Free Software Foundation EuropeTài khoản được xác nhận


Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.

Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2009


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    Why should governments develop ? The FSFE publishes a new expert policy brochure today to answer the most important questions about “Public Money? Public Code!", including practical guidelines. Get your copy today:

    Interested person reading the new pmpc brochure by fsfe
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  2. Gemeinsam mit der haben wir gefragt, was sie und ihre Partei tun möchte, um die Digitalisierung in Deutschland auch mit Freier Software voranzubringen.

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  3. In our Newsletter: 🔹 we celebrate Router Freedom in the Netherlands 🔹 we explain why every app that tackles covid has to be . Thanks to the kind help of our supporters, the Newsletter is translated in Italian and Dutch! ⭐

    FSFE information stall on Veganmania, Vienna 2021
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  4. Public bodies fail: Volunteers have to sacrifice free time to make app available to all

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  5. Öffentliche Einrichtungen versagen: Freiwillige müssen Freizeit opfern, um App für alle verfügbar zu machen

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  6. Let it be known to those around you: there is no cloud. With our print 'There is no cloud, just other peoples' computers'. Discover our collection

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  7. 9 thg 8

    Seit über 20 Jahren unterstützt die Menschen im selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik. Wir sind stolz darauf, dabei mitzuhelfen.

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  8. The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published new rules that will move forward in the Netherlands. The FSFE acknowledges this decision as a major win for consumer rights.

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  9. 4 thg 8

    Happy 20 Years FSFE! Keep on educating on the nature of software, highlighting political implications, and simplifying legal preconditions. We're proud to be your associate organization. via

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  10. En el de julio, 🔹invitamos a nuestra comunidad a unirse a la celebración , 🔹aplaudimos a Finlandia por asegurar la , 🔹y seguimos las actividades de para niños.

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  11. Nella nostra di luglio, invitiamo la nostra comunità a festeggiare , ci congratuliamo con la Finlandia per la e vediamo le attività per i bambini. Come al solito, riportiamo le varie attività della comunità:

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  12. resources should be usable without legal or technical barriers. The key is and . 📚 FSFE supports Open Educational Resources and partners with , Free Education Alliance, since 2015. 🏫

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  13. NL In onze juli nodigen we onze gemeenschap uit om deel te nemen aan de vieringen van , feliciteren we Finland met en berichten we over activiteiten voor kinderen en onze andere gemeenschapsactiviteiten:

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  14. In our July : 🔹we invite our community to join the celebrations of 🔹we applaud for securing 🔹we look into activities for children 🔹we invite you to support during 📰

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  15. Hoàn tác
  16. What made you curious about the FSFE & do you remember the first contact you had with the FSFE? Share your in an email. Every person in the FSFE has unique memories and expertise. They are all part of 🎤 Answer our interview questions

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  17. You share your concerns. We find answers. In 2012, people told us that the fear of loosing the guarantee prevented them for flashing their phones. We contacted lawyers and found out that the 2 years guarantee is secured. 📸 by Alexander London

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  18. We look forward to having in-person community meetings again! to FSFE Germany meeting in 2017, days full of brainstorming and training sessions. 📌 blogpost by

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  19. We are handing the mic over to our community, to you! Share your thoughts, pictures, videos or anything else that reminds you of your time with the FSFE and become part of our birthday publication:

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  20. 20 years seems a long time in computer history but not for us. Help us now get to the next 20 years of empowering people to control technology!

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  21. Reinhard Muller, long-term volunteer & former Financial Officer, recalls his excitement when he found a Europe-based organisation 20 years ago, the FSFE. In our interview he advises us to keep a long term perspective on issues.

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