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Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje

Patogu1 (talkcontribs)

Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje

Reply to "Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje"

mikrotik user function strange result

Ngsolution (talkcontribs)

:local ltrim do={

    :local pos -1

    :for i from=0 to=([:len $string] - 1) do={

        :local char [:pick $string $i]

        :if ([:typeof [:find $clean $char]]="nil") do={

           :return ($pos+1)


        :set pos $i   


    :return ($pos+1)


:local rtrim do={

    :local pos [:len $string]

    :for i from=($pos - 1) to=0 step=-1 do={

        :local char [:pick $string $i]

        :if ([:typeof [:find $clean $char]]="nil") do={

           :return $pos


        :set pos $i   


    :return $pos


:local trim do={

    :return [:pick $string [$ltrim string=$string clean=$clean] [$rtrim string=$string clean=$clean]]


:local string [:tostr "|_|asas   a    a_____|||"]

:local clean " |_"

:put "$string $clean"

:put [$ltrim string=$string clean=$clean]

:put [$rtrim string=$string clean=$clean]

# not work $trim why

:put [$trim string=$string clean=$clean]

# work ok

:put [:pick $string [$ltrim string=$string clean=$clean] [$rtrim string=$string clean=$clean]]

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

You are in the wrong place. We can only help with mediawiki stuff. We are not associated with mikrotik

Reply to "mikrotik user function strange result"

Unable to use /maintenance/importDump.php to import a XML dump from another MediaWiki (fandom) site

2001:E60:834E:3CA3:B4BC:32F:52D:9539 (talkcontribs)

Hello there!

I'm been trying to restore a wiki dumped using WikiTeam tools ( into a local installation of MediaWiki 1.36.1.

Some other technical details about my environment that might be useful: Mac 11, PHP 7.4.2, MySQL 5.7 (both provided by MAMP 6.5).

Using importDump.php (both using the php importDump.php --conf /mediawikidirectory/LocalSettings.php /directory/dump.xml and php importDump.php < directory/dump.xml

, the script throws the following error:

Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterAssertionException from line 85 of /Users/dick/Downloads/mediawiki-1.36.1/includes/page/PageIdentityValue.php: Bad value for parameter $dbKey: PageIdentityValue contains a bad character: A_New_Star_Cluster★Shining_BIGBANG!

After searching online, I've come to believe that the title of the page being imported is likely invalid due to either the "!" or "★" character (as other pages without these special characters imported just fine). However, none of the solutions that I've come across work or make much sense to me. Searching for "PageIdentityValue contains a bad character" doesn't bring up any relevant results, either.

I'd really appreciate it if someone here could point me towards the right direction about how to resolve this issue. One idea I have is to add the special character to $wgLegalTitleChars in localSettings but I don't know how to work with regex. Another idea is using gfdl-wikititle - but there's no precompiled, I'm not sure on how to compile it, and the documentation is rather sparse.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

★ & ! in theory should be fine. Its possible the issue is that its not encoded as UTF-8 NFC. If its in a different text encoding, it could cause this issue. Its also possible there could be an invisible character that is invalid.

Reply to "Unable to use /maintenance/importDump.php to import a XML dump from another MediaWiki (fandom) site"

Deleted pages still showing up under "all pages" and "orphaned"

3 (talkcontribs)

Our wiki once had a major problem with spam. Automated spam created thousands of new pages on our site:

It's now been cleaned up, except all of the deleted pages still show up under "all pages" and "orphaned pages" making these pages totally useless.

Can anyone please give advice on cleaning this up, fully deleting the spam, and making them no longer show up on the special pages?


Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I looked at your wiki - these pages don't appear to be deleted. It looks like there are referential integrity issues where the pages got half deleted but still have references in the page table (and maybe elsewhere). You need to fully delete them to get rid of them.

Reply to "Deleted pages still showing up under "all pages" and "orphaned""

Visualeditor issues due to nginx???

Gjtokkel (talkcontribs)


I am running wiki 1.35 php7.4 and cannot get visualeditor properly to work. I had to disable it. Apparently the issue is that the rest api is not called correctly. I am wondering whether this is due to nginx.... my phpinfo shows:

$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] nginx/1.10.3

Here: Parsoid I did read: "If you're serving MediaWiki with Nginx, you'll need to also add something like this to your server conf:"

location /rest.php/ { try_files $uri $uri/ /rest.php?$query_string; }

Do I need to ask my provider to add this in de nginx config in order to make visualeditor work? Is there any way I can find out myself?

Nicholaslue (talkcontribs)

How is it not working properly? The visual editor loads in the page but won't read existing content and adds a bunch of code to the page upon saving. (talkcontribs)

Same problem using nginx with Ubuntu Server 20.04 and visualeditor. What worked for me was to install additional php components:

sudo apt install php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-fpm php7.4-json php7.4-mysql php7.4-curl php7.4-intl php7.4-gd php7.4-mbstring texlive imagemagick

Reply to "Visualeditor issues due to nginx???"
Karlpajak (talkcontribs)

I'm looking to create a sidebox in my wiki like this page for chicago

But I can't seem to figure out how to create a sidebox or whatever it is called. Anyone know how to do this?



Reply to "Sidebox"

EPrints- How to set auto email to new users that were created by admin?

Aman16777 (talkcontribs)

Eprints Issue!!!

Please help.

As admin if I were to create a new user, is it possible to set auto mail to the new user?

The content of the mail is to basically welcome the new user and provide them with their account username and password.

The flow:

Super admin creates a new user > User receives mail based on the email address entered by super admin> User checks mail > The mail content contains username & password for the user to log into the system.

Aman16777 (talkcontribs)

Could anyone please help me resolve this issue?

Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)
Aman16777 (talkcontribs)

Yeah I did check through wiki eprints but I did not manage to find anything related to my issue.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

The create account page has a create account by email option that does this (you have to be logged in as a different user to do this)

Aman16777 (talkcontribs)

I am trying to set auto mail function when super admin user goes to create user. An auto mail will be send to the new user notifying them that an account has been created for them and the details of the account.

Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)

Have you tried the extension?

"The New User Email Notificationextension sends a customisable email to specified recipients when a new user account is created."

Aman16777 (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the suggestion. Will try to look into it. Not sure if this extension can be utilized with EPrints.

Reply to "EPrints- How to set auto email to new users that were created by admin?" (talkcontribs)

no acces

Tanbirzx (talkcontribs)

Welcome to Mediawiki. I didn't understand what you said.

Reply to "Términos of use license"

U-37 Quotes's Audio are Actually Those of U-81's

LeFerdeLance (talkcontribs)

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post, but I just found out that U-37's quotes audio are actually u-81's whereas u-81's audio is correct.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

This is the wrong place. I have no idea what you're referring to.

Jonathan3 (talkcontribs)
Reply to "U-37 Quotes's Audio are Actually Those of U-81's" (talkcontribs)
Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Are you logged in? Your wiki is configured to only allow logged in users to edit

Reply to "Cannot edit wiki"