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an international journal from BMJ and BTS, publishes high impact research across all areas of respiratory medicine and critical care

  Impact Factor: 9.139
Citescore: 13.5
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Thorax is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal.

Thorax is one of the world's leading respiratory medicine journals, publishing clinical and experimental research articles on respiratory medicine, paediatrics, immunology, pharmacology, pathology, and surgery. Thorax seeks to publish significant advances in scientific understanding, which are likely to impact on clinical practice. This includes articles concerning basic and translational mechanisms with application to clinical material (cell and molecular biology, genetics, epidemiology, and immunology).

Thorax is an official journal of the British Thoracic Society and is a companion to BMJ Open Respiratory Research.

Professor Nicholas Hart, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Professor Gisli Jenkins, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK
Professor Alan Smyth, University of Nottingham, UK
Editorial board

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Read the most-cited articles from the past three years for free.

COVID-19: information for the respiratory community from BTS

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Thorax accepts submissions of a wide range of article types, including original research, state of the art reviews and protocols.
The Author Information section provides specific article requirements to help you turn your research into an article suitable for Thorax.
Information is also provided on editorial policies and open access.

BTS Winter Meeting Abstracts

BTS Winter Meeting Programme and Abstracts


Programme and Abstracts from the February 2021 British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting.


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Craigavon, Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon

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The Southern Trust wishes to recruit to the above post at the CRAIGAVON AREA HOSPITAL. The post holder will play a key role in the maintaining and ...

Recruiter: Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine

Whipps Cross Hospital, London

£82,096 - £110,683

The successful post holder will be working alongside an established respiratory team to support a large provision of inpatient and outpatient care

Recruiter: Barts Health NHS Trust

Consultant in Integrated Respiratory and General Medicine

London (North), London (Greater)

£82,096 to £110,683 a year

Consultant required to sharing the NIV on-call advice rota, pleural ultrasound & bronchoscopy services as well as on-call physician OOH GIM rota.

Recruiter: Whittington Health NHS Trust

Consultant In Respiratory Medicine

Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol

£82,096 - £110,683 pa

Consultant in Respiratory Medicine with a specialist interest in lung cancer and intervention - particularly pleural and EBUS.

Recruiter: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical Fellow (ST3+) in Respiratory Medicine


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The opportunity has arisen for a Clinical Fellow (ST Equivalent Grade) within the Respiratory Medicine in NHS Tayside Applications will be consider...

Recruiter: NHS Tayside