From the course: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

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Negotiating the best deal

Negotiating the best deal

- Once you've gone through the interview process, if you're chosen for the position, it's time to negotiate your offer. If at any point in time before this someone wants to know what you want to make, tell them, "I'm not ready to negotiate salary, until you're ready to make me an offer." Now if they say that they're ready to make you an offer, simply ask them what the offer is. You're going to need to have some numbers at this point. Number one, you need to know what you're currently worth. Number two, how much the job pays, and what the minimum amount you're willing to take. If their offer comes below that, then you'll need to let them know what your numbers should be. What you're currently worth depends on what you're making now. How much the job pays is sometimes listed in their application. Or you can look on pages like the LinkedIn salary calculator. If their offer is below what you want to make, simply say…
