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2012 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc.

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Arts & Culture, Cultural & Ethnic Awareness, Environment, Indigenous People, International

Mission: The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples is an Indigenous non-profit organization dedicated to Indigenous Peoples' self-determination and the sovereignty of Native nations. We offer an integrated program of advocacy, small grants, training and technical assistance, and fiscal management, lending our support and extensive expertise to Indigenous grassroots communities.

Community Stories

32 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Kara14 Volunteer

Rating: 5


I have been interning with the Seventh Generation for Indigenous Peoples since January of this year. The dedication the leadership and staff have for their work is incredibly inspiring. This organization is unique, filling a necessary gap that would otherwise be left unfilled. Indigenous grassroots projects in North America (and around the globe) are able to move forward because of the support they receive from the SGF. For such a small organization located in a small northern California town, they have a huge impact. Positively touching people's lives and communities through any means possible. SGF goes above and beyond their duties; maintaining professionalism, while building long lasting family-like relationships everywhere they go.


bidanakwadokwe Client Served

Rating: 5


In looking at the options under "your role" for this survey, I realized I could speak about 7th Generation Fund from a variety of perspectives, "client served", "professional with expertise in the field" and "donor". Their work has impacted both my professional and personal lives, and that's part of why I'm such a strong supporter of who they are and what they do. As professional colleagues, I believe 7th Gen establishes a high standard of working with integrity and full-throttle commitment to work in partnership with indigenous peoples, communities and tribal governments. SGF supports the field in a holistic way that not all funders embrace; they understand that some boundaries were externally imposed upon to indigenous peoples and they don't let those boundaries limit their work. On a personal level, their support has led to some historic alliances, most recently the creation of an international indigenous canoe family comprised of Maori, Skokomish and Ojibwe (from Canada and 3 states in the U.S.) who participated for the first time together in the Tribal Canoe Journey to Squaxin Island. SGF's leadership in a wide variety of capacities led me to become a first-time, although modest, individual donor last fall. Migwech for all that you do!


Edward8 Client Served

Rating: 4


My language and art project is an Affiliate of the 7th Gen Fund for over 10 years, and it has provided invaluable support in many ways. They--the Fund and the grantees--have become my extended family and have nurtured the growth of my project. As an artist, I cannot work in isolation for long periods of time and rely on other creative thinkers and down-home-everday-people for inspiration and renewed energy. The 7th Generation Fund gatherings like the Keeping the Home Fires Burning is an example of hard work, respect, and success of all involved. In the decade of my involvement I have seen such growth it is incredible!


JK Dowell Board Member

Rating: 5


My group and I have been affiliated with the 7th Generation Fund for nearly 20 years. SGF has enabled us to bring issues to the forefront, hold events and participate in events to educate our Indian and non-Indian community members about Indigenous issues and concerns, bringing understanding to all. SGF is especially concerned with Indigenous youth empowerment, assisting my daughter and other youth from Oklahoma to experience significant cultural and educational events and training.


margo.tamez Client Served

Rating: 5


Seventh Generation Fund for Indian Development--is a crucial Indigenous focused community, Indigenous-steered and operated Indigenous organization in the United States. 7th Gen has had a profound affect on the lives of Indigenous peoples beyond the U.S. however, as the Board, Members, Project 'clients', and the international community have been positively impacted by the grass-roots actions, work, hands-on and heart-felt--of the Indigenous Peoples on the ground, in communities, on the lands upon whose values, principles, Traditional Knowledge, and aspirations 7th Gen seeks to serve. As a recipient of 7th Gen project support, in a Treaty-based and Land-grant based, yet constitutionally unrecognized and denied community along the Texas-Mexico border, I can say the crucial relevance of 7th Gen's work to respond meaningfully to Indigenous Peoples, Nations and Tribes who are at the fringes of the fringes of U.S. government policy-making in the border communities. 7th Gen and especially Tia Oros and the Staff members who work closely with her, have responded time and time again to meet Indigenous Peoples on our own terms and in specific and relevant ways that make a difference in the hearts, minds, spirits and bodies of our Elders, women, youth, families, men, and Chiefly peoples. Since 2008, 7th Gen has enacted true leadership in making adjustments and adapting to austerity measure which have stripped them of much needed resources. Even so, 7th Gen has distributed funds as broadly as possible and still critiqued privileged elites to step up and to enact true solidarity with, alongside, and by Indigenous peoples. At many levels, 7th Gen has worked to include fringed and marginalized Indigenous Peoples whose values in traditional culture--not as frozen anthropological artiface--but as living dynamic systems which catalyze intelligence about LIFE. 7th Gen has supported initiatives seeking to elevate and to provide more attention to Indigenous women and youth--the marginalized among marginalized peoples. Our work to mobilize Indigenous knowledge of women's crucial role as decision-makers, participants, and producers of Knowledge has been supported by 7th Gen, which has led to the development of crucial awareness about language loss and revitalization, water governance, lands and territories, resources, and restoring Indigenous family and complimentary gender roles to restore Danzhoo--Beauty. --Margo Tamez, Co-Founder, Lipan Apache Women Defense, El Calaboz Rancheria, Texas-Mexico border.


Anna R. Client Served

Rating: 5


SGF has been a leading NGO that knows the honors indigenous diversity and commonalities. Progressive and innovators in ancient ways for a new world principles by practicing medicine ways in all they do. Bridging the gaps of intellectual traditional teachings and implementation. Preparing all the while the future generations with tools, skills and knowledge to continue the journey of restoring our collective memory of who we are really to be...


Pauladk Donor

Rating: 5


SGF is an unique organization that brings together many Indigenous cultures so that they can share their wealth of heritage, their struggles and their vision for the future. SGF is the hub through which critical and current information gets passed along and they are instrumental in standing up for the global Indigenous communities, as seen in their participation in drafting the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples passed by the United Nations in 2007. It took incredible perseverance to get the declaration passed, and I don't know where we'd be right now without them. Their staff, their board members are rock stars and they make things happen!


ahawthorne Donor

Rating: 5


I LOVE Seventh Generation! I have been moved and inspired by their incredible work for many years. They are authentic, sincere, and know how to get things done. They are doing incredible work with indigenous cultural and environmental groups, and in addition to funding support, provide invaluable infrastructure, and other kinds of support to grassroots groups that make the most of it. Seventh Generation is full of heart, and they are also serious, and know how to stretch a dollar. I've been around many different non-profits, and I admire all their work. But Seventh Generation is the model to follow.

Lucy9 Client Served

Rating: 5


The Seventh Generation Fund is an organization committed to supporting real change in Native communities. I am always impressed with their dedication to the work that they do, as well as the to the work done by the many organizations that they support.


Christy W. General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Over the past 14 years I've attended many Seventh Generation Fund events where I was always warmly welcomed, educated, and inspired. One example of an outstanding event that remains vivid in my memory is The Sacred Earth Conference held at Seattle University in April of 2001. Eloquent speakers from various Indigenous Nations, among them Dr. Henrietta Mann, testified and shared perspectives that were new and compelling to me, influencing changes in my own perspectives about Earth Renewal, ritual, community, and hospitality. There is so much to be gained from the communication, discourse, and sharing, which Seventh Generation Fund makes possible in so many ways. Tia Oros Peters and Chris Peters are amazing, always on the go, tireless, making good happen for all of us. I know I am in their debt. I think we all are. Thank you!


Kim W Advisor

Rating: 5


I have worked with the Seventh Generation Fund for twelve years now. I have seen a great deal of growth in all aspects of the organization. Everyone I have interacted with is fully invested, inspired, motivated and challenged to uphold the values and mission of the work of the organization. Management defines clear and specific expectations and hold themselves and their team accountable for results. I find that the management and staff treat everyone with respect and care and encourage everyone involved in their work to recognize the positive contribution they make. This is an amazing organization.


hfsc General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


not only is the work that they do incredibly valuable to our world, they are wonderful local neighbors and community members, the staff and board walk their talk each day we are lucky to have them based in our arcata and blessed in general for all of the work and education they provide.

Jillene Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


The Seventh Generation Fund for Indian Development is an icon and mainstay in Indian Country. Their leadership at the board and staff level is comprised by individuals representing different generations and tribal cultures who all have the same mission, passion and desire to make a positive difference. In addition, they are ALL culturally aware and knowledgeable of their tribal ways and this is the foundation of their work. Our organization, the Native Wellness Institute, first friended SGF in 2005 when we had a collective vision to work to heal the earth and ourselves. This vision sparked the first annual Healing Our Earth gathering where SGF constituents interfaced with Native Wellness Institute constituents, producing a greater awareness of issues for both groups. It was a heart-warming experience that created personal and professional friendships to this day.


Luan M. Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


I have been aware of the Seventh Generation Fund for more than ten years now. They have earned their excellent reputation over time by keeping high standards and a high profile. They are well respected for what they do best, which is to draw in and provide substantial funding support for Native American community groups. They've help to resolve the problem in both public and private funding of how can funds be donated and channeled appropriately to deserving organizations that often lack non-profit status and infrastructure. They represent grass-roots community groups and help them remain viable by establishing a credible umbrella for them for funding.


Mena M. General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


My family and I have been affected by Seventh Generation for many years. They have built a strong indigenous community throughout the world; have enlightened us about our environment (Water is Life), and other natural elements which are important not only to us "natives" but to the rest of the world. The people who are in charge of Seventh Generation are well respected throughout this land and beyond. They have made a strong impact on my family and extended family by helping with our language; revitalizing our Chumash traditions (especially our yearly tomol crossing to Limuw); gathering many "native nations" to share ideas, traditions, songs and plans for a better world; and always empowering us to move "forward" in a good way.


Hazel J. Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


The 7th Generation Fund is one of the most recognized funding agency who are supportive of Indigenous communities who struggle with in their everyday life affected by Environmental and Social Injustices. The 7 Generation has a heart for the people, they listen, they provide needed technical support or funding to empower the voices of such communities and members. I wish to share this knowledge with donors because they should know that their donations to this grass root organization is needed and the 7th generation will do whats best on how to utilize your support to such causes. Thank you to all for giving me the opportunity to share my experience with this great organization!


ravik Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


I have been a part of the foundation community for quite a few years. The Seventh Generation Fund - an indigenous led foundation - has an impeccable reputation for serving the needs of indigenous communities here in the US and around the world with the sensibilities that comes from being from the community. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the people involved and the work supported by the Fund.


Language Advocates Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


Seventh Generation has been both a solid foundation for many Native non-profits nationally and internationally, as well as a critical resource for training and program development throughout the 20 years we have known and worked with them. Not only has Seventh Generation provided fiscal sponsorship for our California Native Language organization in the early years, but they helped us to become independent and to create the infrastructure needed to continue our language revitalization work. We honor and respect Seventh Generation for creating a Native non-profit that has excelled in their field and has helped so many Native projects come to fruition.


Michael100 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


I've been involved in a number of events that have been sponsored by the Seventh Generation and have had staff from the organization visit my graduate student classes at Humboldt State University. The events I've attended have been very well-organized, focused, effective, and have brought together critical voices, perspectives, and initiatives on behalf of Indigenous Peoples. One of the events I attended focused on a number of key issues, including an important discussion of the effects of climate change on Indigenous Peoples' communities and territories. The perspectives shared during this conference were informative, creative, and well-versed in science and culture. Students from my classes attended this meeting and were highly encouraged and more hopeful as they realized that Indigenous Peoples have numerous contributions to make, and that their beliefs and values are highly relevant to the current discourses of how can we work together to reverse the environmental challenges that lay before us. The second meeting I attended focused on the future(s) of Indigenous Peoples and the knowledge, systems, and actions that were important to helping communities to successfully adapt (and bring about positive change) in current struggling economic, political, and environmental schemes. The wealth of knowledge shared at this meeting was amazing.


Acoma Board Member

Rating: 5


The Laguna Acoma Coalition For A Safe Environment (LACSE) is extremely grateful to the Seventh Generation Fund (SGF) for their continued support of our work fighting the nuclear industry in Indian Country. Over the years SGF has provided financial, educational, organizing and spiritual support for many of our projects. A memorable event was the support SGF gave to our late elder Dorothy Purley from Paguate Village on the Laguna Pueblo to do international work addressing the nuclear fuel chain and the financial support SGF provided in her receiving the Nuclear Free Future Award in 2000. Thank you agian for your continued support! In Solidarity Manny Pino, Acoma Pueblo


dakota wicohan Client Served

Rating: 5


Seventh generation believed in our work from the very beginning. They didn't just give us financial support, they're invested in us- we are in relationship.


Steven LaFrance Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


Seventh Generation Fund (SGF) is uniquely committed to the sovereignty and preservation of Native peoples and cultures. Shared Native values inform all of their actions on behalf of indigenous communities. Their role in the nonprofit sector is ever more critical as dominant cultures continue to threaten the survival of Native traditions, languages, and ways of life, affecting the health and sustainability of indigenous communities. SGF's outcomes-driven strategies contribute to the cultural preservation, health, and well-being of Native peoples through a range of strategies from policy advocacy (speaking truth to power) to collaboration with indigenous and other allied partners, to directly working with communities whose culture and health is threatened. Support for Seventh Generation Fund is *effective* support for Native peoples around the world.

Indu S. General Member of the Public

Rating: 3


So pleased that there is a Committed Group of People who want to Support & Foster Awareness & Preservation of Indigenous Peoples Culture & Rights. a Group who to "walk their Talk"
Thank You


corey-sundog Volunteer

Rating: 4


The winter of '96-'97, well over a thousand of America's last wild and genetically pure Buffalo were killed just out of Yellowstone Park in Montana. The next winter Rosalie Little Thunder, Seventh Generation Fund chair-woman, and Mike Mease founded the Buffalo Field Campaign, a grass-roots peace action group, who lives in community and is in the field every day in defense of the Sacred Buffalo. I was 17 years old and hitch hiking the country, having fun and volunteering with peace groups. I spent three months living with the campaign, and have gone back almost every winter for an extended stay. Mike and Rosalie are two of my closest friends, we have actually grown into a buffalo family, with over 2,500 volunteers over the years having had lived at the cabin and served the Buffalo. Rosalie is my elder, who I respect imensely. I whole-heartedly promote any project she endorses.


kerin Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


Seventh Gen's approach to grassroots projects is respectful, strategic, and supportive and brings together like-minded organizations as well - which really helps sustain morale and foment the exchange ideas. They have really helped me to shape our projects and to get some funding. I know the quality of the other projects that they support and we are honored to be in such outstanding company.


shawlyouth Client Served

Rating: 5


I live on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Washington State. A little over 12 years ago my mother started a grassroots organization to address the impacts of uranium mining to our native community. At that time, there was little information available to our community about the environmental and health effects of uranium mining. The 7th Generation Fund has been crucial in bringing Indigenous Communities together to discuss critical issues regarding uranium. These events and meetings would not have been possible without the dedication to the issues that come from this organization. At these events, we are able to learn and bring information directly back into our communities. This networking has allowed us to influence curriculum in the schools in our community, with the addition of a uranium and radiation section added to the science courses. It has also introduced us to doctors and scientists that have visited our community and still continue to support the efforts of our organization. Lastly, they are doing incredible things using technology. We were unable to attend the last Southwest Uranium Summit, but because of a video produced by 7GF, we could learn and share outcomes of the event. I did a presentation yesterday to two college classes at Eastern Washington University and the video produced by 7GF and posted online was used to link our communities experience to other Indigenous communities internationally.


bela Client Served

Rating: 5


The organization that I work with-the Friends of the Akwesasne Freedom School received funding from the Seventh Generation Fund, they are great people to work with. Our school has so many needs that it gets difficult to find on-going support and funding for our organization. Foundations and funding sources have a mindset that is so different than ours, and sometimes hard to explain that what we are teaching is a Lifeway for our community, or rather for our nation. I recently had the wonderful opportunity to meet Chris and Tia Peters and its great to know they are truly wonderful people!


coyotespaw Client Served

Rating: 5


I have been able to work intricately with Seventh Generation Fund for their vision for Indian people. I have been able to build canoes for my people for ceremonial purposes and SGF has not only helped facilitate with fiscal sponsorship but has helped with funding.


barbarac Donor

Rating: 5


I have known the work of SGF over several years as a grantmaker and also have personally come to know the Directors and some of the staff and Board of SGF. SGF is a unique and exemplary program serving Native American communities across the country through: grantmaking of the highest integrity; sensitive capacity-building trainings; and through their deep and long-lasting relationships within diverse Native communities. Their grassroots support of Native Peoples meets critical needs.


anamaria415 Volunteer

Rating: 5


Im amazed at how SGF has such a clear way for bridging the muti-faceted layers of indigenous rights issues, culture, and community organizing. They are one of my top five non-profits that i watch and volunteer with . ive volunteered at their conferences over the years, seen them contibute to the local, national and intl debate in panels and donor education activities. such a depth of percetion, and such


heatherh Former Volunteer

Rating: 5


I noticed that it was easy to form good relationships with staff and board, even though I was interning and using my experience there for class projects. I was able to participate during an event and got to meet a lot of the affiliate projects and also then meet all of the board. I learned a lot about the organization! This event focused on sharing and building strategies to better our communities as well as realizing that we are also part of a global community. The board would mostly speak about how we need to take care of the earth and what our roles and responsibilities are as people who live on it.


cruano7289yahoocom Client Served

Rating: 5


As I mentioned I was assisted in my financial planning when I moved to college. Wonderful service and wonderful staff.