THE Journal Newsletters

Keep up with the latest in K-12 education technology with these informative newsletters from the THE Journal editorial team.

Remote Learning Environments Remote Learning Environments: Strategies for supporting education beyond the traditional classroom

Remote Learning Environments, a new newsletter from the editors of THE Journal, is published monthly, offering news, tips, strategies and insights for technology professionals supporting distance learning in all its forms.

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THE Blended Classroom newsletter THE Blended Classroom : Teaching & Learning Strategies for 21st Century Education

Blended learning is one of the most exciting developments in education in recent years, showing the promise to improve student learning through the combination of technology and face-to-face interaction with teachers. THE Blended Classroom, a new newsletter from the editors of THE Journal, is published twice monthly

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THE Journal InsiderTHE Journal Insider: Critical Insights for K-12 Education Technology Pros

THE Journal Insider offers readers the best our magazine has to offer. Each issue contains select articles chosen by the editors for their appeal to readers and for their significance in advancing the mission of education technology in K–12. THE Journal Insider is published monthly.

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THE IT Trends newsletterTHE IT Trends: Strategies & Insights for Technology Leaders in K-12

IT Trends is packed with the latest information about networking, databases, hardware, developer tools, data security, wireless, virtualization and cloud computing. Targeted toward K-12 IT professionals at the district and school levels, IT Trends also offers up project profiles, case studies, interviews and articles focusing on best practices in information technology. Published twice monthly.

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K-12 Grant Alert newsletter K–12 Grant Alert: Funding, Competitions and Award Opportunities for Educators

Each year, U.S. educators spend more than $1.5 billion out of pocket on technology, supplies and gear for their classrooms. K–12 Grant Alert helps connect educators with the resources they need to get the educational tools for their classrooms, from large-scale state and federal programs to corporate grants, competitions and sweepstakes specifically for K–12 schools. K–12 Grant Alert is published monthly.

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Learning Spaces newsletter Learning Spaces: AV, Interactive Tech, Furnishings and Design for the 21st Century Smart Classroom

Across the globe, classrooms are evolving to meet the demands of 21st century education. New classroom design philosophies enable collaborative, project-based, student-centered learning and offer the flexibility to accommodate multiple teaching and learning styles. Technology integrated into the classroom helps engage students in the learning process. Learning Spaces, the new newsletter from the editors of THE Journal, focuses on these critical factors in education, from interactive displays and projectors to tech-enabled furnishings to strategies for implementing more effective learning environments. This electronic newsletter is published twice monthly.

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THE News Update newsletterTHE Journal News Update: What You Need To Know Now

THE News Update is a thrice-weekly newsletter covering the latest in technology trends, tools, and usage for K-12 instruction and administration. Opinion pieces by leading technology experts and visionaries provide insight on a variety of critical issues. News, announcements, and need-to-know statistics give readers a quick look at timely news and events affecting the education community. Published weekly.

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