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2014 Top-Rated Nonprofit

American Indian Youth Running Strong aka Running Strong for American Indian Youth

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Arts & Culture, Children & Youth, Cultural & Ethnic Awareness, Food, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Human Service Organizations, Human Services, Youth Development Programs

Mission: Our mission is to help American Indian people meet their immediate survival needs - food, water and shelter - while implementing and supporting programs designed to create opportunities for self-sufficiency and self-esteem, particularly for tribal youth. Our goal is to build the capacity of communities, grassroots Indian organizations, and individuals to leverage their strengths to solve problems. Through long-term development programs such as organic gardening, housing, water resource development and healthcare, we strive to foster self-sufficiency on Indian reservations throughout the United States. BILLY MILLS, Olympic Gold Medalist and an Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, serves as Running Strong's national spokesperson. He travels throughout the nation speaking to American Indian children and their families spreading his message of inspiration and opportunity for many Indian youth based on dignity, character and pride.

Community Stories

76 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Moonchild1212 Donor

Rating: 1


Although I feel badly writing a negative review, I feel I simply must warn other donors about my experience. I was a recurring monthly donor to Running Strong, but needed to cancel my monthly gift due to family and financial difficulties. I initially contacted Running Strong with a heartfelt and apologetic email, embarrassed and saddened to have to discontinue my donation. I received no response, and they continued to charge my account. Over the course of five months, I emailed Running Strong five times, left two voicemails, and contacted them via social media twice. They continued to charge my credit card, never responding to my emails or voicemails. This is an unconscionable way to treat a donor, and I am now in the position of having to ask my bank to block Running Strong from charging my account. I have never been treated so callously by a nonprofit organization.


Writer General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


I support the purpose of this organization. I remember even as a youngster feeling the injustice done to the American Indian. Every tribe with such noble heritage. So stripped of their lives as the white man came to take the land away. I feel privileged to make any difference in making their lives better.


Writer Donor

Rating: 5


Over the years I have contributed small amounts of money to the projects you have selected. Thanks for including me as a supporter. The water project providing running water to the homes is a favorite. Congratulations on your work to provide water to families.
The gardening project is important too I know. I am highly concerned that the health care resources at Pine Ridge and other reservations will be undermined by the “reforms’ coming out of the White House. I am an ordinary person with a longstanding interest in Native American cultures. I have written two works of fiction that tie in to what I imagine are everyday issues for your people. Today I start trying to connect on a personal, friendship basis with the many schools and charities concerned with human quality of life on many reservations. I have so much to learn but I am starting with you. I call it a Friendship Brigade—part of a larger Friendship Brigade begun by the Hispanic Council here near Chicago that I helped found in 1996. I look forward to forging strong connections to your organization.


Writer Donor

Rating: 3


I have called the # for running strong for indian youth to have my Mother's name taken off their mailing list because she is deceased . It is painful to keep receiving mail addressed to her. They promise someone will answer, but it is just a recording. You can dial an extension and get a beep like your message is going to be recorded, but there is no greeting so you do not know who your message is going to.I think this is a bogus organization or at least is very poorly run. I do not recommend it to anyone.


William90 Donor

Rating: 5


If you any compassion and know the true history of the American Indian , how can you not donate to this worthy cause . Where I come from , when I see a need or when I can serve , I don't even think about it . I take action , action that is the purpose of the awakened soul .


Joanne54 Volunteer

Rating: 5


I commend your cause I agree that native American people deserve rights and equality. After all the years of oppression it is about time to give them a voice and run strong.


RalphieSue General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


This is a great organization. They educate the youth to get along in the real world while keeping the culture of the youth intact


Writer General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth is a worthwhile charity doing good work.


Writer Donor

Rating: 5


I just made a small donation to your great organization. However, please do not send me more than one appeal per year. Also, please do not send me any sort of gift as I cannot use them and hate to toss them. Please send them to future donors and I will continue to support your very worthwhile organization!


Mellemel Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


Billy and Pat have an amazing story and are making a difference in Indian country. Billys words are passionate and inspirational. I last saw him speak at the Nike N7 2015 conference and he moved the 300 attendees. Each person was captivated by his stories and strength in words. Thank you Billy!!


Elm11003 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1


As far as I am concerned this organization preys on senior citizens. My Mom constantly gets calls as late as 10pm and is solicited by mail more than once a month. They guilt people into donations.

Review from Guidestar


lmckeen2008 Donor

Rating: 4


My grandparents always supported American Indian Youth Running Strong. Both of them have now passed, I have always donated to this cause when I was able over the years, but since my grandfather passed I now make annual donations in memory of my grandparents every year. When I pass my children will do the same, our family will continue on with this tradition because we strongly believe in the need.

In memory of Harold J. Haley & Myrtle Haley.

Thank you,

Lisa J. McKeen



Rating: 5


This was the first year I was able to go on Running Strongs reservation tour. It was fantastic ! I had gone to Slim Butte working on greenhouses in 2001 and was amazed at the amount of work that volunteers and inhabitants were doing. The tour this year was well organized and everything was forseen and handled beautifully, even when the weather didn't cooperate. The highlight for me was actually meeting "The Man", himself, Billy Mills and participating in his Wacipi !


Eric.J Board Member

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth has for been a presence for decades, celebrating the culture and history of Native Americans and finding innovative solutions for the pressing challenges they face today.


StyleHorse7th Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


Billy has been empowering people and youth for 1/2 century! Winning his Gold has made our people proud, generations have been inspired to achieve their dreams through him lim lemtsh thank you for this beautiful gift you have given back Billy and Pat!


Douglas12 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


I first met Billy Mills 25 years ago when I was the Chairman of the Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce. We were all very excited to have him speak at our annual dinner. He didn't disappoint us. It was very inspirational. He has since inspired so many Native Youth with Running Strong. Thank you Billy Mills for all you do. You're still an inspiration to me and so many others.


Tower10 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


This was my second year in a row and it just gets better! All the staff and volunteers at Running Strong are amazing people with such incredible integrity and passion that is absolutely overwhelming! Seeing Billy Mills and his wife Pat are just many of the highlights of this trip, I cannot wait until next year. The impact that is being made is something you need to see in person. I's not just one sided its a community effort and the results are obvious.

See you next year!!!


sadie61 Volunteer

Rating: 5


I was fortunate to hear him speak several years ago. His values and the way he has chosen to serve his people and use his gift to benefit them. His speech I can pretty much repeat today it was that impactful.
wado Billy!


cwesleykeeto General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Billy Mills does a wonderful service to all the Native American Youth by promoting the Running Strong Organization. I have a young 14 year old son that runs and had the honor to meet Mr. Mills. We are beginning to run more and we have been inspired by Mr. Mills and his organization!


Teri21 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


I am always amazed and honored to hear and see the positive impact this organization has in tribal communities all across the Nation...(a LOT of non- natives come to hear the wonderful presentation also!)


tonybrunelle General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Billy Mills is agreat inspirational leader for Children all over the United States.


Lynette C. Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


Running Strong has been a wonderful and giving influence on the children on the Pine Ridge Reservation.


Crystal54 Donor

Rating: 5


I'm very thankful to have ran for his charity. I will continue to support and donate.


Daniel82 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Billy Mills is an inspiration throughout Indian Country and beyond. He and Running Strong provide excellent services and serve as a model for youth involvement.


Patricia112 Volunteer

Rating: 5


Hello! I have been involved with Running Strong since 1984! This is a fantastic charity with incredible dedicated people working on behalf of Native America! Onward Running Strong!


Carlette General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth is an excellent program to promote healthy and active lifestyle for our youth in urban and tribal communities. The program helps youth with developing self confidence and self-esteem to reach their goals and live up to their full potential. Go Running Strong!


Lori116 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Billy Mills continues to serve our Native communities in a positive way. Long after becoming a champion, he continues to a hero. This organization shows his dedication to our youth. Thank you will never be enough to pay back a man who always believes in the good of Natives.


s.clifford Client Served

Rating: 5


My family was one of many in our community who benefited from Running Strong. Plenty of times the food donation they provided for us was all we had to eat.


LaHe Donor

Rating: 5


It took quite awhile and several visits to a reservation until I found a nonprofit that I really trust. I've met people who work with Running Strong for American Indian Youth on the reservation and am glad I found a nonprofit that has native people doing the work themselves instead of just outsiders who want to 'save the Indians'. It's great how Billy Mills honors his own legacy by passing on hope, optimism, and encouragement to his own people. A true hero, not only because he ran fast. Whenever I can I'll be happy to share what I can. But this is nothing much compared to Billy's and his wife's presence among his people. A true role model in a time when we really need it.


viwaln Client Served

Rating: 5


Billy Mills is one of the greatest contemporary heros of the Lakota Oyate. This nonprofit has been essential in providing opportunities for the young people of the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Reservations in South Dakota, as well as other areas across the country. I applaud the organization for all the good work they have done!


Joseph28 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth provides support for youth where it is needed most. Billy Mills has built on his Olympic Gold Medal to show youth around the Country and world that they have unlimited opportunities in life and has provided tremendous material support to help them succeed.


susanlynn777 Donor

Rating: 5


Over the years, I've felt that Running Strong for American Indian Youth and Billy and Pat Mills have done a great deal for the Indian youth. I feel it is a worthwhile recipient of my donations.


johnjoycemena03 Donor

Rating: 5


This organization is one of the best we have to offer youth as an inspirational boost. A great deal of this influence is due to the support given by Billy Mills' winner of the first gold medal given to a Native American Indian in 1964.
Some years ago I received a video and wore it out showing it to youth of all ages.
In the video Billy recalled what gave him the impetus to compete and win.
In my opinion, the WORLD would greatly benefit from this as well. Send me a CD of this video and I will take it to our local tv stations to show as an example of what former Olympic champions are presently accomplishing with Olympic spirit! God bless and keep you all! Joyce Mena


Leona C. Client Served

Rating: 5


We at Teton Coalition support the Billy Foundation they have helped each year for our Christmas party for about 250 clients through out Rapid City, South Dakota. Many of the children just love the party seeing the elders and visiting with the elders. About 10 volunteers put this party on along with dancers, Santa visits, last year we made turkey, salads, gravy, potatoes, ham, bread, desserts for the meal. Many of the people said this party was their Christmas dinner because they can't afford to buy this stuff. The laughter, the get together, and mostly the children enjoyed this party. If Running Strong didn't help us help these families we couldn't help the families in Rapid City. We was also able to buy small gifts for each child, small candy box for the Elders. I express your kindness during the holidays. Please consider the children they are our future.


cathie davids Donor

Rating: 5


This program is the only one that I donate to through the Combined Federal Campaign because of Billy Mills, himself. In 1964 I watched the Olympics and was one of millions who saw Billy Mills win a Gold Medal in the 10,000 meter track event and yet hardly anybody knew who he was. Even the announcers were scrambling to figure out who he was and where he came from. I have never fogotten that nor did I ever forget Mr. Mills. Donating to AIYR is my way to honor Mr. Mills achievements not only as an Olympic champion but for all that he has done over the years. He truly has a giving spirit and attitude. AIYR programs insure that American Indian youth are not ignored nor forgotten. AIYR programs build self-confidence and once a person has that they can take on the world - just like Billy Mills did. I also appreciate the AIYR reminder postcard featuring the CFC number. CathieDavids@yahoo.com, Flint, Michigan


jmurray264 Volunteer

Rating: 5


I have donated to Running Strong many times over the years. I have taken the tour- visited the Pine Ridge Reservation many times and gotten to know many of the people involved in Running Strong- the good they do can not be measured- they teach as well as help- the HARD work the do year after year is unbelievable
and all is done from the heart- Thank You Running Strong!!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5


I have seen 1st hand the impact Running Strong has on the reservation (Pine Ridge). The very hard work those involved with Running Strong do. I took the tour many years ago and have continued to be involved with the reservation and people on a personal level. The work re: Running Strong does must be gotten out to as many as possible. It definitely deserves to get on the 2012 Non-profit list.


Daddy Shadow General Member of the Public

Rating: 4


I have followed Running Strong For American Indian Youth for some time now, and have donated to this much worthy cause. Running Strong helps empower todays American Indian youths, teaching honor, respect, self sufficiency and a great many other things to those who need it most. Running Strong gives so much to those who need it most, often and especially in times of dire need. They bring the plight of the native American youth to light, and through diligent work, dedication, determination and donations seek to improve the lives of impoverished native American youth.

Running Strong teaches pride in one's culture, traditions, and history. It teaches one to stand strong, and true in their beliefs, their religion, and their spirituality. Running Strong For American Indian Youth strives to improve the lives, health and education to todays American Indian youth. This is a place of friendship, of helping hands, of love, respect and pride. Running Strong For American Indian Youth is a top notch not for profit organization that works hard, and deserves to be acknowledged for their hard work, dedication and insitefullness. Personally, I wished more people knew of Running Strong. They are really great.

Thank you,
Cliff Cummings


LandMan1 Donor

Rating: 5


I have a friend who has supported the Running Strong program for some time, but has only recently shared it with me. He is highly supportive of it, and has great things to say about it. He has made me a believer in offering support as well. I am sending a contribution today. As someone with Native American blood (1/16 Cherokee), I am sensitive to the needs and the plight of the American Indian. Though I am happy to say that I have not had to feel the discrimination often associated with the Native American culture, I am not ignorant of it. I applaud those who are willing to make the effort to make a difference. My hope is that the gifts given make a marked difference, in a personal way, to those who receive the benefits of them. I look forward to a long-lasting friendship with this organization.


ELent Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


This non profit organization is one of the most helpful and healing organizations for our people. without the help from people like Billy Mills and other great leaders our people would not have inspired to accomplish their goals. Now I see a change and it takes people like these who run these types of organizations to inspire our people to better themselves and to remind them that there heritage is sacred and that they can accomplish goals and be successful in the 21stcentury and beyond.


La D. General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Youth is probably the best Non-Profit organization that exists, and which actually helps our people in the most needed ways. They work for, and serve the people well. More non-profit organizations could learn how to truly help the people from them. They have my support and will always have it.


Christine95 Volunteer

Rating: 5


I LOVE Toys for Tribes! Getting names and imagining what the kids would like is my way of getting in touch with the spirit of the season at year's end. Toys for Tribes is a great way to combat any feelings of the holidays being over-commercialized. I think to myself- I am lucky to have many choices for shopping, and price competition, for good prices. One year a little girl wanted a play purse, so I got her that, but then I filled it with make-believe cards I made - driver license, ATM cards, library card, voter registration card, note pad and fancy pen, chocolate coins, key chain with some old keys, lip balm, a change purse with a little "mad money." I hope she liked playing with it. I loved putting it together for her. I think that with Toys for Tribes, Billy Mills and his staff brings many levels of warmth to all of us at the coldest time of the year.


oldblinddog Donor

Rating: 5


I have been a supporter of Running Strong for a few years now, and I think that not only is founder Billy Mills an American hero with an inspiring life story, but what he and the Running Strong organization are doing is even more heroic! What better way to help a forgotten portion of our population than to lend aid to the native Indian children in this country! I have also shopped at their "store" for some wonderful handmade gifts for Christmases and birthdays. The organization has always been open and forthcoming with keeping supporters up-to-date on what's happening with their funds. This is one charity that I have absolutely no hesitation in supporting!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5


Billy Mills is a true American hero whose amazing story now includes saving the lives of Native American children! His charitable efforts in organizing Running Strong are truly inspiring. The United States owes a huge debt to the Native Americans. What better way to pay that debt than to be able to help provide basic needs and the chance for education and a good life to the children of our Native American tribes, of whom I'm proud to share some blood (Cherokee).


Nancy907 Donor

Rating: 5


We have supported Running Strong for American Youth for nearly 25 years. It is an organization that works WITH the people it serves. It doesn't TELL people what they need, it ASKS them and then Running Strong and the people work together to do what is necessary to meet the need. On one of their Reservation Tours we had the opportunity to visit many of the ongoing projects and the people involved. We came away with an even stronger desire to support their efforts. Their projects are successful and run efficiently. We have never seen an organization do so much with so little. Those who benefit from these projects are most appreciative and do what they can to pass on the good to others. We are so grateful to be able to help support such an excellent organization. We often give extra donations as Christmas gifts.


Frank25 Board Member

Rating: 5


Running Strong is an organization with a great reputation among Native American organizations for stepping in to deliver when people are in need. The Organization respects the autonomy of and works closely with many Native American groups. The Organization has a long history of getting the most bang for donor dollars. I am beyond proud to be associated with the Organization.


ottiew.reno Donor

Rating: 5


I was taught as a child to always help others who were in need if I could. I have not missed donating what I can since 1996. Running Strong is the best program of it's kind that I know of. What could be more important than helping these forgotten children of America's First Citizens. This is truly a beautiful and very well ran program. I would urge anyone who can help to check out Running Strong !
Ottie W. Reno

Previous Stories


Rating: 5


I have been helping Running strong as I can since a couple of years after the program began. I believe strongly that allowing any American citizen especially our very first citizens to live in these conditions is a crime and a sin. Running strong lets you see proof of where your donations are going. I hope to tour the Reservation sometime. I believe that this is one of the finest and most needed as well as most deserved programs of it's kind in America. Billy Mills deserves the highest awards America can give a man for all he has done for our country and for the American Indian People. May God bless this program. Billy and our First Citizens. Look them up at www.indianyouth.org


runneral Donor

Rating: 5


I am a strong supporter of Running Strong for Indian Youth. It is an organization that strives to promote grass roots advancement for those that have not a spokesperson in their lives or who can feel pride in their heritage. I have been a part of this organization as a donor an participant in the Marine Corps Marathon 10K team. It is one of my favorite charities and one that I feel good supporting. I have met Billy Mills and think they have a great spokeman in Billy.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth is an outstanding organization. I have been associated with this organization for more than a few years. I had an opportubity the past two years in participating with the Run Strong running team both at the Marine Corps Marathon and the Philadelphia Marathon, raising funds for Indian Youth. The inspirational leader and very active figure Billy Mills is a wonderful conpassionate man. The various programs supported by Running Strong for American Youth, to me, are essential and well received at the locations that are served.


Michele S General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth is a wonderful organization. Not only do they provide food, water wells, clothing and shelter to our American Indians, they also provide hope. The organization will send you monthly newsletters telling you everything that is going on and how they are using the donations. They provide Thanksgiving dinners. They have coat drives and make sure every child has a Christmas present. The American Indians are truly blessed to have Billy Mills and this organization helping them.


Neil3 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5


1. I am Canadian First Nation
2. I volunteer to help First Nation participate in running
3. I am certified coach as well as in long distance running.
Therefore, I can identify with the need for programs for American Indian Youth Running Strong.
I was involved with a similar program and it was rewarding to participate...
I live within the rural community close to urban setting on my First Nation and see our youth lacking recreational programming. These type of programs are inexpensive compared to most sports but still funding is essential for the success of any npo.
Therefore, I support the endeavours of the American Indian Youth Running Strong program...


Jkamp Donor

Rating: 5


I have been involved with Running Strong for close to 25years. I first became aware of this group because of a letter from Billy Mills and I knew that if he was a part of this organization that it would have
credibility. In 1992 I went on my first Running Strong Tour because I wanted to see what the
Organization really did. I met a small group of very hard working staff who were eager to show what
their mission was about. They work with people, asking what is needed; finding leaders among
the tribes, listening to their ideas and needs. Running Strong supports not dictates solutions.
Programs are evaluated and changed if necessary. The first goal was to help provide water, and then
food. They have been able to broaden their programs and reach people inall areas of the country.
So many good things can be said about all of the people involved with this group. Some that stand
out are dedication, determination to do a good job, wise use of resources and respect for all
people . The annual tour is a way to see for yourself just a small portion of what this group is about.

Judy R

Susan173 Donor

Rating: 5


Running Strong seems like it really lives up to its title! It seems to have a really super organized group of people who are there for it and are helping it succeed as a charity to help the impoverished Native Peoples that live on the PIne Ridge Reservation and elsewhere! May its success continue!

Janene G. Donor

Rating: 5


I have been a supporter of Running Strong for a number of years, but now I live close to the Pine Ridge Rez so I can see the results first hand. The poverty on the Rez is astouding and as the elders say, unless we help the children the cycle will only continue. Running Strong helps to break the cycle and give hope for the future. The gardens and wells are great ideas as the people prefer to help themselves, allowing them to keep their dignity.

MaryKB Donor

Rating: 5


Running with Team Running Strong was a great experience. Billy Mills and all of the support personnel believe in what they're doing and it really seemed to be a lean, fiscally-responsible charity. Billy wanted to personally meet all the runners and happily shared hours of his time with touching & sometimes humorous stories about his life's challenges, his triumphant turn as an American Olympian in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and his charity work benefitting American Indian communities & youth. What he did not do was waste a lot of money on food, entertainment, a fancy office, etc. TRS brings good things to American Indian communities in immediate, concrete ways and has probably helped at least a generation of youth become happy and fulfilled adults. I felt good about where the money I donated was going.

pastrydot Donor

Rating: 5


Running Strong is the BEST!!! They do so very much to help and enlighten the Indians of this great country! And ssssoooooo organized. WOW! It's truley unbelievable the many things Running Strong can do for the Youth and for whole families living in and around the rez. The Tour is absolutely fantastic! The Running Strong Staff and the Guides that accompany everyone are spot on with the care they give you, the stories and history they share and always with an open and honest attitude.

Susi C. Donor

Rating: 4


Great organization bringing much needed empowerment skills to young people. They keep donors really well informed.

Jean G Donor

Rating: 5


Running Strong is an amazing organization dedicated to helping our most vulnerable and impoverished children. Without the basic sustenance of life, they have no hope to soar in the future. I commend Billy Mills and all his staff and volunteers for the wonderful work they do. A small donation yields large rewards.

herefordgirl Donor

Rating: 5


I have been blessed to be able to go on a Running Strong Tour and was able to see all the wonderful ministries they do. Everyone I have met that is connected to this nonprofit has been a caring and compasionate person and the different projects truly do help people. It is not a about a hand out, but a hand up.


Roshie T. Donor

Rating: 5


I have been passionately involved with Running Strong for American Indian Youth since my brother became a TRS member in 2004. I have seen first hand what this organization gives to native communities in need of essential life saving tools. This organization gives back day in and day out to poverish communities by way of drilling water wells for families, building dialysis clinics for areas of communities who are stricken by high diabete rates and poverty, providing food, clothing and school supplies for those in need of it. In addition to all listed, they make time to do a Thanksgiving turkey meal drive and Christmas gift drive to keep the spirit of giving alive. Personally, In the last 3 years that I have raised funds for TRS through the Marine Corps Marathon, the sacrifice I give mind, body and spirit to run 26.2 miles still does not feel like enough effort in helping my fellow natives bridge the gap out of poverty.

barb4570 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


I have the greatest respect for Running Strong. Wish I was in a position to do more for them.

Elysia Donor

Rating: 5


I've raised funds and run for Billy Mills' team in the Marine Corps Marathon every year since 2009. Why? Because every single penny goes to help the youth and communities that TRS stands for. This nonprofit is all about helping American Indian Youth, no fringe, no fuss, no putting your money into helping people train or fly out to the races, etc. Plus, Billy Mills really cares about TRS, so much so that he comes every year to support the team and encourage our fundraising, in person! Truly an amazing man and an amazing charity.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


This is an amazing charity that works hard to provide much needed funds for American Indian Youth. The money they raise goes directly to aiding in the immediate survival needs of young people in this country. If you want something to work, if you want good results, start with the children. This organization does.

jackie-majerus General Member of the Public

Rating: 5


Running Strong for American Indian Youth helps of our nation's most impoverished people, with a special focus on the young members of the community. I know the need is great, especially in South Dakota, where Running Strong is on the ground providing direct help.The organization also supports other American Indian relief charities. I have had the opportunity to speak with some of the people who lead Running Strong. They're compassionate, conscientious, passionate and hardworking. Running Strong is a solid, well-run and deserving charity.


Rebecca44 Donor

Rating: 5


For the past few years this is the only organization I donate to through my employer. They do an amazing job of helping people meet just their basic needs. By raising the self esteem of entire populations and helping them to live healthier lives it is a benefit to all. I believe strongly in the work being done by Running Strong and continue to give as much as I can to help them achieve their goals.


Alis I. Donor

Rating: 5


I will continue to support Running Strong because I see the results of their work that touches not only my life personally, but the many families and youth it serves to nourish. Running Strong as an organization and the people who guide this organization are role models for me. I am grateful to Running Strong.


Joann8 Donor

Rating: 5


I have been giving to this non-profit for the past couple of years or so through the Commonwealth of Virginia's CVC program. Easy to give via payroll deduction to a worthy organization with low overhead. I like knowing that the bulk of my donation ends up in the hands, mouths, or homes of those that benefit the most. Having some knowledge and understanding of the difficulties of those living on reservations, I want my donation to help raise someone up. With the sometimes desperate situations that I have seen, I wish everyone would consider donating. A little can grow into a lot combined - so I hope those that read this will consider donating and helping these kids and families have a fighting chance.


sdealyrics Donor

Rating: 5


Running Strong For American Indian Youth is a great and effective charity that helps Native Americans. They help with food packages that prevent people from going hungry or starving; they help with water well and gardening projects that provide running water and food for people; they have many other projects including winter clothing and help with fuel bills and most of all they care and that caring provides hope and a future for generations to come. I donate as often as I can to this worthy cause.