September 18, 2021

Volume XI, Number 261


September 17, 2021

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September 16, 2021

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Congress Considering $700,000 OSHA Penalties

A Congressional committee has approved maximum penalties of $700,000 per item for violations of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards.

The move would mean more than a fivefold increase of maximum “willful,” “repeated,” and “failure-to-abate” violations from $136,532. Minimum penalty amounts for such infractions would increase from today’s $9,753 to $50,000. “Serious” violations would increase from a current maximum of $13,653 to $70,000.

Announcing its intent to “invest in increased enforcement of labor law … and set meaningful civil monetary penalties for violations of wage and hour, worker safety and labor laws” in the “Build Back Better Agenda,” the House Committee on Education and Labor approved the multiplied penalty levels, as well as a $707 million budget for the agency.

The penalty increases mirror provisions in the “Protecting America’s Workers Act,” a measure that has been proposed in recent Congresses but has never passed. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the new measure and send it to the Senate, which could enact the measure with a simple majority vote.

In its last major penalty increase, Congress approved an increase of maximum penalties from $7,000 per “serious” item to $12,471 on June 30, 2016, an increase of 78 percent. Congress tied subsequent annual penalty adjustments automatically to the Consumer Price Index, and thus, penalties have made gradual increases since to the current maximum of $13,653. In 2016, Congress also increased “willful” and “repeated” violations from $70,000 per item to $124,709.

A single violation under the proposed penalty structure could effectively put a company out of business. As a result, challenges by cited employers will increase as legal costs may be inevitable to avoid significantly larger penalties. This is reminiscent of what happened in 2006, when Congress’ passage of increased penalties under the Mine Safety and Health Act penalties caused the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to experience an increase of citation contests that strained resources and caused a backlog of cases requiring Congress to fund the MSHA backlog project. Such a move also can strain agency resources, requiring compliance officials to make court appearances for litigated citations, and increase demands on judges and government attorneys. In 2010, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) reported that earlier penalty increases sparked an increased workload of 60 percent for administrative law judges due to a rise in the number of disputes resolved not in early settlements, but later, in administrative hearings.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2021National Law Review, Volume XI, Number 260

About this Author

Courtney Malveaux, OSHA Lawyer, Employment, Richmond, Virginia, Jackson Lewis Law Firm

Courtney Malveaux is a Principal in the Richmond, Virginia, office of Jackson Lewis P.C.

Mr. Malveaux represents employers cited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other regulatory agencies. He also advises and represents employers in employment law matters, including retaliation claims, employment discrimination, unemployment benefits and wage claims. Mr. Malveaux also represents business associations in state and federal legislative and regulatory matters.

Mr. Malveaux represents industry on the Virginia Safety and...

Melanie L. Paul Trial Attorney Jackson Lewis Atlanta, GA
Of Counsel

Melanie L. Paul is Of Counsel in the Atlanta, Georgia office of Jackson Lewis P.C.  Her practice focuses on occupational safety and health and wage and hour issues.  Ms. Paul’s clients benefit from her unique inside experience as a trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for more than a decade. 

During Ms. Paul’s time with the DOL, she regularly appeared at hearings and trials before federal administrative tribunals and federal district courts throughout the southeastern United States in matters of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) law, Mine...

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Ms. Cano helps clients navigate state, federal, and local leave and disability laws. Ms. Cano has experience in litigation and arbitration in several areas, including employment discrimination, retaliation and whistleblower claims, and non-competes and unfair competition. Ms. Cano’s practice also includes assisting clients involved in union organization campaigns, collective bargaining,...

Of Counsel

Kristina Brooks is of counsel in the Albuquerque, New Mexico, office of Jackson Lewis P.C.  Her practice focuses on occupational safety and health issues in the workplace. 

After spending 15 years litigating cases as a senior trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Kristina provides invaluable insight to clients who are navigating the rapidly changing safety and health regulations applicable to the healthcare, energy and utilities, construction, hospitality, retail, staffing, and transportation industries. A...
