Increased risks of haematological and vascular events that led to hospital admission or death were observed for short time intervals after first doses of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 mRNA vaccines, finds new research
The climate crisis is a health crisis and has a narrow window for intervention, says this Editorial
Aug 27
We must have realistic expectations of how much influence FDA approval will have on vaccine hesitant populations, says Peter Hotez
Aug 26
Wealthy countries have secured hundreds of millions of covid vaccines that they no longer need or cannot use.
Aug 25
Gross inequities are causing much preventable suffering, needlessly prolonging the pandemic, and leaving us all at risk of vaccine resistant variants
Aug 19
Companies and rich nations are creating a deadly covid-19 vaccine “protection racket,” argue Fatima Hassan, Gavin Yamey, and Kamran Abbasi
Aug 16
The UK is an outlier in holding off vaccinating healthy 12-17 year olds, argue these authors
Jul 23
The JCVI has estimated that one vaccine dose will provide young people with at least 80% protection against hospital admission with covid-19
Aug 5