Official Twitter source of the CPSTF, providing evidence-based recommendations for public health. Follows, retweets, likes, and links do not imply endorsement.

כאן מאז אוגוסט 2015


חסמת את @CPSTF

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  1. לפני 53 דקות

    CPSTF recommends community-wide education campaigns to promote the use of folic acid supplements among women of childbearing age.

  2. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 5 שעות

    May 19 is National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day devoted to eliminating HIV stigma in API communities. Learn more about the impact of HIV on these populations: and .

  3. לפני 8 שעות

    May 19 is National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a day to combat stigma in Asian and Pacific Islander communities and to encourage testing, prevention, and treatment.

  4. 18 במאי

    Check out the CPSTF recommendation for team-based care to prevent and control .

  5. צייץ מחדש
    17 במאי

    Check out our Self-Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) Monitoring webpage! Use these resources to implement and improve control.

  6. 17 במאי

    May is . Learn about CPSTF recommendations to improve mental health in your community.

  7. 14 במאי

    It’s National Month. Share your tips for staying healthy and active during allergy season. Check out CPSTF findings on asthma.

  8. צייץ מחדש
    12 במאי

    NEW Hypertension Management Program (HMP) Toolkit: This interactive online training highlights a team-based, -centered integrated care model for reducing . Learn how to implement the HMP in clinical settings.

  9. 13 במאי

    It’s National Month. Share your tips for staying healthy and active during allergy season. Check out CPSTF findings on asthma.

  10. 13 במאי

    CPSTF thanks our liaison for their support of The Community Guide. This month they will host their annual meeting virtually, May 16-19. Learn more.

  11. 12 במאי

    What are the economic benefits of team-based care to improve blood pressure control? Join the CPSTF virtual meeting June 9-10 to hear systematic review evidence. Register:

  12. 12 במאי

    CPSTF thanks our liaison for their support of The Community Guide. This month they will host their virtual AAPA 2021 conference, May 23-26. Learn more.

  13. 11 במאי

    CPSTF is proud to have the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations as Liaisons to the task force. Happy !

  14. 10 במאי

    School-based cognitive behavioral therapy programs prevent or reduce depression and anxiety symptoms among school-aged children and adolescents. Check out the CPSTF recommendations and systematic review evidence to learn more.

  15. צייץ מחדש
    8 במאי

    Children's health may improve with increased activity from walking or biking to school. Read more about the benefits found — Economics of Interventions to Increase Active Travel to School: A Community Guide Systematic Review in

  16. 10 במאי

    It’s . Support in your community by promoting health strategies that keep women healthy!

  17. צייץ מחדש
    7 במאי

    Communities have an important role to play in . Get the most recent and relevant data for your intervention efforts by using CDC’s !

  18. 7 במאי

    Systematic review evidence shows interventions engaging community health workers (including promotores de salud & patient navigators) can increase cancer screening, and improve blood pressure control and diabetes management.

  19. 7 במאי

    CPSTF recommends school-based cognitive behavioral therapy programs to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms among school-aged children and adolescents.

  20. צייץ מחדש
    6 במאי

    Find free evidence-based information, statistics, and policy resources related to college prevention research at -- from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

    Photo of college cupola with caption, Collegedrinkingprevention.gov, changing the culture

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