Leadership Teams

CALI Reads uses a cascading system of tiered leadership teams that are formed at different decision-making levels. That is because one team is not enough to assure improved outcomes, but rather you want a thoughtful arrangement of linked teams who monitor and support implementation. Too often innovations rely on just a champion or two. But, those champions can move on to new challenges or burn out and innovations can go out the door right along with them. The advantage of an Implementation Team is that the team collectively has the knowledge, skills, abilities, and capacity needed to implement, maintain and improve programs over time and across staff.

State Leadership Team (SLT)

The SLT meets bi-annually in Sacramento to review CALI Reads project implementation progress, address facilitators and barriers on an ongoing basis, plan next steps, and make recommendations for successful project implementation through the participating California districts and school sites.  The SLT membership is comprised of broad representation of individuals across:

  • California Department of Education, Special Education Division
  • CALI Reads Implementation Team
  • CALI Reads Regional Coaches
  • Participant Representatives (two administrators and two teachers)
  • a liaison from a Parent Training Information Center
  • a Specialized Trainer from the California State University, Northridge


District Support Team (DST)

Each district forms a DST leadership team to oversee CALI implementation across their participating school sites, review corresponding data, and complete the District Checklist (DC) Adobe PDFas a tool to guide their work. The DST meets approximately three times a year at the District Office to monitor project success and outcomes across the district, and to address barriers to project implementation. The DST is supported by the CALI Reads Regional Coach who works directly with each school district to provide reflection, support and planning for Systemic Change.  The DST team is formed from 2-3 district level participants, an administrator from each school site, and the CALI Reads Regional Coach.

Site Implementation Team (SIT)

Each participating school site forms a SIT leadership team of teachers and administrators to oversee CALI implementation at the school site level. The SIT meets at least quarterly and use the  Fidelity of Implementation Tool (FIT) Adobe PDF  as a guiding tool to monitor project success and address barriers to implementation at school site level. SIT team membership is 5-7 site level participants such as the site administrator, a variety of content area teachers, resource/intervention teachers, English language teachers, and the CALI Reads Site Coach.

Participant time commitment is approximately 10 hours/annually. The SIT team will:

  1. Meet on a monthly to quarterly basis.
  2. Complete the Fidelity of Implementation Tool (FIT) twice annually.
  3. Collaborate with the CALI Reads Site Coach.
  4. * Site administrator also participates in triennial District Support Team meetings.


Teacher Collaborative Teams (TCTs)

Additional leadership teams, referred to as TCTs, are formed at the school site level and are charged with reviewing classroom level data.  TCTS are formed from groups of teachers organized by department, grade, content, or topic.

Leadership Teacher Collaboration Team