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ThreeCirclesPlain.svg Natural/Sosial sientiesGeografia → Asia

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Satelital imaje de Asia.

Asia es li maxim grandi e maxim populosi kontinente del Tere. Traditionalim lu es definit kom parte del land-mase de Afrika-Eurasia kel lia est li Suez Kanale, est li Ural Montes e sudest li Kaukasus Montes e li Kaspian e Nigri Mares. Sirk 60 % del homal populatione del monde habita in Asia, ek kel nur 2 % habita in li norde e interni duime (Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Qingha, vesti Uzbekistan e Turkmenistan); li altri 98 % habita in li seteri duime.

Kontinentes es konsepture de homal geografia (tu es, land-formes kom interpretat da homes), non de geologia o fisikal geografia, e definitiones pove varia. Li konsepture del tri kontinentes del Oldi Monde veni fro klasiki antiqueso e li etimologia del vorde anke have radikes in li ansieni Proximi e Medi Este. Asia e Afrika renkontra mutu an li Istme de Suez e li Red Mare. Es ordinarim kredat ke li borde inter Asia e Europa vada via li Dardaneles, li Mare de Marmara, li Bisporus, tra li Nigri Mare, li Kaukasus Montes, li Ural Fluvie til lun fonte, e li Ural Montes a li Kara Mare, proxim Kara, Rusia.

Es kelkitem nonklari tu in kel Asia presisim konsista. Segun kelki definitiones, lu pove exluse Turkia, li Medi Este e Rusia. Asia kelkitem es usat plu striktim por refero a Asia-Pasifike, kel non inkluse li Medi Este o Rusia e non inkluse li isles del Pasifik Oseane, kelkis ek kel on konsidera anke kom parte de Australasia o Oseania. Asia kontene li indi subkontinente, li arabi subkontinente e piese del nord amerikani plate in Siberia.

Landes[modifika | edit source]

Nome de regione/lande Area
(1 Julie 2002 est.)
Populational denseso
(po km²)
Sentral Asia:
{{{2}}} Kazakhstan[1] 2 346 927 13 472 593 5.7 Astana
Kirgistan Kirgistan 198 500 4 822 166 24.3 Bishkek
Tajikistan Tajikistan 143 100 6 719 567 47.0 Dushanbe
{{{2}}} Turkmenistan 488 100 4 688 963 9.6 Ashgabat
{{{2}}} Uzbekistan 447 400 25 563 441 57.1 Tashkent
Esti Asia:
China Populen Republike de China[2] 9 584 492 1 384 303 705 134.0 Beijing
{{{2}}} Hong Kong (PRC)[3] 1 092 7 303 334 6 688.0 Hong Kong
Japan Japan 377 835 126 974 628 336.1 Tokyo
Makau Makau (PRC)[4] 25 461 833 18 473.3
Mongolia Mongolia 1 565 000 2 694 432 1.7 Ulaanbaatar
Nord Korea Nord Korea 120 540 22 224 195 184.4 Pyongyang
Sud Korea Sud Korea 98 480 48 324 000 490.7 Seoul
Taiwan Republike de China (Taiwan) [5] 35 980 22 548 009 626.7 Taipei
Nordi Afrika:
Egiptia Egiptia[6] 63 556 1 378 159 21.7 Kairo
Nordi Asia:
Rusia Rusia[7] 13 115 200 39 129 729 3.0 Moskva
Sud-esti Asia:
Brunei Brunei 5 770 350 898 60.8 Bandar Seri Begawan
Kambodia Kambodia 181 040 12 775 324 70.6 Phnom Penh
Indonesia Indonesia[8] 1 419 588 227 026 560 159.9 Jakarta
Laos Laos 236 800 5 777 180 24.4 Vientiane
Malaysia Malaysia 329 750 22 662 365 68.7 Kuala Lumpur
Myanmar Myanmar (Burma) 678 500 42 238 224 62.3 Naypyidaw[9]
Filipines Filipines 300 000 84 525 639 281.8 Manila
Singapore Singapore 693 4 452 732 6 425.3 Singapore
Tailande Tailande 514 000 62 354 402 121.3 Bangkok
Timor-Leste Timor-Leste (Est Timor)[10] 15 007 952 618 63.5 Dili
Vietnam Vietnam 329 560 81 098 416 246.1 Hanoi
Sud Asia:
Afganistan Afganistan 647 500 27 755 775 42.9 Kabul
Bangladesh Bangladesh 144 000 133 376 684 926.2 Daka
Butan Butan 47 000 2 094 176 44.6 Timpu
India India[11] 3 287 590 1 045 845 226 318.2 Novi Deli
Iran Iran 1 648 000 68 467 413 41.5 Teran
Maldives Maldives 300 320 165 1 067.2 Male
Nepal Nepal 140 800 25 873 917 183.8 Katmandu
Pakistan Pakistan 803 940 147 663 429 183.7 Islamabad
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 65 610 19 576 783 298.4 Kolombo
Westi Asia:
Armenia Armenia[12] 29 800 3 330 099 111.7 Yerevan
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan[13] 41 370 3 479 127 84.1 Baku
Barayn Barayn 665 656 397 987.1 Manama
Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus[14] 9 250 775 927 83.9 Nikosia
Palestine Gaza[15] 363 1 203 591 3 315.7 Gaza
Georgia Georgia[16] 20 460 2 032 004 99.3 Tbilisi
Irak Irak 437 072 24 001 816 54.9 Bagdad
Israel Israel 20 770 6 029 529 290.3 Jerusalem
Jordan Jordan 92 300 5 307 470 57.5 Aman
Kuwayt Kuwayt 17 820 2 111 561 118.5 Kuwayt Urbe
Liban Liban 10 400 3 677 780 353.6 Beyrut
{{{2}}} Naxçivan (Azerbaijan)[17] 5 500 365 000 66.4 Nakichevan
{{{2}}} Oman 212 460 2 713 462 12.8 Muskat
Katar Katar 11 437 793 341 69.4 Doha
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 1 960 582 23 513 330 12.0 Riyad
Siria Siria 185 180 17 155 814 92.6 Damaskus
Turkia Turkia[18] 756 768 57 855 068 76.5 Ankara
Unionati Arabi Emirates Unionati Arabi Emirates 82 880 2 445 989 29.5 Abu Dabi
{{{2}}} West Bank[19] 5 860 2 303 660 393.1
Yemen Yemen 527 970 18 701 257 35.4 Sana
Total 43 810 582 3 902 404 193 89.07

Kulture de Asia | Ekonomie de Asia | Geografia de Asia | Historie de Asia | Politike de Asia
Kontinentes del monde


Nord Amerika
Sud Amerika

Geological superkontinentes : Gondwana · Laurasia · Pangea · Rodinia

  1.   Kazakhstan is sometimes considered a transcontinental country in Central Asia and Eastern Europe; population and area figures are for Asian portion only.
  2.   The current state is formally known as the People's Republic of China (PRC), which is subsumed by the eponymous entity and civilisation. Figures given are for mainland China only, and do not include Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
  3.   Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC.
  4.   Macau is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC.
  5.   Figures are for the area under the de facto control of the ROC government. Claimed in whole by the PRC; see political status of Taiwan.
  6.   Egypt is generally considered a transcontinental country in Northern Africa and Western Asia; population and area figures are for Asian portion only, east of the Suez Canal (Sinai Peninsula).
  7.   Rusia is generally considered a transcontinental country in Eastern Europe (UN region) and Northern Asia; population and area figures are for Asian portion only.
  8.   Indonesia is often considered a transcontinental country in Southeastern Asia and Oceania; figures do not include Irian Jaya and Maluku Islands, frequently reckoned in Oceania (Melanesia/Australasia).
  9.   The administrative capital of Myanmar was officially moved from Yangon (Rangoon) to a militarised greenfield just west of Pyinmana on 6 November 2005.
  10.   Timor-Leste is often considered a transcontinental country in Southeastern Asia and Oceania.
  11.   Includes Jammu and Kashmir, a contested territory among India, Pakistan, and the PRC.
  12.   Armenia is sometimes considered a transcontinental country: physiographically in Western Asia, it has historical and sociopolitical connections with Europe.
  13.   Azerbaijan is often considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia and Eastern Europe; population and area figures are for Asian portion only. Naxçivan is an autonomous exclave of Azerbaijan bordered by Armenia, Iran, and Turkey.
  14.   The island of Cyprus is sometimes considered a transcontinental territory: in the Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean Sea south of Turkey, it has historical and sociopolitical connections with Europe. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), distinct from the de jure Republic of Cyprus in the south (with a predominantly Greek population), is recognised only by Turkey.
  15.   Gaza and West Bank, collectively referred to as the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" by the UN, are territories partially occupied by Israel but under de facto administration of the Palestinian National Authority.
  16.   Georgia is often considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia and Eastern Europe; population and area figures are for Asian portion only.
  17.   Azerbaijan is often considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Naxçivan is an autonomous exclave of Azerbaijan bordered by Armenia, Iran, and Turkey.
  18.   Turkia is generally considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia and Southern Europe; population and area figures are for Asian portion only, excluding all of Istanbul.
  19.   West Bank and Gaza, collectively referred to as the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" by the UN, are territories occupied by Israel but under de facto administration of the Palestinian National Authority.