IP Glossary

copyrightan intellectual property right allowing the holder to prevent copying of a work
EUTMEuropean Trade Mark - a trade mark registration covering the whole of the EU
designthe visual appearance of an object, logo or icon
design rightsometimes called unregistered design right; an automatically arising right to prevent the copying of certain features of items
distinctivea characteristic of a trade mark needed to obtain registration - distinctiveness may be inherent, or it may arise as the result of prolonged use over a period of time
intellectual propertya generic term for a number of different rights,including patents, trade marks, designs and copyright
IP/IPRcommon abbreviation for intellectual property or intellectual property right
monopoly righta right which allows the owner to stop infringements regardless of whether the infringer copied deliberately
original worka document, drawing, photo, piece of music, etc. which is not itself copied from elsewhere and which can be protected by copyright
patentan intellectual property right giving a monopoly in a technical invention for up to 20 years
PCTPatent Cooperation Treaty - a international system which allows centralised initial processing of a patent application before it is divided into separate countries
registered designan intellectual property right giving a monopoly in a design for up to design 25 years
specificationin patents this is a document describing the invention and the protection given by the patent; in trade marks it is a list of the goods/services for which a trade mark is registered
trade markan intellectual property right giving the holder a monopoly in a sign that serves to distinguish his goods or services from those of other traders
utility modelan intellectual property right available in some countries giving a monopoly in a technical invention, usually a product, and usually for 7-10 years
workfrom copyright - a document, drawing, photo, piece of music, software etc