October 18, 2021

Volume XI, Number 291


Sheila A. Millar

Sheila A. Millar counsels corporate and association clients on advertising, privacy, product safety, and other public policy and regulatory compliance issues.

Ms. Millar advises clients on an array of advertising and marketing issues.  She represents clients in legislative, rulemaking and self-regulatory actions, advises on claims, and assists in developing and evaluating substantiation for claims. She also has extensive experience in privacy, data security and cybersecurity matters.  She helps clients develop website and app privacy policies, data security and access procedures, manage trans-border data flows, respond to data breaches and create training programs. She assists clients on digital media issues, helping them develop social media, blogging and user-generated content policies, and to understand advertising technology and online behavioral advertising issues.  Ms. Millar also works with clients to navigate the array of federal and state requirements governing contests and sweepstakes, and advises on gift cards, coupons and rebates.  She represents clients on advertising and privacy matters before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), the National Advertising Division (NAD), as well as in connection with investigations by state regulatory bodies and Attorneys General.


Articles in the National Law Review database by Sheila A. Millar

The National Law Review Recognizes  Keller and Heckman’s  Food and Drug Law Practice Group as Go-To Thought Leaders for the firm’s contributions on FDA Regulations and guidelines. Keller and Heckman’s expansive FDA coverage included: proposed rules expanding food traceability and record-keeping requirements, new guidance for animal food additives, a final rule concerning gluten-free food labeling, and approval of a new peanut allergy drug.  Addressing the COVID-19 crisis, Keller & Heckman provided news about warnings required by the FDA for Purell and other actions about hand sanitizer and additional Coronavirus prevention and cure claims, the FDA’s and OSHA’s employee health and food safety checklist(s) and COVID-19 best practices for retail and restaurants and COVID-19 Guidance to U.S. food exporters. The firm’s most frequent FDA / Food and Drug Law attorney contributors to the NLR include Azim Chowdhury, Sheila A. Millar, Evangelia Pelonis, Natalie Rainer and LieAnn Van-Tull.


Sheila Millar is a partner with Keller Heckman, and she was named a 2019 National Law Review Go-To Thought Leader for her analysis of communications law, cybersecurity, and regulations. Specifically, Millar speaks on her experiences with representing clients on advertising and media matters in FTC enforcement actions, data breach settlements, and online and other advertising campiagn laws, gleaning insights for National Law Review readers as they learn from the missteps of others. Her coverage is insightful and wide-reaching, and her contributions are very much appreciated by National Law Review staff and readers.
