Life Tips
Whether you’re trying to solve a problem, never have enough time or just trying to get something done, nobody’s got all the answers. We all need advice. Here are a few life tips that could help out.
Tips to Protect Yourself from COVID-19
The spread of COVID-19 in our state, threatens our elders, our families,...
Youth Activism
How to get started Youth have powerful voices, and those same voices...
Jowun / Self-Care For Me
Gratitude And Their Influence On Your Happiness
Being grateful—or having gratitude—for the past can positively affect your future. You...
How Does a Person Become Resilient?
A number of factors contribute to a person’s ability to be resilient...
Isis / School Stressors
Managing Expectations
Everyone goes through times when they feel pressure to achieve certain goals,...
Problem Solving
Problems are a normal part of life. You can think of them...
#Indigilove Recap Video
Putting Your Goals Into Action
Once you’ve set your goals and targets the next step is to...
Setting the Record Straight About Depression
Here are some common myths, and the facts behind them, about depression:...
WRN Ambassadors
Represent We R Native
Time Management
Meeting deadlines for work and school can sometimes seem overwhelming. Managing your...
Write a Resume That Will Make You Shine
Writing a resume that makes you stand out doesn’t have to be...
Breaking the Statistics
Spokane area Indian youth showing how they’re breaking statistics.
A Career in the STEM Field
Are you thinking about a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,...
Erika Ramirez
My experience at the NIHB Native Youth Health Summit, was one of...
Vote Indian Vote
Students from Salish Kootenai College, Pablo, Montana promote the Native American Vote.
Financial Aid – Getting Money For College
Going to college can be expensive, but financial aid and scholarships can...
Indigenous Story Studio
Indigenous Story Studio creates illustrations, posters, video and comic books on health...
Nonfiction film about the gang crisis in Indian Country.
Ill Mind of Ghost Dog: The Beginning
Hello my fellow Native and non-Native brethren’s. My name is Thomas Lee...
iLL Mind Of Ghost Dog: The Most Dangerous Native
As you ladies and gents read the title of my blog, “The...
Watch Elmer helping a homeless friend during tough times. Created by Menominee...
Imelda Martina Sanchez
I am Imelda Martina Sanchez. I am a Native and Mexican American...
Kogee Clark
I would like to thank you all for the opportunity to share...
I Strengthen My Nation – Extended
People notice your actions. You have influence. Think about it. What someone...
Run for it!
Have you ever considered running for a tribal office or position? As...
The Dangers of Distracted Driving
Can talking on a cell phone cause more accidents than drunk driving?...
I Strengthen My Nation – PSA
That one choice strengthens you, strengthens others, and strengthens your Nation.
The National Native American Youth Initiative
Preparing Future Native Physicians and Researchers For many students, summer is a...
The Native Youth Vote: You Count!
Like many high school seniors this time of year I find myself...
Life choices come at you fast. The choices you make today, affect...
Why It’s Important to Vote
Did you know Indians could still not vote in New Mexico and...
Life Tips
Run Breath Drink. Positive or negative decisions you make that will...
College Advice
Stephanie Spearing (Southern Cheyenne from Oklahoma) gives advice about financial aid and...
Life Transitions-to adulthood
Three boys learn an important life lesson in Sterlin Harjo (Creek/Seminole) short...
College Advice
James Dakota (Sauk-Suiattle), a student at Northwest Indian College, shares what he’s...
Overcoming Shyness
Tlingit pride: Vanessa shares how she overcame shyness.