The NPAIHB Immunization Program works with all IHS and tribal clinics in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Services offered to all sites include gathering data through RPMS on a quarterly basis to assisting in procuring vaccine for clinics who have either had their orders cancelled or have exhausted their supply. We have record or near record low levels of vaccine-preventable childhood diseases in the United States, but that does not mean they have disappeared. The NPAIHB Immunization Program works to ensure that children, especially infants and young children receive recommended immunizations on time.

The NPAIHB Immunization Program participates in a National Immunization Coordinators group. This group consists of Immunization Coordinator’s of the various Epicenter and Indian Health Service Area Program Managers. Conferences calls are arranged quarterly to share information which is widely disseminated and shared.

Latest Update — Portland Area Indian Health Service:


The goals of NPAIHB’s Immunization Program include:

  • Increase ways to access information about preventable childhood diseases
  • Improve health and well-being for infants and young children
  • Reduce levels for vaccine-preventable childhood diseases
  • Resource Links and Reports
  • Contact Us


Should you have Immunization package questions please call:

Portland Area Indian Health Service
1414 NW Northrup Street, Suite 800
Portland, OR 97209
Phone: 503-414-7763
Fax: 503-414-5554

For Vaccine-related questions please contact:
CAPT Thomas Weiser, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist
Portland Area Indian Health Service
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Phone 503-416-3298

If you have any other questions please contact the NPAIHB staff:
Clarice Charging
Immunization Coordinator
(503) 228-4185

More NPAIHB Programs