The finer points.

Analytics helps you understand how people use your sites and apps, so you can take action to improve their experience. Discover what Google Analytics can do by checking out the features list below:

The finer points.

Analytics Intelligence

Get fast answers to questions about your analytics data, uncover insights about how your business is performing, and tap into sophisticated modeling capabilities.

  • Answers to Your Questions

    Anyone on the team can ask questions about business metrics directly in-product, freeing analysts to spend their time on deeper research and discovery.

  • Proactive Insights

    Analytics will automatically surface insights from your data on key changes, new trends and other opportunities you should be aware of.

  • User and Conversion Modeling

    Access Smart Goals, Smart Lists, and Session Quality data, which use machine learning to help drive more conversions.


Understand how customers are interacting with your site and apps, and easily share insights across your organization with a variety of reporting tools.

  • Audience Reports

    Access a wide range of audience report types to learn about your users:

    • Active Users
      Measure active users based on their interactions with your site or app in the last 1, 7, 14, or 30 days.
    • Lifetime Value
      Understand how much value different users create for your business based on activity across multiple sessions.
    • Audiences
      See a cross-channel view of the audiences you’ve created in Analytics.
    • User Explorer
      Understand individual, rather than aggregate, user behavior.
  • Advertising Reports

    Analytics offers many reports that can help you analyze, understand, and improve your online advertising efforts.

    • Google Ads
      Get post-click performance metrics for users who clicked on your Ads campaigns and then came through to your website or used your mobile app.
    • Display & Video 360 (Analytics 360 only)
      View and analyze Display & Video 360 campaign data in Analytics.
    • Search Ads 360 (Analytics 360 only)
      View and analyze Search Ads 360 data in Analytics 360.
  • Acquisition Reports

    See how you acquire users, their behavior on your site after acquisition, and their conversion patterns.

    • Search Console
      See how pre-click data, like queries and impressions, correlate with post-click data, like bounce rate and transactions
    • Social
      Understand how your social efforts impact engagement on your site and apps
    • Campaigns
      See how ad campaigns, search engines, social networks, and more are impacting site engagement.
  • Behavior Reports

    Better understand how your users are interacting with your site.

    • Behavior Flow Report
      This report visualizes the path users traveled from one page or Event to the next. Discover what content keeps users engaged with your site or identify potential content issues.
    • Site Search
      Understand which of your users used your site’s search function, which search terms they entered, and how effectively the search results created deeper engagement with your site.
    • Site Speed
      See how quickly users are able to see and interact with your content. You can identify areas that need improvement and then evaluate those improvements.
  • Conversion Reports

    See how all your channels are working together to drive conversions on your site and apps.

    • Goal Flow
      See the path your users traveled towards a Goal conversion. This report can help you see if users are navigating your content as expected or identify problems, such as high drop-off rates or unexpected loops.
    • Ecommerce
      Analyze purchase activity on your site or app. You can see product and transaction information, average order value, ecommerce conversion rate, time to purchase, and other data.
    • Multi-Channel Funnels
      What role did prior website referrals, searches, and ads play in driving conversions on your site? See how your marketing channels (i.e., sources of traffic to your website) work together to create sales and conversions.
  • Real-Time Reporting

    Understand what’s happening on your site in the moment with real-time reporting. Audiences created for remarketing and experimentation are also available and processed in real time.

  • User Flow Reporting

    See how visitors move through your websites with flow visualization reporting. Content groupings analyze groups of pages, while user explorer analyzes the actions of a specific user.

  • Data Freshness (Analytics 360 Only)

    With Analytics 360, get updated insights as quickly as every 10 minutes, so you can evaluate your performance in near real-time. Understand what your users are doing right now and how changes to your site or new content affects their experience. Learn more.

  • Unsampled Reports (Analytics 360 Only)

    With Analytics 360, you get the ability to create unsampled reports, giving you access to more data and more insights.

  • Roll-Up Reporting (Analytics 360 Only)

    With Roll-Up Reporting in Analytics 360, get an aggregated view of all data from your Analytics properties to see global metrics or isolate individual brand performance across countries.

Data Analysis and Visualization

Analytics provides many ways to access, organize, and visualize your data to suit your business needs.

  • Data Access

    Access your data anywhere. In addition to our web application, we provide an official mobile app (Android and iOS), email alerts, an external reporting API, and integrations to multiple Google products.

  • Filtering and Manipulation

    Customize your data to meet your needs with advanced filters, custom channel groupings, content groupings, and calculated metrics.

    Analytics 360 users, and those with Firebase-connected apps, can get even more detailed filtering with the built-in connection to BigQuery, Google Cloud’s enterprise data warehouse.

  • Funnel Analysis

    Analytics offers tools for insightful funnel analysis on your sites and apps.

    • Shopping and Checkout Funnels
      Analyze the customer path to purchase and determine where customers drop off at each stage in the funnel.
    • Custom Funnel (Analytics 360 only)
      Configure these funnels at any time (not just during implementation) to customize your funnel analysis to your business.
    • Multi-Channel Funnels
      Visualize and report on the multiple campaign touchpoints that users engage in across sessions along the path to conversion.
    • App Event Funnels
      Configure visualization of in-app events into logical sequences to better understand how one action relates to another.
  • Segmentation

    In addition to built-in segments, you can create custom segments at the session or user level which are compatible with supporting Google products like Google Ads.

  • Visualization and Monitoring

    Our built-in reports offer a variety of ways to visualize your unique data. Customers can also create customizable, shareable dashboards with a variety of widgets.

  • Custom Funnels (Analytics 360 Only)

    Visualize the steps your users take to complete an event. You can use this to improve your site and reduce inefficiencies in your user flows. You can also create an audience list to re-engage users who drop out of the funnels. Learn more.

  • Advanced Analysis (Analytics 360 Only)

    Dive into all your data to find important insights about your customers with sophisticated analysis capabilities.

Data Collection and Management

Analytics helps your organize and manage your data.

  • Collection APIs

    Analytics supports Javascript libraries, mobile app SDKs, and an open measurement protocol that allows you to import interaction data from any internet-connected third-party system.

  • Tag Management Support

    Analytics is supported by all leading tag management systems and works seamlessly with Google Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360.

  • Configuration APIs

    Explore a variety of ways to manage your Analytics account with our configuration APIs.

  • Custom Variables

    Import customized data easily. Custom variables, including custom dimensions, custom metrics, and calculated metrics, can monitor a variety of structured or unstructured text or metrics.

  • Data Import

    Import data from external sources and combine it with data collected via Analytics for a more complete view.

  • User Access Controls

    User access controls let you control access for different users of your Analytics account.

    With Analytics 360, you can manage access with the highest level of control.

  • Custom Tables (Analytics 360 Only)

    Get fast, unsampled data for your most important data sets. With Custom Tables, you specify a combination of metrics or dimensions that you want Analytics to process unsampled on a daily basis.

  • Google BigQuery Export (Analytics 360 Only)

    Get access to raw data that refreshes every 10 minutes. BigQuery enables interactive analysis of up to trillions of rows of data, the joining of multiple data sources, advanced predictive modeling, natural language processing, machine-learning capabilities, and more.

Data Activation

Make smarter marketing decisions informed by your data.

  • Intelligence and Anomaly Detection

    Analytics offers a diagnostics tool to alert users to unexpected events or metrics.

    The Analytics Assistant tool surfaces relevant business insights and, over time, customizes which insights are relevant for which user.

  • Predictive Analysis

    Analytics can help you predict valuable users and actions. Smart Lists identifies which users to re-engage with ads, while Smart Goals predicts which on-site actions are most valuable.

  • App Notifications and Remote Configs

    Create audiences for your mobile app users with Firebase and use them to send push notifications and remote configurations across other app developer features.

  • Audience Demographics

    Demographic and interest data detail the age, gender, and interests of users.


Analytics is designed to work seamlessly with other Google solutions and partner products, saving your time and increasing efficiency.

  • Google Ads

    See your ads and website performance data together in the Google Ads reports in Analytics 360. You can also import your Analytics goals, e-commerce transactions and metrics into your Ads account. Learn more.

  • Display & Video 360 (Analytics 360 Only)

    View and analyze Display & Video 360 data in Analytics 360 with a new set of dedicated reports. Learn more.

    The integration also enables you to create audiences in Analytics 360 and use those audiences for remarketing in Display & Video 360.

  • Search Ads 360 (Analytics 360 Only)

    See and analyze your Search Ads 360 data in Analytics 360. You’ll see a new set of dedicated reports with detailed metrics. Learn more.

  • Surveys 360

    Get real feedback to drive smarter decisions. Create an audience of users in Analytics, and then send surveys to them in Surveys 360.

  • Optimize 360

    Create custom site experiences using the audiences you’ve already created in Analytics.

  • Google AdSense

    Connect your Google AdSense account to Analytics for greater insights into your AdSense data and performance.

  • Google Cloud (Analytics 360 Only)

    With a built-in connection to BigQuery, Google Cloud’s enterprise data warehouse, you can easily join Analytics 360 data with other datasets and unlock BigQuery’s powerful tools for identifying insights.

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration

    • Data from Analytics is visible in the Marketing Cloud reporting UI for a more complete understanding of campaign performance.
    • Your Marketing Cloud emails will be automatically tagged with UTM parameters so that you can use Analytics 360 to understand how effective your emails are.
  • Data Studio

    Apply Analytics segments to your Data Studio reports, and see how your data is being sampled. Learn more.

  • Google Ad Manager (Analytics 360 Only)

    Apply your Analytics 360 insights to Ad Manager to optimize your own sites and apps for user experience and earn more.

  • Google Search Console

    Associate your Analytics account with a site in your Search Console account to see Search Console data in your Analytics reports. You’ll also be able to access Analytics reports directly from the Links to your site, and Sitelinks pages in Search Console.

Understand your options.

Analytics offers small business and enterprise solutions to help you see what’s working and fix what’s not.

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