Sophia BushCompte verificat


Actress. Activist. Host of the “Work In Progress” podcast. And lover of good conversations, good humans, and duh, puppies.

Asking questions
Unit: desembre de 2009


Has blocat @SophiaBush

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  1. Tuit fixat
    22 de set.

    I am incredibly proud to share that & I are joining the First Women’s Bank as strategic advisors, along . What an honor to work on financial equity. Thank you for joining us in today to mark this historic moment!

  2. ha retuitat
    fa 13 hores

    The debt ceiling shouldn’t be subject to the filibuster. Nor should laws protecting voting rights or democracy.

  3. ha retuitat
    fa 21 hores

    Gen. Milley just testified that the Trump admin ordered withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan by January 15, 2021 — against his recommendation. "After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded."

  4. ha retuitat

    There's something really odd with Sinema. She is from the same state as Kelly, which is turning blue and went for Biden. She refuses to explain what she actually wants. This is just off, period. I hope some savvy journalists are digging into what is up here - other than greed.

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  5. ha retuitat
    fa 14 hores

    $7.8 Trillion of debt added during the Trump administration. Once again my fellow Democrats are losing the MESSAGING GAME.

  6. ha retuitat
    fa 9 hores
  7. ha retuitat
    fa 23 hores

    We are at the point in Texas and the country as a whole where the majority of Americans are not being listened to. It is a tyranny of the minority today. A majority of Texans support a women’s right to decide, gun reform, increased minimum wage, voting access, science, etc

  8. fa 6 hores
  9. ha retuitat
    28 de set.

    One of America’s greatest assets is the dollar’s status as the world reserve currency. If Republicans refuse to let the government pay its bills, it jeopardizes this status, and the impact on the U.S. could be catastrophic. Gamesmanship over the debt limit is so irresponsible.

  10. fa 9 hores
  11. ha retuitat
    27 de set.
  12. ha retuitat

    No wonder ⁦⁩ is busy fighting the war against Tara Dublin. His camapign just hired a defense lawyer specializing in sex crimes whose last client got 120 years in the slammer for his sex trafficking cult. Cult and sex crimes experience.

  13. ha retuitat
    27 de set.

    Matt Gaetz is now targeting the Anti Defamation League. ADL’s website explains that it was “founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of antisemitism and bigotry.” Please report Gaetz’s tweet. This is legitimately terrifying. Thanks. 1/

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  14. 27 de set.
  15. ha retuitat

    This is Scott Peters (D-CA). His San Diego district voted for Biden 63% to 34%. He just joined Republicans in voting against the $3.5T Build Back Better Act in committee. He also just voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Let's make famous.

  16. ha retuitat
    25 de set.

    NEW: Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) was the only Democrat to join Republicans in the Budget Cmte in voting against the $3.5T reconciliation package, just days after voting against a provision allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. His district, CA-52, has been blue for a decade.

  17. ha retuitat
    25 de set.

    It’s incredible that the Democratic Party can’t even come together to pass common-sense, firmly moderate and necessary legislation to begin making up for decades’ worth of austerity and inaction and you’ve still got Republicans calling them communists with a straight face.

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  18. 26 de set.

    Good morning, Ruby! 😍🥰 Maggie says hi! Y’all this Sunday morning thread is so fun so I’m bringing out of just a reply. Let’s keep it going. Show Ruby + Mags your pets❣️

  19. 26 de set.

    I woke up wondering if this nice lady wore the belt (my vote, as it’s gorge) to her rehearsal dinner or not! Anybody else? Ma’am? Can we get a final shot?

  20. ha retuitat
    26 de set.

    BREAKING: FOX News’ Chris Wallace confronts Texas Republican Governor Abbott to his face for vowing to “end rape” while forcing victims of rape & incest to have their rapists’ baby, telling him, “There’s been 15,000 rapes under your watch!” RT TO THANK CHRIS FOR CALLING HIM OUT!

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  21. ha retuitat
    25 de set.

    Devin Nunes is in deep trouble because of how quickly this district is flipping. Folks, we’re so close to our goal of 7,000 followers. Can you help our anti-Nunes PAC by RTing and following?


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