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The Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer

is an open access journal that publishes high quality research, literature reviews, position papers and practice guidelines, and case studies on all components of cancer immunology and immunotherapy.

Impact Factor: 13.751
Citescore: 10.4
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The Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC) is the open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes on all aspects of tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy, aiming to enrich communication and advance scientific understanding in this rapidly evolving field. Topics of interest range across the basic science-translational-clinical spectrum and include tumor-host interactions, the tumor microenvironment, animal models, predictive and prognostic immune biomarkers, novel pharmaceutical and cellular therapies, vaccines, combination immune-based therapies, and immune-related toxicity.

As a way to say thank you to the dedicated Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) members who tirelessly work to advance the science and improve the lives of patients with cancer, SITC will provide members with a 50% discount on article processing charges for all member-authored 2021 publications.

Pedro J. Romero, MD, University of Lausanne
Editorial Board

COVID-19: A Message from BMJ

Current Issue

New COVID-19 Review Series

The latest special series from JITC, COVID-19 and Cancer Immunotherapy, is a set of authoritative reviews that serves as a valuable resource illustrating the impact COVID-19 has on cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy, providing guidance on clinical decision-making, and offering insights on the use of immunotherapy to treat COVID-19 manifestations. In addition to this special series, JITC continues to publish COVID-related cancer immunotherapy articles in the COVID-19 Collection.

About SITC

The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) is the world’s leading member-driven organization specifically dedicated to improving cancer patient outcomes by advancing the science and application of cancer immunotherapy.


Learn more about the SITC’s mission and explore the cancer immunotherapy community at SITC Cancer Immunotherapy CONNECT.