Melody speaks gif fluently   


Surviving C-PTSD🎗Love painting in my art studio🎨 Here for: psychology~history~politics~art~witty people 💙Married💙👋🏼Hi

Must be near saltwater    
가입일: 2010년 3월


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  1. 님에게 보내는 답글

    My dad is 88. He was homeless as a child during The Great Depression and had to knock on doors for food. I wish they would live a day (or 3) in the life of someone who has been stricken w unfortunate circumstances. Should be a prerequisite before taking the oath of office, IMO.

  2. 취소
  3. 5시간 전

    In another case, Mr. Windom prosecuted Christopher Hasson, a white nationalist and lieutenant in the U.S. Coast Guard, who had plotted to kill journalists, Democratic politicians, professors, Supreme Court justices and those he described as “leftists in general.” 7/

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  4. 5시간 전

    “Mr. Windom, for example, helped to secure convictions against a trio of violent members of a white supremacist group called “The Base,” which had hoped to trigger a race war in the United States. Two of the defendants received lengthy prison sentences.” 6/

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  5. 5시간 전

    “In his former job, Mr. Windom prosecuted some high-profile cases in Maryland — among them those involving domestic and international terrorism, public corruption and national security.” 5/

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  6. 5시간 전

    Thomas Windom comes to the from Maryland and has been working with the NATIONAL SECURITY and CRIMINAL DIVISIONS at Main Justice to investigate criminal activity OTHER THAN what took place at the Capitol January 6th, such as the more complicated conspiracy cases. 3/

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  7. 5시간 전

    Why are we only hearing about it now? Because squeaky targets like Alex Jones and Ali Alexander are leaking. The DoJ has been doing this for months without any of us knowing. As it should be. 2/

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  8. 5시간 전

    THREAD: JUSTICE: Meet Thomas Windom. He was brought in SEVERAL MONTHS AGO to investigate the top of the coup at the DoJ. Did you hear about it before today? Nope. 1/

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  9. Sunny one day Rainy the next Just gonna smile Blocking the vex ☀️🌧😉✌🏼

  10. Perhaps his makeup team is the former sound team from his rallies? 😂 Those peeps were definitely trolling him with the playlist. 🎶

  11. Many people are saying this is a Home Alone 2 (minor) cast reunion gone bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Pigeons everywhere gathered ‘round. 😆

  12. 9시간 전

    ⚠ Oh wow... POTUS expecting company? 🇺🇦 Government of Ukraine A319 UR-ABA UKN1201

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  13. 9시간 전

    Literally the opposite of what’s happening. It’s like a school yard bully who says, “I didn’t punch you, you hit my hand with your face.”

  14. 10시간 전

    High gas prices are helping Big Oil and hurting working families. and I have a simple solution: return 50% of those excess profits to consumers. Let’s set this right.

  15. 10시간 전

    On Russia, is taking a hammer to MLP. He called her dependent of Putin. Not free. She doesn’t represent France’s interests, but Russia’s etc OH WOW, “vous parlez avec votre banquier quand vous parlez à la Russie.” That is really a serious attack

  16. 10시간 전

    destroyed MLP on Russia and her bank loan. That was ugly. She had nothing to say. And it’s on the EU now.

  17. 10시간 전

    History is calling us.

  18. 11시간 전

    56% of Americans favor requiring people on planes, trains and public transportation to wear masks... 24% opposed 20% neither in favor nor opposed

  19. 11시간 전

    Missed cancer screenings can cost lives. has called on us to act, and in partnership with programs like the “Mammovan” in NV, we are.

  20. 13시간 전

    The world’s democracies will not stand idly by in the face of continued Russian aggression and war crimes. Today Canada and a number of our democratic partners walked out of the G20 plenary when Russia sought to intervene.

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  21. 14시간 전

    JD Vance wants Trump to fire all career civil servants without cause and “replace them with our people” in his second term. Since today is Hitler’s birthday, it’s appropriate to note that is exactly what Hitler did, and the man Vance called “the American Hitler” has endorsed him.


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