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Recent diary comics

April 5, 2020

Here are a few samples of the diary comics I began posting in 2018. The majority of them are on Patreon. While some of the comics can be read for free, all of them are available to subscribers, plus extra content. I very much appreciate the support, and I encourage those who enjoy not only my work but also the work of others to support creators on Patreon or their preferred platform. More support means more content for everyone!


To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, original art, prints, mugs, t-shirts, and more, go here.




April 4, 2020

Over the next few weeks and/or months, I’ll be publishing comics that are normally behind various magazine paywalls because times are crazy & the only way I can help is to offer up some non-news related distractions. The comics (and new diary comics) will also be on Patreon, where your support is much appreciated, but these previously published pieces will be FREE to all. (Most of these comics originally appeared on the New Yorker, unless otherwise noted)

First up: Pet Sematary

Second: Mom & Philip Roth

Today: Microliving (a comic from Tenements, Towers, & Trash)

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, original art, prints, mugs, t-shirts, and more, go here.


Mom & Philip Roth

March 25, 2020

Over the next few weeks and/or months, I’ll be publishing comics that are normally behind various magazine paywalls because times are crazy & the only way I can help is to offer up some non-news related distractions. The comics (and new diary comics) will also be on Patreon, where your support is much appreciated, but […]

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Pet Sematary: A True Story

March 23, 2020

Over the next few weeks and/or months, I’ll be publishing comics that are normally behind various magazine paywalls because times are crazy & the only way I can help is to offer up some non-news related distractions. The comics (and new diary comics) will also be on Patreon, where your support is much appreciated, but […]

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a New Year’s Message to All!

January 2, 2020

Heads up! There’s an important message to all my readers after the comic! PATREON SUPPORTERS: Thank you so much to everyone who is or has supported me on Patreon this past year or two. Your support has not only afforded me more time to work on diary comics, but has also provided pivotal emotional support […]

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holiday gifts

December 2, 2019

I have a bunch of stuff for sale for the holidays! Merch, original art, books and more! Or if you don’t want any of my work, please consider buying gifts from local bookstores and shops, or supporting artists on Patreon or other platforms, or by buying their books and merch. Stuff  for sale, links below: […]

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August 2, 2019

The first two pages of a comic up on Medium/Spiralbound. Read the rest here.  

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new stuff regularly on Patreon

May 10, 2018

(quick link to Patreon) Hello kind reader, I’m Julia Wertz: professional cartoonist, amateur historian, urban exploring hobbyist. I’ve been making comics and graphic novels since 2005 (see: the Fart Party/Museum of Mistakes, Drinking at the Movies, The Infinite Wait & Other Stories, Tenements, Towers, & Trash) but after I finished my last book in early […]

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Tenements, Towers & Trash

September 24, 2017

Quick links for buyin’ stuff: Buy the book. Buy original artwork. Buy prints, mugs, shirts & totes Tenements, Towers & Trash is in stores on 10/3/17 and available online- choose from the dropdown menu on this page. Tour dates for NYC, Seattle and the Bay Area. Here are some nice things said about the book by the New York […]

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sketchy comics

June 29, 2016

Some sketchy comics for your amusement. Here’s one I made a few days ago. and here’s one I made a few months ago when I was still living in NYC, but about to move to CA. To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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June 7, 2016

Well, that’s a wrap on New York for me. Thanks to everyone who came out to my last show, and who bought any books or art or other stuff from me before I left, or got some of the free stuff I left outside my apartment. You guys really cleaned it out, good job! I’ve […]

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Ideal NYC

April 19, 2016

If I could design a NYC street (or any city really) to fit my personal preferences, this would be it. It’s from a real photo of Kent and Manhattan Ave in Greenpoint in the 1930’s, housing the kind of places I would want to go.  (see it bigger here) Want me to draw one of these for […]

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Protected: felix

June 5, 2015

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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The Fart Party’s Over

March 23, 2015

Atten: This is a reprint or a half essay/ half comic in January of 2014, a year and a half into what would be come an unexpected two year break from making comics. It originally appeared on Narrativly and Slate, but I’m posting it again here, since I am finally working on the book that […]

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100 years ago

February 9, 2015

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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x-mas comics pt 1

February 2, 2015

This week I’m posting some sketchbook comics from my visit home to California this past December.   To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Weird, Horrible & Strange Christmas Gifts of Yore

December 22, 2014

Here’s a comic I did for Cards Against Humanity. I was playing the game with my family last night, and I had to explain “road head” to my ma, and she’s forever upset that we made her read all those cards out loud.

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Athens Lunatic Asylum

November 17, 2014

People have been asking me for years if I’m gonna turn my urban exploring adventures into comics, and I always said no. But turns out, if you give me an (unrelated) Super Official Illustration Job and two books to work on, I will totally do what I absolutely do not have time for, and that […]

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DIY- teen years

November 3, 2014

A preview page of the mini about DIY projects that I started last September. “I’ll finish it eventually,” I said unconvincingly.  To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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The Life

October 16, 2014

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Museum of Mistakes: the Fart Party Collection

January 3, 2014

ABOUT: Museum of Mistakes: The Fart Party Collection is a 400 page omnibus of my early comics (published by Atomic Books in 2014) including The Fart Party Vol 1 & 2 as well over 150 pages of previously unpublished material, some of which ostensibly would have been Fart Party Vol 3, had I done a third volume. Some of the […]

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holiday sketches pt 2- The Cookie Situation

January 2, 2014

A few more of the sketchbook comics I made while visiting home for the holidays. I haven’t been home for Christmas in years, so I haven’t pitched a fit about Christmas cookies in awhile. I’m sure my ma missed it.       To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, […]

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Public Hair

November 5, 2012

This comic written by me and illustrated by Laura Park. It originally appeared in Papercutter #6 many years ago. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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The Infinite Wait & Other Stories

September 18, 2012

The Infinite Wait and Other Stories (Koyama Press, 2012)  Available in stores and online from koyama & online distros  Book description from me: A collection of three short comic stories, one about shitty jobs, one about a shitty autoimmune disease (systemic lupus) I was diagnosed with, and one about my  love of public libraries, especially the […]

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A Strange and Curious Place

August 1, 2012

This is the shortest of the three stories that make up The Infinite Wait and other stories, published by Koyama Press and available on this site and at Secret Acres. The two main stories are a little over 100 pages each, this one is 17 pages long. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, […]

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lunch with dad

June 25, 2012

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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job #8

June 12, 2012

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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The Infinite Wait page 93

May 10, 2012

Hello Kind Reader. If you are on this webpage, it means you have purchased The Infinite Wait and were instructed to come here to view the missing page. (If you’re here randomly and would like to purchase the book, please visit the store.) The page isn’t terribly important to the story, however it does address how I […]

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A thing I did in high school

May 9, 2012

excerpt from The Infinite Wait & Other Stories   To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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reading during the angsty years

April 17, 2012

pages from The Infinite Wait & Other Stories To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.    

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accidental murderer

April 9, 2012

Excerpt From The Infinite Wait & Other Stories To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.  

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the Dance Buzzer Game

April 2, 2012

Excerpt from The Infinite Wait & Other Stories To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.    

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takin’ ill

March 28, 2012

Excerpt From The Infinite Wait & Other Stories To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.  

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parental visit pt 1

February 27, 2012

(Disclaimer: this visit happened in 2003 when I was living in a weird, illegal inlaw unit with two roommates in San Francisco. Hey Miles!)    

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even more job comics

February 6, 2012

Excerpt from The Infinite Wait & Other Stories To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the disbanding of Pizza Island

January 23, 2012

Man, this post is the worst. Pizza Island, the studio I shared with five other cartoonists, is shutting down at the end of this month. The explanation we’re giving (lease up, rent going up, members leaving the country) is really just an elaborate ruse to cover up the real, more scandalous reason as to why we’re disbanding. The studio […]

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my first job

January 17, 2012

This is the first page from a short story in the Infinite Wait & Other Stories, about some of the jobs I’ve had from age 4 to now. I got the idea to do this story after I recorded the Paying Dues podcast last year. There is some speculation in my memory about the price […]

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Protected: the Castle- redux

December 30, 2011

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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more sketchy france comics

December 1, 2011

  To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the best invention

August 29, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Boys pt 1

August 16, 2011

I sincerely doubt that Juan reads this website, or even knows what became of me for that matter, but if on the off chance he ever sees this, hi Juan! My memories of you are fond, which I can’t say for the rest of the boys in this series. Also, that last panel, I think […]

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Then VS Now

July 25, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Star Wars

June 29, 2011

more sneak peek pages, however these are old and need to be redrawn. I’d tell you why but you don’t want to listen to my petty chorus of complaints. This is me and my older brother as kids, playing Star Wars with one of our neighbors in the creek that ran through our backyard. To […]

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June 21, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the House, all pages

June 15, 2011

  the house now, taken in 2010 the sealed off front door view from the porch 2010 To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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chicago pt 1

April 24, 2011

Every few years I go to Chicago to eat pastries, gripe about stuff and make comics with Laura Park. This time around we saved a cat, watched some horrifying kids videos and learned about terrible things on the internet while I laid on the couch and complained about my bad back. Sounds fun, no? I’ll […]

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interesting news

April 1, 2011

  (link deleted because people didn’t follow it and it led to a lot of confusion, see the addendum below)   Addendum: Much to my initial delight (and following chagrin) the joke worked better than I expected because a lot of people didn’t click the link, which I deleted because at first I was like “haha […]

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anatomy of a mix tape

March 31, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Choice Words About Fashion

March 30, 2011

Read the article/photoshoot at Hearty Magazine To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Say It Ain’t So

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the Nature of Book Reviews

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.  

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All I Want Is…

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the Thing About Dreams

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the Endless Hunt

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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How I Feel All The Time

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Don’t Shake the Baby

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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how it all went wrong

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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more Ghosts

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.  

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Useless Title

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Uncomfortable Eavesdropping

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Autoimmunity Denied

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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the way we are

March 30, 2011
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today everything is shit

March 30, 2011
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Why I Don’t Wax Political

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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street finds

March 30, 2011
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Career Assessment Test

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Good Investment

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Life Like This

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Drinking at the Movies

March 30, 2011

Drinking at the Movies was originally released in 2010 by Three Rivers Press, but was re-released and redesigned in 2015 by Koyama Press. The new edition has a new cover, an eight page, handwritten intro by Janeane Garofalo, a comic about how I met her, and a bunch of city drawings added at the end, with […]

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January sketch diary

March 30, 2011

I keep a whole separate sketch book diary of nib pen and inkwash comics but I don’t post them because they lend themselves to long, tediously melancholy prose that aren’t suitable for internet entertainment. Here’s one for your (non) enjoyment! To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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I’ve loved you so long

March 30, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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DATM pt13

March 29, 2011

So, that’s it for the samples, To read the full story, buy the book!

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DATM pt10

March 29, 2011
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DATM pt9

March 29, 2011

Here’s a crappy photo of the ranch: T This is an inkwash of the porch and dog I did in 2009 And there’s a whole set of photos of the ranch on my flickr account

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What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

March 27, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Cycles of Solitude

March 24, 2011
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Ghosts of My (embarrassing) Past

March 24, 2011

To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Misery is Funny

March 24, 2011
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Drawing in Chicago

March 24, 2011

Drawn by Laura Park To support my work and see new comics, go here. To buy books, prints, mugs, t-shirts, etc, go here.

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Some Days I Get Nothing Done

March 24, 2011

Drawn by Laura Park

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Inconvenient dismemberment

March 24, 2011
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Fart Party vol 2

March 24, 2011

The Fart Party vol 2 (Atomic Books 2009) This edition is forever out of print, but can be seen in in full in Museum of Mistakes: The Fart Party Collection, which you can buy  directly from me.  All books come signed/doodled with various choices of extras like prints and hand drawn panels. From the publisher: After trying and failing […]

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