Phillips Elementary
Phillips Elementary School is an exciting place to learn!
We are committed to providing rigorous classroom instruction, challenging work for advanced students, and intervention classes for students needing extra support. We offer daily instruction in health, fitness, project based learning, and 21st century skills. Our parents and teachers work together to hold all students accountable for high standards of behavior and performance. Students and parents also enjoy a variety of after school programs, performances and family fun events.
Students at Phillips Elementary School will receive an academically rigorous core curriculum that emphasizes creativity, communication, collaboration, innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving. The tools that we will use are the Common Core Standards, project based learning, departmentalization, and a STEAM emphasis to prepare students for college and careers in a socially responsible way.
COOL School Hours of Operation:
- Mon, Tues, Thurs: 3:00pm-6:15pm
- Wed:12:50pm-6:15pm
- Friday: 3:00pm-6:15pm
Enrichment Clubs: Every Friday
- Art
- Cooking
- Science
- Sports
Address: 1210 Shelter Ave. Napa, CA
Phone: (707) 492-9023
Shearer Elementary
Shearer Elementary School offers high quality curriculum to all of its students so that every child can grow academically, socially, and emotionally to be important contributors to the community. Academic programs are research based and Shearer’s teachers work closely to ensure that each student is making steady progress on short and long term goals. This is demonstrated through the use of school-wide teaching strategies with multiple cycles of instruction that include intervention and extension. Each child receives daily English language instruction at his or her level of development. Additionally, each child attends enrichment classes in music, art, physical education, and computers twice a week through the school year. Collaboration and problem solving are areas of particular focus at Shearer for both the staff and the student body. We follow the Positive Behavior Learning Model, which gives our diverse population and multi-lingual staff, a common understanding of respect, responsibility and safety along with a process for solving problems.
Shearer Elementary School is a place of hope and learning. Embracing diversity, we are a team working toward a common goal with the belief that every child will learn and achieve. Together we prepare self motivated lifelong learners who achieve success as students and members of the larger community.
COOL School Hours of Operation:
- Mon, Tues: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
- Wed: 12:30pm-6:00pm
- Thurs, Friday: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
Enrichment Clubs: Every Friday
- Art
- Cheerleading
- Music
- Photography
- Science
- Sports
Address: 1590 Elm Street, Napa, CA
Phone: (707) 492-9022
Snow Elementary
Irene M. Snow School has 540 students in grades K-5, including 25 students in the district’s Autism Special Day Classes. The school is staffed by 21 full time teachers. The support staff includes three part-time speech therapists, a part time psychologist, school nurse, an adaptive PE teacher, strings and band teachers, a full time Resource Specialist, an instructional and a bilingual assistant. The interaction of special needs students included in the larger school population promotes a very positive and unique flavor to our neighborhood school.
A balanced, comprehensive, standards-aligned core curriculum is at the center of teaching and learning at Irene Snow Elementary. Through focused efforts, careful planning and creative use of support staff, all students at Snow School experience an equitable education in the core curriculum.
Snow School has welcomed and benefited from strong community support. Family participation, as well as contributions from individual volunteers and organizations make the educational experience fundamentally richer.
COOL School Hours of Operation:
- Mon, Tues: 2:30 pm-6 pm
- Wed: 12:30 pm-6 pm
- Thurs, Friday: 2:30 pm-6 pm
Enrichment Clubs: Every Friday
- Art
- Cooking
- Science
- Sports
Address: 1130 Foster Road. Napa, CA
Phone: (707)492-9424