re more than a label. I also like to stay active in our community by planning/hosting events that get's everyone involved."

Marlyee Friday
Eastern shoshone

Marlyee, (Eastern Band of Shoshone), believes in working hard and having a good work ethic .

"One thing I am passionate about is making lives better within our community and another thing I'm passionate about is my schooling. I just like doing activities and really like meeting new people."

Michelle Schuman
Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

Michelle, (Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), believes in positivity and open-mindedness.

"One thing I am passionate about is school and sports."

Maiya Martinez

Maiya , (Spokane), believes in compassion.

"One thing I am passionate about is family and culture. I am a junior in high school I love competing in sports and working with a team. I enjoy the time I get to spend with other Native youth and I am grateful for the opportunities I get to go to conferences with my youth council."

Maria Palma
Cherokee reservation

Maria, (Cherokee Nation), believes in being friendly and likes to stay organized.

"One thing I am passionate about is photography and my culture . I do well in crowds and I'm not afraid to speak the truth."

Louisa Harjo
MVSKOKE (Muscogee/Creek)

Louisa, (MVSKOKE (Muscogee/Creek)), believes in creativity .

"One thing I am passionate about is art as a form of expression. I aspire to share how important art expression is important to our indigenous/Native cultures. Whether, its beading, painting, drawing, sewing, film, photography, or any kind of media, we can share our culture. Art helps keep our traditions alive and thriving."

Lilia Vera

Lilia, (Yakama) , believes in professionalism.

"One thing I am passionate about is speaking up. I have spoken in suicide prevention conferences to share my story. and it has been a while and I would love to get back into that again. Anything I would be willing to help out as much as I can."

Loryn Moore
Colville Tribe

Loryn, (Colville Tribe), believes in having authenticity .

"One thing I am passionate about is changing lives . I was Miss NWIYC 2017 and have attended 5 NWIY conferences. I am Vise President of my school on the Colville Rez, President of my Junior class, an honors society student, apart of our schools Native American Club, work for my tribes fish and wild life department each summer, am apart of the Okanogan Youth Counsil, run “girls club” once a week which is a group I started to improve self love, originality, and community leadership amongst young women (and men) in our area and have helped start other branches of girls club in other areas since then, I drive myself and sometimes others 2 hours there and back to the nearest city to my Rez twice a week to play competitive soccer on a club team in Spokane. I plan on playing college level soccer and getting my doctorate in psychology and minoring in nutrition and coming back to our Rez to become a counselor and spread awareness that physical and mental health go hand in hand. I also plan on finding a way to attend Unity this year, running for my youth tribal council and learning how to fancy dance, teach my self how to play the cello, and plan on attending Wenatchee Valley college next year. I know who I am and I want to improve our reservation and advocate for my people in any way I can. I have a strong voice and I intend on using it. Helping others isn’t just my passion it’s my purpose."

Lanaiya Chavarria
Omaha Tribe

Lanaiya, (Omaha Tribe & Khapo Owingeh), believes in movement and leadership.

"One thing I am passionate about is continuing my Native language . My interests involve participating in my traditional ceremonies, teaching the youth what I know about our language, and learning/understanding the oral traditions that I've learned from the elders before me."

Kimberlin Hunt
Lumbee tribe

Kimberlin, (Lumbee Tribe) , is outgoing and ambitious .

"One thing I am passionate about is culture and helping the youth. I am currently in college and I will be obtaining a degree in social work. Upon receiving my degree, I plan on working with Native youth with a focus on suicide prevention."

Kintv Deere
Muscogee (Creek)

Kintv, (Muscogee Creek), believes in creativity .

"One thing I am passionate about is my culture. I love capturing the beauty of America through the minds of Native Americans."

Kelly McCoy-Adouko
Muscogee Creek Nation

Kelly , (Muscogee Creek Nation) , believes self-drive, commitment, and keep striving/thriving no matter what is the key to success.

"One thing I am passionate about is unifying the Native American race again.. My overall goal is to become a social worker for my tribe and to instill healthier habits for our upcoming generations. By doing this, we can reform and become a stronger race than we already are. Just by showing them healthier alternatives to mental health besides drinking or smoking. Create more activists within Indian reservations and communities. I want to become one of the top social workers not only in my tribe, but as an overall Native American social worker. I will always be striving to bring tribes together as one again and bring everyone together for a healthier race for many generations to come."

Kesla Fry

Kesla, Confederated Tribes of Colville) , enjoys interacting with people through public speaking.

"One thing I am passionate about is my culture. I am a running start student at Omak Washington. I'm also the secretary for our Colville Youth Council. I love being involved in my youth, the community, my culture, anything I possibly can be involved in. I truly like being involved in what I can be to show other native people that they can make a difference. The past three years I've worked with kids showing them native foods, dance and music. I am also now representing Miss NWIYC."

Keixé Yaxtí / Maka Monture

Keixé Yaxtí / Maka, (Tlingit/Mohawk), believes resiliency and humor are important ways to help Native communities.

"One thing I am passionate about is a world where Indigenous People thrive and are sovereign. . I run a Youth Program called Arctic Youth Ambassadors. A program that brings together diverse youth from across Alaska to serve as ambassadors for their communities and country in building awareness at home and abroad about life in the Arctic. You can visit: for more information."

Maka is also a Gen-I Youth Ambassador, as well as, a National Indian Health Board Health Policy Fellow.

Kanyon Stevens

Kanyon, (Salish) , believes in raising awareness for suicide prevention.

One thing I am passionate about is family and helping others . I'm part of the LGBTQ community."

Jessica Penny

Jessica, (Lumbee), believes in learning from her elders and also enjoys encouraging our younger generations to learn about our culture. To learn who they are as Native people, and to know that they can overcome any stereotype that our people face.

"One thing I am passionate about is trying to bring healing and hope to our communities so that our people can overcome stereotypes and adversity. I was selected as a contestant to run for the 2018-2019 position of Miss Indian North Carolina. For my platform, I spoke about the injustices of our Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and why it’s so important that our people learn to speak out about it so that our women can begin to start healing."

Jo Jo Blackwood Blackwood
Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas

Jo Jo, (Kickapoo Tribe), is a compassionate listener.

"One thing I am passionate about is LGBTQ+2S community. I am a great artist and a coordinator for my LGBTQ Club at my high school."

Joshua Lopstain

Joshua, (Miwuk), believes in finding solutions.

"One thing I am passionate about is family & education, more importantly, Native education."

Josiah Hugs
Crow Nation

Josiah, (Crow Nation), believes in having great communication skills, as well as, the ability/willingness to learn.

"My name is Josiah Hugs, I am 20 years old and I am from the Crow nation. I grew up in Fort Smith, Montana. I went to Hardin Highschool. I also attended the Montana National Guard Youth Challenge Academy, Graduated December 17 2017. I also did Career training in Job Corps. My trade of choice was Carpentry and Diesel mechanics. I love working with youth and setting the example!
Growing up I didn't have that kind of direction so in return I'd like to make that difference, especially for the Native youth!"

Jeanetta Leach
Cherokee/United Keetowah Band

Jeanetta,(Cherokee/United Keetowah Band), believes her love for the earth, helping people come together to keep our communities clean and safe for us humans and also all of the precious animals that we live among..

"One thing I am passionate about is Animals. Thankfully being apart of WRN this past year I was able to learn more about traditional foods, scholarships, various ways to help my community."

Jaret Decorah
Ho-Chunk Nation

Jaret, (Ho-Chunk Nation), believes in having a great work ethic.

"One thing I am passionate about is family. I also love to play sports and I love the outdoors."

Jayla Pappan
Ponca Tribe

Jayla, (Ponca Tribe), believes in helping youth to build self esteem and self worth.

"One thing I am passionate about is GOD and my family. I play sports, I am a hi stepper for Ponca City High School, my interests are being proactive for suicide prevention, bullying, substance abuse, teen dating violence and tradition/cultural."

Jazmine Wildcat
Northern Arapaho

Jazmine, (Northern Arapaho), believes in perseverance.

"One thing I am passionate about is advocacy. I am passionate about making the world a better place for future generations. Whether it’s working to educate about climate change, healthy lifestyles, gun violence or coaching Special Olympics, I give it my all and if I can impact one life, I think that can be considered a success."

Georgia Blackwood
Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas

Georgia, (Kickapoo Tribe), is an artist..

"One thing I am passionate about is education . I successfully lobbied for the passage of Kansas House Bill 2498. This bill went into law and from now, schools must allow Natives to wear their feathers or regalia during graduations or other formal ceremonies."

Gethsemane Carrillo
White mountain Apache (decendant)

Gethsemane , (Decedent of White Mountain Apache) , believes in working hard and completing a task once it is started.

"One thing I am passionate about is poetry. I am always looking for something to do to help the youth in my community, especially when it comes to culture. Some of my interests are singing, dancing, music ,and math."

Evynn Richardson
Haliwa Saponi

Evynn, (Haliwa-Saponi), believes that if you speak healing and support one another Indian Country could change for the better.

“One thing I am passionate about is supporting my fellow natives in all that they do. If we all learn to help one another it would have a major impact on our communities. If you see someone slipping, you help steady them so you can both continue your journeys. If you see someone receive an award, pat them on the back and encourage them to keep up the good work. It does not matter what tribe you are from, our collective veins all flow with the blood of a strong people. As direct descendants of Mother Earth we must love each other as brothers and sisters. When we stand as one, we can accomplish anything.”

Frankie Buzzard
O Gah Pah (Quapaw)

Frankie, (O Gah Pah (Quapaw)) , believes in having great speaker skills and loves art.

"One thing I am passionate about is my family.. I feel that being apart of the WeRNative team is another great opportunity to not only share the ways of my O Gah Pah people & what I have learned, but also an opportunity to learn the ways of my brothers & sisters of other tribes & continue to build & grow as a person."

Frankie Wright
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Cree

Frankie, (Turtle Mountain Chippewa Cree), believes in communication and leadership..

"One thing I am passionate about is physical activity and cultural preservation. I enjoy participating in extracurricular activities and volunteering my time to help youth on my reservation. I encourage physical activity as an alternate to a unhealthy lifestyle."

Ethan Tsosie

Ethan, (Navajo), believes in having a motivational drive .

"One thing I am passionate about is my balance.


My name is Ethan Tsosie. I am currently a senior at ASU Preparatory Academy located in Casa Grande, Arizona. Something that I would like to share about myself is that I am from the Navajo tribe and I am currently the president/founder of the American Indian Business Leaders (AIBL) chapter at our school. Starting this club has been a true legacy for me and for my school. My school is not located on the reservation and there is not a lot of native representation at my school. I am the only Navajo student that I know of enrolled at ASU Prep. It makes me feel alone sometimes but I have adapted and made some new friends of diverse cultures. They love hearing about mine because it is a culture they often don't hear about. I have been keeping myself busy at school by doing extracurricular activities like joining a VEX robotics team which we did qualify for the world championship, a competitive math team, head of the prom committee and one of two members of the yearbook team. Everything that I have just listed is my passions, passions I would have never known that I liked to do. When I went to school on the reservation it was all about basketball, football, and all the other stereotypical cool clubs. My friends tease me for joining things that would be described as "nerdy" and it phases me but I always wondered why is it nerdy to them but to me it was something I enjoy. If you met me 2 years ago, I would have never imagined being a part of a math or robotics team. I changed because I explored outside of what was expected of me to do. Growing up on the reservation, my parents were always busy and never had time to sign me up for amazing youth programs that I would hear about once in awhile. They moved us off the reservation and there was nothing that I couldn't join, I had all the options I wanted. Of course, my friends influenced me to join basketball and cross country right away. It was something I enjoyed for a brief time but I knew it was something I didn't absolutely love. So I took a minute to shred the noise that was around me and join something I would love doing. Now I put on school and community events for everyone to enjoy. I continuously encourage my other native friends to go and strive for higher educations and find hobbies that will keep them busy. I believe that we as a people should continuously strive for the betterment of ourselves. If something makes someone happy I believe that they should do it no matter what others might think. Knowing someone left an event that I managed with a smile makes me happy because I feel like I spread happiness to others."

Evalea Cortez
Tulalip tribes

Evalea , (Tulalip Tribes), believes in being helpful to others while staying hard working and motivated .

"One thing I am passionate about is helping people in my community and making a difference in the Munich community and being apart of my culture. I am on my community’s youth council called the Tulalip tribes youth council, I went to Washington DC with our Tulalip board of directors secretary in February to help bring up the survival act and the JOM act and many more to help out with other tribes across the United States, also as youth council we are starting our own plant farm to help our people in Washington."

Emily Hyatt

Emily, (Choctaw) , believes in positivity.

"One thing I am passionate about is helping others. I’m also passionate about educating people on Native culture and helping out in my community."

Echo Atwell
Tachi Yokut Tribe

Echo, (Tachi Yokut Tribe), is a four year staff member for the school yearbook, and feels that knowledge will help with the position of being an ambassador.

"One thing I am passionate about is being able to make change in my community, I have grown up with a tight knit community, and positive changes are always being made with help of the youth council that I am on. I am a coach for youth softball, and I am blessed to coach a great group of young girls. I have gained a lot of knowledge from being a coach, for instance, my communication skills have been improved, and I am able to become a successful leader every day."

Elizabeth Gonzalez
Tachi Yokut Tribe

Elizabeth, (Tachi Yokut Tribe) believes in having great public speaking skills. Having taken theater classes, and being a part of my youth council for 3 years has helped me. I feel like this experience will help me as an ambassador.

"One thing I am very passionate about giving back to my community. Everything that I do or want to do connects to my community. The people I grew up around have shaped me into the person I am today, and I want to be able to give to those who are growing, and learning.. I am very active with sports, I play basketball, softball, and I wrestle. Those sports have taught me so many lessons in life, and I may be busy sometimes, but I am always committed to the things I do.

I was recently accepted into Fresno State and Sonoma State as a history major, and I am the first one in my family to be able to go to college, it gives me great pleasure to represent my family at state colleges."

Davineekat White Elk
Northern Ute, Blackfoot, Carizzo

Davineekat , (Northern Ute/Blackfoot/Carizzo), is a motivated and compassionate person with the ability to be flexible and adapt quickly. Over three years of experience communicating and presenting to all ages, Davineekat will bring knowledge, the ability to think in tight spots, and strong observational skills.

"One thing I am passionate about is to educate youth about the environment we live in and how to take care of it. My goal is to become a veterinarian and I want to spread my knowledge about animals and the environment we share to the youth because the next generation is what's going to make us stronger as Native people. I love to play sports and be activate in my community."

Darvin Poocha
Navajo, Hopi, Pima

Darvin, (Navajo, Hopi, Pima), believes hard work and art as a form of expression.

"One thing I am passionate about is drawing and cooking. I'm friendly and outgoing, but can be shy at times."

Danielle Ivan
Akiak Native Community

Danielle, (Akiak Native Community), believes in public speaking with a focus on our way of life and tradition. Learning from my elders to pass along to my generation, and the next one.

"One thing I am passionate about is how my village was once great. If I am to return home after getting my degrees, I will try my best to make it great again."

Clarissa Howtopat
Warm springs

Clarissa, (Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs) , believes in compassion and listening to others.

"One thing I am passionate about is my people. I am 20 years old and I started college when I was 16. I got my associates when I was 19 and I am currently working as a counselor and recovery mentor. I also volunteer in the Oregon State prisons. I want to help my tribe and people with addiction and overall health."

Coral Douglas

Coral, (Comanche), believes in cooperativeness.

"One thing I am passionate about is education. I'm part of my high school's Native American club, Women's Chorus, Cross Country Team, and Track Team. I want to help fellow Native students with any classes/issues as much as I can."

Cheyenne Weatherby

Cheyenne, (Swinomish), believes in being spontaneous and having a friendly personality .

"One thing I am passionate about is making bullying and domestic violence stop. . I have a story to share with the world and I want to change how people view the oceans and the people of our community. I want the teens of our community to stop smoking marijuana and cigarettes. Along with bringing the next generation to a happy healthy Schlengan (Way of life)."

Chelsea Antonio
The Pueblo of Acoma

Chelsea , (The Pueblo of Acoma), believes in helping youth.

"One thing I am passionate about is helping people in my community in any way I can."

Cheyenne Gilbert
Grand ronde

Cheyenne , (Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde) , believes in enthusiasm and passion.

"One thing I am passionate about is my culture . I love playing basketball and attending tournaments or even running scrimmages with the younger kids in our housing area. I’m very dedicated to my community and I’m very excited to be apart of the We R Native team."

Cassidy Henderson

Cassidy, (Cherokee Nation), believes in sharing her knowledge.

"One thing I am passionate about is living to the fullest . I currently serve as the VP of Finance, Director of Philanthropy, and Secretary for my sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau, I am a member of NASA, Native American Student Association, as well on campus. I have previously served on the Cherokee Nation Youth Tribal Council, I am also involved in stomp dancing."

Chado Daffron
Wichita Tribe

Chado, (Wichita Tribe), believes in leadership .

"One thing I am passionate about is making a better world. I love being in the Marching Band and I am a percussionist.
I am interested in politics and how Native Americans can become agents of change in the world."

Carl Wewasson

Carl, (Ojibwe), believes in speaking and having a very persuasive charisma.

"One thing I am passionate about is my family and also being a leader and a role model in my community. I excited to join the We R Native team to start creating positive change."

Bonita Chavez
Chilkat Tlingit

Bonita, (Chilkat Tlingit), believes in helping young mothers.

"One thing I am passionate about is support for moms . I believe that the community can use support for young mothers . We could fund raise to provide baby clothes , bottles , diapers etc. Provide information on breastfeeding , formula feeding , correct car seat use, and even have a support group. I also want to help provide and find resources that young mothers can utilize."

Anona Francis
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla

Anona, (Confederated Tribes of Umatilla), believes in hard work.

"One thing I am passionate about is family. I come from five different tribes. I’m from the Umatilla, Walla Walla, Yakima ,Lagoona Pueblo, and Warm Springs Tribe."

ArriAnna Henry-Matt

ArriAnna, (Salish), believes in leadership and commitment.

"One thing I am passionate about is culture/language preservation and suicide prevention. I am an active leader within my community. I have planned/organized/hosted a school wide assembly educating and bringing awareness to suicide. Figuring out the strengths and weaknesses to make positive change within the community. I have also started a community garden with my partner. We grew fresh produce for the school and community to provide healthy meals and to assure nobody goes hungry. We took the initiative to educate the youth in our school of healthy produce and how to be earth friendly. I have taken multiple leadership roles in planning conferences. I am the president of the Flathead reservations Nkwucin (one voice) UNITY youth council. These recent two years our group has been asked to lead the youth workshop portion of the Salish conference. I personally took the lead in teaching the youth “language time” where they were taught body parts. I am also currently representing the Kalispel Tribe of Indians as Miss Qlispe (kalispel) 2017-2018. These past two years I have truly dedicated my time to make positive changes within my community."

Ashten Calistro-Yazzie

Ashten, (Dine'), believes in having pride and confidence.

"One thing I am passionate about is helping people. I'm currently a high school cheerleader and would love to get the Native People's word out."

Ana Atwell
Tachi Yokut

Ana, (Tachi Yokut), is a role model to others. I inspire youth to speak up to themselves, and speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. I am a natural born leader. I am positive and motivate others to be more positive.

"One thing I am passionate about is learning about my culture; such as my language, songs, ceremonies and the ways of my ancestors. I am passionate about teaching my language, songs, and ceremonies, so that other members of my tribe will be as educated about our history.. Although I am young, I believe I have the skills and leadership qualities to be an ambassador. I am the President of my Tribal Youth Council, and President of my high school’s Native American Club. I am currently in the process of learning my language, and I would love to share that knowledge with other youth."

Anaweg Smith
Cherokee Nation

Anaweg, (Cherokee Nation), believes in being very understanding and open to other's and that is important when connecting to other's.

"One thing I am passionate about is helping Indigenous students with mental health and finding themselves through their traditional ways.. I am very involved with tribal politics, so I am informed on a lot of the processes going into our government systems."

Alyssa Hurt

Alyssa, (Chickasaw Nation), believes in perspective and creativity .

"One thing I am passionate about is photography. Photography is a gift i have been given and I would very much appreciate any opportunity to share this special gift of mine with others."

Amber(mason) Yarbrough
Conderaded tribes of siletz Indians

Amber(Mason), Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians) , enjoys doing whatever it takes to help support peers.

"One thing I am passionate about is becoming who I can and making people happy . I identify as a trans male and I go by he/him/his pronouns and use the name Mason."

Alec Calac
Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians

Alec, (Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians), believes our culture gives us a greater sense of self – a connection to our land, our ancestors. However, we come from different walks of life, and some Native youth may not be familiar with the traditional knowledge of their people. We must be cognizant of that fact, and support efforts that revitalize these lost cultural, physical, and spiritual connections. As a We R Native Youth Ambassador, I will bring unending empathy to the relationships that I foster and maintain across Indian Country.

One thing I am passionate about is My life’s greatest passion is working to reduce and eliminate the health inequities that exist within our tribal communities. For years, I did not use my voice. That changed when I moved to Washington, DC. There, I got comfortable with being uncomfortable, and became an outspoken advocate for the unmet health needs of Native youth. Working with the National Indian Health Board as part of their inaugural Tribal Youth Health Advisory Board, I have focused my advocacy efforts on education, substance abuse prevention, childhood obesity and diabetes.. I am from Pauma, the place where there is water. The Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians is situated in Northern San Diego County, and was officially established in 1893. Our tribal members are committed to the promotion of education and pride in our heritage and community. Trading the West Coast for the Sonoran Desert, I graduated cum laude from the University of Arizona in 2016 with a B.S. in Neuroscience and Biology, minoring in Biochemistry. Now home to pursue my M.D.-Ph.D. at UC San Diego School of Medicine, I am poised to mentor the next generation of Native youth in San Diego County, especially those who are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM).

Alexis Elmore
Pit River Tribe, Madesi.

Alexis, (Pit River Tribe/Madesi), believes in being outgoing, easy to communicate with, and obtaining as much Native historical knowledge as possible.

"One thing I am passionate about is my culture, It's allows me to connect with the Elders, and my Indigenous practices.

As one of the proud Native American youth, of our nation, I love to make a difference and change to our society for the good. Being a leader in a community or school can be very beneficial. In life you will always need those leaders to help guide others through life or become a great person to help others. In my community and school I participate in Cheer Leading; as Captain, Basketball, Softball, Golf, Pow Wow dancing; as a northern Buckskin Traditional dancer, royalty for the Still Water Powwow; as Miss Still water of 2017-2019, I participate on student council for the Native American Education Club as the treasurer for the last 6 years, the fundraiser committee, Dance committee, Leo's Club, Interact Club, I Host cultural classes for my community with the help of my mom: Beading, Powwow Dace lessons, Regalia Making, Willow Gathering, Basket Weaving and Root Gathering. Last but not least I picked up and started the trend of assemblies at my school for Native American Heritage Month since i was in 7th grade. Being involved, I feel, brings you out of your shell and gives you a new purpose to show off who you are and your passion for our Native backgrounds."

Alexis Mills
Eastern Band of Cherokee (limited)

Alexis, (Eastern Band of Cherokee), believes in being there for his community.

"One thing I am passionate about is helping my people. I plan to become a holistic/integrative Veterinarian because I not only love animals, but I want to be a role model for my people, both black and native. I also love to speak out on issues that affect my communities. Also, I love playing the piano and being outside."

Aaron Nicholai
Coeur d'Alene

Aaron, (Coeur d'Alene) believes in positive motivation .

One thing I am passionate about is Generational growth. Once we instill this, it will help bring us together. I am also passionate about getting more people in my community involved.

Adryanna Armstrong
Lake Superior Band of Chippewa Indians

Adryanna, (Lake Superior Band of Chippewa Indians), believes in being a people's person. She would like to change her community in ways it’s never been changed. It’s hard for people to hear her voice in her community & she's hoping this will help get the word out about the changes she is going to see or make.

"One thing I am passionate about is change and becoming a better person than I was the day before.. I’m passionate about the future and I want to see everything in my community change. I want to see people do more cultural things like fish, hunt, gather, and spear. I want people to be more involved in our culture because every year I see kids lose more interest in the culture. Last but not least, I love nature & travel. I love to just go out and visit new places & to meet other Native Americans & hear about their interest’s & outlooks on life as a Native American. I love learning more and more about my culture everyday."

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